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Everything posted by fredbloggs

  1. I just had %reboot% 30 in there for the purposes of testing this and it was default. Have lowered the setting (%reboot% 3) and also entered a sleep command of %sleep% 4 (i.e. one second longer). This has given me a workaroumd but am still at a loss as to why it should work for the first reboot and not subsequent reboots. Thanks, maybe I should just use %reboot% and the problem will go away or not be noticed. Thx
  2. I'm using the command %reboot% to reboot my server and then to resume where it left off on reboot and logon. This works fine for the first reboot. i.e. step1 runs, reboots, logon, step2 runs, starts reboot process but also starts running step3. The reboot completes and step3 gets killed by the reboot. step3 seems to restart after this reboot (as long as it didn't finish before the reboot completed) but you end up with a messy install. I have created a simplified config to test this and it always has the issue with the second %reboot% and not the specific command. I have attached a copy of the WPI Logfile, and as you can see @ 11:07:41 it ran "shutdown -r -f -t 30" It then followed that up at 11:07:44 by running step3.cmd and trying a new shutdown.exe (which failed because it was already running a shutdown.exe from 11:07:41) I have several %reboot% required in my final script and would appreciate any pointers that can help. TIA Mark config.js pn=1; prog[pn]=['Application 1']; uid[pn]=['APPLICATION1']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; forc[pn]=['no']; cmd1[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\tidyup\\step1.cmd"']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Application 2']; uid[pn]=['APPLICATION2']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; forc[pn]=['no']; cmd1[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\tidyup\\step2.cmd"']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Application 3']; uid[pn]=['APPLICATION3']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['Applications']; forc[pn]=['no']; cmd1[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\tidyup\\step3.cmd"']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; pn++; Step1.cmd @echo off echo This is step 1 pause Step2.cmd @echo off echo This is step 2 pause Step3.cmd @echo off echo This is step 3 pause WPI_Log.txt
  3. I found that I got this error if I had %reboot% specified but no more packages to install after that reboot. Resolved this by using a final script (order 9999999) that ran a manual reboot and didn't specify the %reboot% variable. Perhaps that will work for you Mark
  4. Guess I needed to RTFM. Hadn't realised that 'Install By Category' was the option I wanted, manual says it all really. Still, even before this the applications weren't being installed in the order specified in my config.js but that's another story. Thanks Mark
  5. You can tell I'm a noob. Options -> Installer -> Sort Within Categories I presume. Anyway, unchecking that seems to have reverted it to the order specified in config.js which is a partial success. However it still isn't taking account of the order value. Other option I can think of is renaming each application with a prefix, something like 0001 - Proliant.... 0002 - Office Scan etc. Thanks Whoops, missed your screenshot, I'll try that in a minute
  6. My applications don't seem to be installing in the order I have specified in the config. I have attached a screenshot of the order that my install seems to be going in, as you can see from the screenshot compared to the config.js file it doesn't seem correct. It should be Proliant Support Pack OfficeScan Citrix Management Consoles 1 Citrix Management Consoles 2 Citrix PS 4.5 Finish Install I am using WPI 5.6 and have tried placing ' ' around the ordr field, i.e. ordr[pn]=['1'] but this hasn't helped either. The strange thing is when I go to the Config section it shows the applications in the order that they install in, but if I then go to 'Options' and then 'Config' it shows the applications in the Installation order specified. Doesn't makre any difference to the install order though. I have seen another post that sort of references the same problem whereby the install order I have specified doesn't seem to take effect. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=54965 Any other ideas would be grwatly appreciated Thanks Mark My config.js shows up as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Your programs here ... //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pn=1; prog[pn]=['ProLiant Support Pack']; ordr[pn]=[1]; desc[pn]=['Installs HP support tools']; uid[pn]=['PROLIANTSUPPORTPACK']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['yes']; cmd1[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Proliant_SupportPack\\setupc.exe" /use-latest']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Office Scan']; ordr[pn]=[2]; desc[pn]=['Trend OfficeScan AV software']; uid[pn]=['OFFICESCAN']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['yes']; deps[pn]=['PROLIANTSUPPORTPACK']; cmd1[pn]=['\\\\msfs03\\ps4im$\\Packages\\Initial Build\\TrendOfficeScan\\officescan@090207.msi']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Citrix Install Mode']; ordr[pn]=[3]; desc[pn]=['Changes Citrix into Install Mode']; uid[pn]=['CITRIXINSTALLMODE']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['OFFICESCAN']; cmd1[pn]=['"%WINDIR%\\system32\\change.exe" user /install']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Citrix Management Consoles - 1']; ordr[pn]=[4]; desc[pn]=['Access Suite Console Framework - Required for the management components of Citrix']; uid[pn]=['CITRIXMANAGEMENTCONSOLES-1']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['CITRIXINSTALLMODE']; cmd1[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_Framework.msi" /qb-!']; cmd2[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_HotfixManagement.msi" /qb-!']; cmd3[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_Diagnostics.msi" /qb-!']; cmd4[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_KnowledgeBase.msi" /qb-!']; cmd5[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_Legacy.msi" /qb-!']; cmd6[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_ReportCenter.msi" /qb-!']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Citrix Management Consoles - 2']; ordr[pn]=[5]; desc[pn]=['Access Suite Console Framework - Required for the management components of Citrix']; uid[pn]=['CITRIXMANAGEMENTCONSOLES-2']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['CITRIXINSTALLMODE']; cmd1[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_WebInterface.msi" /qb-!']; cmd2[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_Licensing.msi" /qb-!']; cmd3[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_PresentationServer.msi" /qb-!']; cmd4[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Access Management Console\\Setup\\ASC_PSReports.msi" /qb-!']; cmd5[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Administration\\Presentation Server Console\\CMC.msi" /qb-!']; cmd6[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Citrix\\CPS45_EN_W2K3\\Documentation\\docs.msi" /qb-!']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Install Citrix PS4.5']; ordr[pn]=[6]; desc[pn]=['Install Citrix Server 4.5. Runs a batch script as Command Line is large']; uid[pn]=['INSTALLCITRIXPS45']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; regb[pn]=['"\\\\msfs03\\install$\\Win2003 TS Install\\Registry\\PrepInstallMF.reg"']; cmd1[pn]=['"E:\\Install\\Citrix\\Install-CPS-45.cmd"']; cmd2[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Academy']; ordr[pn]=[7]; desc[pn]=['Install the base component of Academy']; uid[pn]=['ACADEMY']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['INSTALLCITRIXPS45']; cmd1[pn]=['\\\\msfs03\\ps4im$\\Packages\\Academy\\install-academy.cmd']; cmd2[pn]=['\\\\msfs03\\ps4im$\\Packages\\Academy\\Install-academy-Launcher.cmd']; cmd3[pn]=['\\\\msfs03\\ps4im$\\Packages\\Academy\\Install-Academy-Desktop250.cmd']; cmd4[pn]=['%reboot% 30']; cmd5[pn]=['\\\\msfs03\\ps4im$\\Packages\\Academy\\Install-Academy-Service.cmd']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Finish Install']; ordr[pn]=[9999999]; desc[pn]=['Tidies the Installation image, should always be run last']; uid[pn]=['FINISHINSTALL']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['yes']; cmd1[pn]=['"%CDROM%\\Install\\tidyup\\tidyup.cmd"']; pn++; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // End of program definitions ... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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