Post updated. The Tweak UI control planel will let you have more power over your system. There are two Unoffical service packs for windows 98. Each make by a different user. There is a section on windows 98 imporvments that I think you would like to see. I found it through google and am trying to get back to it infact (It is on this site). The autpatcher for windows 98 will give your system better stability, it give all offical and unoffical updates. Windows 98 to ME killer replacements will give your system even more stability and functionality. Windows revoulutions pack 7 will provide more functionality to your system. X-setup offers alot of options on speeding up your system and customization. I avoided installing the Unoffical sevice pack as in the past is have the worst habbit of disableing standby. You sould disable any special effects as they can be a hog on power. The best tip is to use defrag, windows 98 defrag will speed your system up by placing programs first. Windows 98 defrag all so dose a through job of defraging. No other version of windows dose this oddly enough. If you have two hard drives, ensure that your virtual ram is on the fastest hard drive. Use the fat 32 fileing system on the drive/partion that windows 98 is on. Disable services you don't use. If your graphics card has services (display properties, advanced), disable the one you don't use. This trick can also extends battery life on a laptop. Put your refresh rate (display properties, advanced) to it's lowest setting (85hz is safe on the eyes), reduce your graphics resoulition to there lowest position thet you are comfortable with. There are many more tips on improving speed, using just the regristry you will do wonders. You can search on the internet, there is a web site that is dedicated on the subject. It was so good that I saved alot of the pages to my hard drive, they replaced nearly every tweaking program I have ever used. In the end you will have a system that looks like Vista and work like XP. Any thing else?