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About Pelekan

  • Birthday 08/31/1973

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  1. I've published a video tutorial, step by step how to get Access Windows Server 2003 Share Without Login Prompt. Check it here: http://www.itstuff.ca/
  2. Unattended Installation Avira Antivirus. Checked on Windows 7. Demo at ITSTUFF.CA Avira_custome_install.au3
  3. http://www.itstuff.ca/2009/05/unattended-i...-antivirus.html
  4. Everybody knows that I'm real fun of Unattended Installation. I try to do as much as possible to automate everything . Time to time, I meet applications are not supporting unattended or silent installation. In this situation, my "Best Friend" is Autoit helps me. In the following video, you can see a demo, how by using Autoit script (BTW, any Autoit script could be compiled into .EXE file) I'm installing Avira Antivirus on Windows 7 RC1 (Win7 RC1)... Continue at source: http://www.itstuff.ca/
  5. Copy, XCopy,....all this is JUST file-base backup. In Windows a lot of settings stored in Registry. I would like to recommend you take a look into the NTBACKUP (you do not have to buy anything, NTBACKUP is a part of Windows). You can use script to run NTBACKUP and do a FULL backup of your system into the file, like BACKUP.bkf.... When you do system reinstall, just do simple Restore (select overite all) and ...reboot and you have everything fully working....
  6. http://thesystemadministrator.com/the_syst...m_command_line/ enjoy
  7. It's a lot of posts that explained how to detect HAL. Almost all of those solutions done in VB script. As well I've seen a lot of post about "problems' running VB script under WinPE. So, one day I tried to create a batch file, that allows to detect a HAL under WinPE. I did all my test under VistaPE 12 (I've used the VistaPE v.12 RC1). Here is content of HAL_Detector.bat script: @echo off REM . REM . - Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC: ACPIPIC_UP REM . - ACPI Uniprocessor PC: ACPIAPIC_UP REM . - ACPI Multiprocessor PC: ACPIAPIC_MP REM . REM . Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC REM . - halacpi.dll (renamed to hal.dll) REM . - ntkrnlpa.exe REM . - ntoskrnl.exe REM . REM . ACPI Uniprocessor PC REM . - halaacpi.dll (renamed to hal.dll) REM . - ntkrnlpa.exe REM . - ntoskrnl.exe REM . REM . ACPI Multiprocessor PC REM . - halmacpi.dll (renamed to hal.dll) REM . - ntkrpamp.exe (renamed to ntkrnlpa.exe) REM . - ntkrnlmp.exe (renamed to ntoskrnl.exe) REM . REM .................... Explanation About Diferent HAL Versions ..................... ........ REM . SETLOCAL SET PC-HAL= SET NumberOfLogicalProcessors= SET New-HAL= For /F "Tokens=3 Delims= " %%a in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\Root\ACPI_HAL\0000 /v HardwareID') DO Set PC-HAL=%%a IF %PC-HAL% == acpipic Set New-HAL=ACPI_Uniprocessor_PC IF %PC-HAL% == acpiapic ( For /F %%a in ('@WMIC COMPUTERSYSTEM GET NumberOfLogicalProcessors /value^|find "NumberOfLogicalProcessors"') do Set %%a ) IF %NumberOfLogicalProcessors% == Set New-HAL=HAL_NOT_DETECTED IF %NumberOfLogicalProcessors% == 1 Set New-HAL=ACPI_Uniprocessor_PC IF %NumberOfLogicalProcessors% == 2 Set New-HAL=ACPI_Multiprocessor_PC IF %NumberOfLogicalProcessors% == 4 Set New-HAL=ACPI_Multiprocessor_PC @echo Detected HAL: %New-HAL% @echo Number of Logical Processors: %NumberOfLogicalProcessors% endlocal
  8. I'll try to check this next week. Now i'm working on other project and absolutely have no time to check this, sorry.
  9. Thanks alot!! thanks also to pelican I was trying to run an Autoit process, then i downloaded AdminStudio to convert the .exe to .msi, and then i had a few problems to register the user to Logmein, but that was so complicated lol. This solution makes it easier for all of us I'll do my best to help!
  10. I didn't find solution to do the new LogMein absolutely quite, but i managed to insert All information about my LogmeIn account into MSI file (see one othe post in this thread) so, when MSI runs on user's computer, hi just see the setup wizard, but can't see my account information. To be a little bit more secure, i put MSI inside SFX archive, configured SFX archive to automatically start installation process and then delete the MSI file .
  11. Yes, now you can see an Installation screen, but everything now should be unattended. regarding error about profile... i didn't find solution for this, so I've created an Autoit script to press Enter , see one of my previous posts.
  12. can you provide the whole command you are running? psexec \\Machinename -u UserID -p UserPW cmd /c c:\regfiles\logmein.msi /quiet USERPASSWORD=UserPW USERVERIFYPWD=UserPW USEREMAIL=user@site.com USERWEBPASSWORD=UserPw LicenseType=free Names have been changed to protect the innocent. The user ID and password are to a local admin account. Try ti change /quite to /qr
  13. can you provide the whole command you are running?
  14. It worked with that version. The new 4.0.784 is not working for me. I am getting an 1603 error message with the most current version. after changing the installer with orca. Just using the psexec script to run it. Any Ideas? Let's try move psexec out . Try to run the installation from local drive, let's say from C:\INS\..... I've seen 1603 error when i tried to run MSI files from network.
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