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Everything posted by BabisSougias

  1. Hi you guys! Thank you, it was great help! (just saw it now) @radix: The archive is passworded. What is the pass?
  2. The following commands: DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore somehow mess with the installation. They sure mess with the regional settings and maybe other stuff. I had set mine to Greek and when using these parameters, everything changed back to English(United States) and Greek disappeared completely from the installed windows. Without these parameters everything works smoothly. (Thanks to the flawless Trial & Error method for finding this)
  3. I am not sure if is different from an x86 version, as the x86 version installs fine on my x64 WinXP, but if it is different and someone has made/can make said installer, it would be greatly appreciated
  4. I have completed my unattended dvd for windows 32-bit and was giving a go to windows 64-bit. I made the same steps but i have trouble with the regional options. In particual, if i choose greek on all options(with n-lite) the greek language is not even installed. Then, when i test my dvd office says the language i am trying to install is not supported by the OS and doesnt install :/. Two things: 1) By comparing the two WINNT.SIF between the 32-bit DVD and the 64-bit one, they are identical(except the cd-key of course...). THe 32-bit version works great 2) When i install the 64-bit version unattended without regional specification or normally(non-unattended) the greek language is installed, although obviously not preselected. The WINNT.SIF is this: ; Generated by nLite 1.4.1 [Data] AutomaticUpdates="Yes" Autopartition=0 MsDosInitiated=0 UnattendedInstall="Yes" [Unattended] UnattendMode=FullUnattended UnattendSwitch="Yes" OemPreinstall="Yes" OemSkipEula="Yes" FileSystem=* WaitForReboot="No" NoWaitAfterTextMode=1 NoWaitAfterGUIMode=1 DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [SystemRestore] DisableSR=1 CreateFirstRunRp=0 [GuiUnattended] AdminPassword=* TimeZone=130 OEMSkipRegional=1 OemSkipWelcome=1 [Shell] CustomDefaultThemeFile="%WinDir%\Resources\Themes\My Theme (nL).theme" DefaultStartPanelOff="Yes" [Components] [UserData] ProductKey="xxxxxxxxx" ComputerName=UWI FullName="UWI" OrgName="-" [RegionalSettings] LanguageGroup=4 Language= "0408" [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents="Yes" [WindowsFirewall] Profiles=WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall [WindowsFirewall.TurnOffFirewall] Mode=0 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup="WORKGROUP"
  5. and worked koszopal Hey can you explain exactly what you did? I deleted RunWPI.exe and replaced it with a RunWPI.cmd file that contained your script. Then on cmdlines.txt i changed the entry "RunWPI.exe" with "RunWPI.cmd". Is this correct? Also about your order issues. Make sure when configuring an application on WPI that you set the order number on the top right box. I used full numbers meaning 000005 instead of 5, 000015 instead of 15 etc.... Also on the options menu uncheck the option "Install by Category".
  6. [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Shell Extension] "ExchangeIconForAlcoholDefault"="0" "EnableOtherExtensions"="0" "OtherExtensions"="" [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Sound Effect] "PlaySounds"="0" [HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2000478354-1677128483-1343024091-1003\Software\Alcohol Soft\Alcohol 120%\Options\Virtual drive] "MountImageTo1stDeviceOnDblClickingImageFile"="1" "RemountImageUponSystemReboot"="1" How come i dont have these registry keys?
  7. Thank you, thats what i wanted
  8. i didn't know that. No i don't care if its checked as long as it is disabled. Thank you : ).
  9. Yeah i am aware of that, but i want it to not get installed in the first place, meaning remove it from the unattended installation.
  10. By right clicking on a drive->properties, you can see a check box of the indexing service at the bottom of the window. Apart from an auto-it script, is there a way to have this disabled by default. ( i have already disabled the service with n-lite)
  11. Updating works fine . But how about removal? I want to remove the add-on of daemon tools so that i can use the alcohol add-on. (both add-ons from this forum)
  12. As topic title says, how can i remove an add-on so that i can integrate a new version or just remove it completely?
  13. : ) Thank you very much!
  14. I was actually interested in making an add-on for the STDP only, so i want to remove the entry.
  15. Hey again. I found some information you might find interesting. With the method which you copy the language pack files on the installation point: Create a config.xml at the same directory as setup.exe: <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> <AddLanguage Id="en-us" ShellTransform="yes"/> <AddLanguage Id="el-gr" /> </Configuration> With these commands i add english-us and make them the language the Shell will use and i also add greek. You would probably only need the first line since you only deal with english. With the same command you add any language you want. Then the installation is unattended . Meaning you just create the .msp file with the /admin command, you choose from options that also include everything the language pack has and you just run setup like if you didn't have any language pack in the first place. That way you don't need autoIT script.
  16. When i use the add-on on nLite, a new .exe file appears in the I386\SVCPACK. Its the .exe that can be found on the .cab file. Where does the .inf file go?
  17. Ok so i put this to add-ons with n-lite but it doesn't work. I can't think of anything to have gone wrong. It's a one-step process o-O. Weird. No errors or anything, but its as if i never added it.
  18. I am currently satisfied with the WPI, can't think of anything i want
  19. Been looking for this too. Thanx
  20. I tested it and it works with both ways, i only had to change a few names because of the different language pack. Thanx a ton .
  21. Ok, so to clarify because i might have confused you. I copy paste all language pack files to the root directory of my installation(See left side of the screenshot on post directly above). Setup realises that, and offers the options shown on the screenshot on the top post. It also changes what options you have when you click to install the main program! Therefore you are able to install everything at once, but the only problem is that the message prompting you to choose what to install(top post screenshot) will always occur. A script that just clicks next at the right time is all that is needed. At least i think so :/ I understand what your script does, but i think there is a better way for you too : ).
  22. Check my edited post. Also here is a screeshot for that: This is the main point of the installation which has new options once you copy paste everything. I think you can do the same thing and not have to run a second installer, just a small script to press Alt+N at the right time. Also, if you do that, then the updates will launch after everything is installed and will also update the proofing tools(the main service pack 1 contains the fixes for languange packs as well).
  23. I mean the Update folder from office 2007, the one you drop all update file in and then they are automatically installed during installation. You know, the new method microsoft thinks it's really good, but in reality takes more space and more time. Wait, unless i am missing something. I need to copy some file from the language pack to the installation point right? Then i edit the xml as you said, and then i use the AutoIt script? edit: As i see on the script, keystrokes are send to click next for the program to begin. I didn't know you could do that. If you can do it there is an easier way to make the installation. As i already mentioned if you copy paste all Language pack files on the source of your silent installation point and then run setup.exe /admin then you have the ability to choose stuff from both packs at once! I was able to do that without needing to run a second installer, i just needed a way to get that "Next" clicked. So what script do i need to press "next"?
  24. I have SP1 extracted on my Update folder. Will the fixes for the language pack take priority or will it happen afterwards?
  25. I have already created my Silent Office 2007 installation. I just came across a language pack for my native language(greek) and i am trying to install that silently too. I actually only want the Proofing Tools. 1) Direct Method (based on info found on the MS Resource center) Copy paste the language files on the installation source directory. No overwrites occur(except 2-3 files which are essentially exactly the same). If i run setup normally(no switches etc) i get the message on the screenshot attached and continue the Installation normally and everything is good. However, when i create an *.MSP file to make the installation silent, i still get prompted to choose and until i click next the installation pauses. So i can't figure out a way to get rid of that message. 2) Indirect Method Install Office 2007 normally with my already created installation which has been tested and works great, and then apply the language pack. However, there is no way to customize the installation the same way as office is, not even make it silent. I copied some files from the office 2007 to enable the /admin command but that does't work either. 3) Alternative Method I tried to somehow add the proofing tools to the original installation, by copying the appropriate files and editing .xml but that didn't work either. Setup said there were no applications to install and didn't even start the process. Any ideas? : )
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