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Everything posted by freshprince

  1. hello evry1, i must say that being a member of this forum has really enlightened me....one hardly has any need to make a post since all the answers needed are already covered(well almost ). but the one problem that i have now is the issue of this Autoit scripts. I just created my own (vert first)script for "vistacodec pack beta" it ran well if i must say and then i compiled it to an exe. now i tried to test my exec file only to see so many icons running on my task bar. my question is this: Do i need to add the program from which i created the compiled exec file into the same directory in order to test the compiled script? i hope that i made myself clear enough. thanks quote name='elajua' date='Jan 29 2007, 04:55 AM' post='618917'] you have to install autoit in order to get any script compiled into an exe. then you can use the compiled exe along with your program to be able to launch it properly. just install autoit, righ-click your script and click on compile. I'm sorry i did not quite get it initially i will try this when i get home
  2. hello evry1, i must say that being a member of this forum has really enlightened me....one hardly has any need to make a post since all the answers needed are already covered(well almost ). but the one problem that i have now is the issue of this Autoit scripts. I just created my own (vert first)script for "vistacodec pack beta" it ran well if i must say and then i compiled it to an exe. now i tried to test my exec file only to see so many icons running on my task bar. my question is this: Do i need to add the program from which i created the compiled exec file into the same directory in order to test the compiled script? i hope that i made myself clear enough. thanks
  3. hello evry 1 here, well it's good to be here with you all. here is my problem i have this usb infra red device,but i have lost the driver cd . here are the specs i got from using "driver guide tool kit" software. i hope it helps. can somebody help to get this driver or how can an already existing driver be modified to work with this device. thanks in advance
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