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Posts posted by LUZR4LIFE
What IE7 addon are you using? I use OnePiece_IE7_WinXPSP3_v2.2.1_AddOn_ENU.7z.
When I make my XPCD I do SP3, IE7 and then WMP 11. I have never had a issue yet.
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When I start Windows Live IM my internet connection disconnects and I just reformatted. I am using Vista and Windows firewall. I am not using wireless. After a few seconds I get my connection back. Is there any known issues of this or fixes?
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Do you have those files already modified? Or do you need to learn how to make them and integrate?
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Thanks. I had no issues with any other PC's just this one. Aftter hours of trouble shooting I found out that it was conflicting with a bad bluetooth driver.
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I guess no one else knows.
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I am working on a Dell Inspiron 6400/E1505, I have reformatted it and install all the drivers from the website. I can find my wireless router put when I try to connect, it will not get passed the acquiring network address. I have put in the correct phrase
I have never installed blue tooth before and it has been installing for more than a half hour, is that normal?
Thank you.
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KB888111 is now part of SP3 RTM. Do not integrate it for SP3.
If your audio does not work in vanilla WinXP SP3 there is something else wrong
Thanks, will try when I have time.
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Thanks for the AIO theme packs
NP, your welcome
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Yeah, it's best to always start fresh. I have several builds and always add most programs last.
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Thanks for sharing
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No the start menu group and shortcut is not being created.
Try to do what I explained, that should work. Also, try to remove your "infotip" in your .inf. That may sound weired but I have actually had that issue with some programs, not sure why though so I just do it the way I posted.
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Hi Yzöwl
I removed Games in "Retro Games" as you can see below, but the shortcuts are still not being created.
CHRONOSMAIN = "Retro\Chronos"
As i said before the inf file 'pagedfrg' creates the shortcut.
I am wondering if it the one in bold that is the problem? I will try it out and report back
Name = Chronos
CmdLine = 16422,%CHRONOSMAIN%,Chronos.exe
WorkingDir = 16422,%CHRONOSMAIN%
InfoTip = An Old Spectrum Clasic Game
Is the shortcut not being made or is it a broken icon?
When I have a issue with a shorcut I use this.
%ProgramFiles% (ex. "C:\Unreal Tournament 3" to "%ProgramFiles%\Unreal Tournament 3"
CopyFiles =AddShortcut.Files
AddShortcut.Files =16407,STARTMENUFOLDER
; 16407 = %allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs
; 16386 = %userprofile%\Start Menu\Programs
SHORCUTNAMEHope this helps.
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I wanna recommend to you a program by n7Epilson called FGCBA, you use it to test your entries.ini and inf files
**** FGCBA 0.897 * by n7Epsilon * [url=""][/url] ****
- Starting Logger "All your bug are report by me!!" -
I: Date/Time of execution: 4/1/2008 10:27:57 PM UTC
I: Specified Parameters:
* C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\test.inf
* /log:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\log_test.txt
I: Dump of ParamsTable (ArgumentParser v2):
* log = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\log_test.txt
I: ExtINFParser engaged, attempting read "test.inf"
** Reading INF file: test.inf...
I: Read variables in [Strings] section:
RETROGAMES = "Retro Games"
CHRONOSMAIN = "Retro Games\Chronos"
CHRONOSFONT = "Retro Games\Chronos\Font"
CHRONOSLEVEL = "Retro Games\Chronos\Level"
CHRONOSSFX = "Retro Games\Chronos\Sfx"
CHRONOSGFX = "Retro Games\Chronos\Gfx"
- Warn: [DefaultInstall] section does not exist in test.inf
* Parsing [Optional Components] section...
* Parsing [retrogames] section...
- Processing CopyFiles directive...
* Parsing [SourceDisksNames.x86] section...
* Parsing [SourceDisksFiles] section...
* Parsing [DestinationDirs] section...
- Parsing [CopyChronosMain] section...
- Parsing [CopyChronosFont] section...
- Parsing [CopyChronosLevel] section...
- Parsing [CopyChronosSfx] section...
- Parsing [CopyChronosGfx] section...
- Error: Orphaned file "saucernasty.png" in [CopyChronosGfx] This file was never referenced by [SourceDisksFiles] in test.inf!
- Error: "saurcernasty.png" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the CopyFiles sections in test.inf!
!- 1 warning(s):
- [DefaultInstall] section does not exist in test.inf
!- 1 warning(s).
!- 2 error(s):
- Orphaned file "saucernasty.png" in [CopyChronosGfx] This file was never
referenced by [SourceDisksFiles] in test.inf!
- "saurcernasty.png" is specified in [SourceDisksFiles] but not in any of the
CopyFiles sections in test.inf!
!- 2 error(s).
!!!!- Critical error(s) detected, process aborted.
- Stopping Logger -It says you have a typo. The SourceDisksFiles and CopyFiles filename do not match
[sourceDisksFiles]saurcernasty.png =1
Yzöwl the spaces wont hurt
D A M N you Rick. LMAO.
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From past experience, hard drive going dead.
Watch out for louder than normal sound coming from hard drive.
Usually precursor to failing.
If u here it clicking it means its failing or failed.
Thanks for your help, I know that when it gets noise that its a sign of it going bad, in this case there were no noises just a warning to backup and replace..
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You said this is the 2nd drive that's gone out. Is this the "same" drive? By that, I mean is the 2nd failed drive the replacement for the 1st failed drive? If so, check your power connections to see if it's on a different power cable than the other drives (i.e. are the other drives all connected to the same cable, but this one is on a seperate one?). If so, you could have a bad power cable coming from the PSU, or a bad rail (which would've been causing other problems as well).
Yes, this was a replacement drive that went bad. I have 2 320G HDD on on pwr cord with a P11 connection. Unfortunately I don't recall how I had the pwr setup when the last one went bad. I will mark the pwr cord this time when t he replacement comes, to see if it is limited to that specific P11. Thanks.
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LMAO. Vista isn't to bad if you only use it for internet, IM. LMAO
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What are your PC specs?
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well if you get that error again, immedialty backup the drive, dont use the computer until you do back it up.
as punto hinted at, what psu do you have?
I have already disconnected it until I can clone it. But I am using a EarthWatts 500 Watt ATX 12V Power Supply, it is about 8 months old.
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OK. I have 3 HDDS now (1X320g, 1X200G and 1X80g until my replacement comes, which is another 320g). When I restarted I got a error message " "Hard disk failure is imminent. Please back up your hard disk and have it replaced".
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I would say "Manufacturing Fault" or it took a big hit...
Thanks, thats what I was thinking but, this is the 2nd HDD go out on me and I just wanted to know if there were other things that can cause them to go bad.
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I have had a 320G WD for around 3 months and Had to get a replacement. I monitor my HDD temps and never get above 34C. This HDD is used for only storing movies. I am using Diskeeper 2008 on VISTA and it is set to Auto. I also manually Defrag when I make changes (adding and removing).
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It was hacked again? How? Give some details.
I don't have the details.
It's just in Ricktendo's IM display message.
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Well, to be honest I don't know what to do now. Here is the answer from our current shared hosting support team:
This user without any doubt needs a dedicated server. It is not his
bandwidth or space storage, his forum user connections is what creating the
cpu load.
Dedicated hosting server costs about 150$/month and my current payments don't cover that nor I haven't received any donations except one from JurgenDoe...
I suspect on a hack, since it's not happening all the time.. There were no problems for 3 weeks since we moved to another server, until now..
I'm curious... What have your monthly stats been like? CPU load, number of members, bandwidth usage, etc.?
Have you looked into VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting instead of a dedicated one?
Last I heared from N1K the load was at 33% I believe. Also, I just found out that WinCert was Hacked.
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I just tried going to and it showed a page saying:This Account Has Been Suspended
Please contact the billing/support department as soon as possible.
WinCert is moving to a dedicated server, due to the hits it has been getting. So it maybe down for another couple days until the move is done.
nLite error on IE7 merger
in nLite
Yes, Ie7 should have been in SP3, not sure about WMP 11. It would be nice but I have yet gotten WMP11 in any update, they are trying to keep that hidden still, but what ekse can MS do but the wrong thing. LOL