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Posts posted by Monroe

  1. Hi ....

    I have a question in Post #3 ... I did understand Post #1 and deleted those entries out of the registry but I don't understand how to delete the HWINFO entries. You say this in your post :


    "You can safely run the above registry deleter (the first one!), and it will definitely remove many of them,

    but some will likely remain."


    What "registry deleter" is this ? ... are you talking about a delete program ? .... you mention the "first one!" ... I just don't see or understand that part of your post. ... just not sure what the "first one!" is.

    thanks, duffy98

  2. herbalist - CharlotteTheHarlot,

    I was able to get Process Explorer version 10.21 at FileHippo ... I have been using version 11.11 so I guess the last "10" version (v10.21) will be fine.... I will just live with the version 7.04 for FileMon and RegMon ... they seem to work OK with Windows 98SE. I use a program called Memload to see how much resources a program or a particular version uses. Neat little program for Win 98, in case somebody never heard of it. You can test different versions with it to see if there is much of a difference in resources being used.

    Keep the information flowing ...


  3. herbalist - Rick,

    I'd be interested in having copies of the 3 programs that you mentioned ... what versions are you talking about ... the smaller size versions ... I do not have version 10.04 of Process Explorer and I do not have version 7.03 of Regmon and Filemon. I have version 7.04 ... since I read your post I have been looking on Google for an active download link to these versions and every link seems to be dead or goes to Microsoft for versions 7.04. I'd like to get a copy of that smaller version (10.04) of Process Explorer to try out ... I can probably live with versions 7.04 of Filemon and Regmon unless it would be possible for someone to post an active link or if you have them available for download. thanks ...



    Process Explorer

    Version 10.04 is 1.37MB (would like this one)

    Version 10.21 is 3.45MB


    Version 7.03 is 417KB (would like this one)

    Version 7.04 is 600KB


    Version 7.03 is 436KB (would like this one)

    Version 7.04 is 730KB

    I see no real changes in any of these from the last Sysinternals versions to the MS versions, except that the "save as" option of the MS versions of Filemon and Regmon doesn't work on 98. The previous versions do. I really have to wonder just what they changed that nearly doubled their size or even more.

    Regarding the EULA, if we work with versions that were released before MS bought them, the old EULA applies, not the new one.

    I have copies of all the Sysinternals utilities from before the purchase if anyone needs them.



    as far as having trouble with reading the top post ... I also have to scroll way to the right to read it. ... using IE 6 and Win 98SE.



  4. Maximus Decim / others...

    I downloaded and installed the latest version 3.05 and never saw anything about the two Optional components that are now part of this download. .... the Zip-folders and Spider Solitaire. There was nothing that gave me the option to install or pass on these two items. Just curious if anyone else had noticed this when they installed the latest version. I have installed this update on two Win 98SE laptop computers and it installed OK but those two options never appeared either time for me to make a decision to install or not install. I already have Spider but was interested more in checking out the Zip-folders program.



  5. Thanks herbalist for checking with the developer of SSM concerning the MPC problem. Since Media Player Classic seems to be the only program that might conflict with SSM, it would have been nice if the developer had the time and the interest to know why this one program has a problem with their product. ... Maybe someone (at the company) will research it out someday, just to understand the problem. Now I am curious, with newer versions of SSM and XP installed if MPC works OK on that system. I don't have XP so I can't test it, but that's something that would be interesting to know.

    I will just switch to XM Player, which is very good, but MPC played DVDs really good with the K-Lite codec package .... maybe there are other simple good DVD players out there ... but I don't play that many DVD movies on my pc anyway. ... there is one thing that I want to check out about MPC ... when I install the "full" K-Lite codec package I install MPC with it ... it's all in one package, but it's an option .... maybe it's not MPC ... maybe it's something in the K-Lite package ... so I need to try some different installs to see if MPC really is the problem.

    thanks - duffy

  6. herbalist ... thanks for replying about SSM and being able to duplicate the Media Player Classic problem. I really like the SSM program but I have used Media Player Classic with the K-lite codec package for several years. I guess I could switch to another player ... you said you have never run into any problems with the SSM version so this one program might be the only hangup ... MPC is such a small good DVD player but I could look for another ... I never heard of Dependency Walker ... I will google that ... maybe that one program (MPC) I could run through DW. I will wait to hear if you find any solutions or ideas about what is going on with SSM and MPC.


  7. to herbalist or anybody ... if they have run into this problem with System Safety Monitor v2.0.8.583 ...

    After posting a few days ago about System Safety Monitor v2.0.8.583 I have run into a problem and have taken SSM off my computer. It seemed to work with everything until I tried to open Media Player Classic ... it will not open, there are 3 "error" windows that pop up and then the computer completely freezes up. I uninstalled SSM and Media Player Classic opens and works just fine ... I re-installed SSM tonight and the errors and computer freeze up are there when I try to open Media Player Classic. Would like to know if anyone else has SSM and Media Player Classic installed on their Win 98SE machine and if there is any type of problem.

  8. This in response to Herbalist - post 159

    ... thanks for mentioning System Safety Monitor v2.0.8.583 . I have never heard of this program but it's a really nice program to have running on a computer ... at least I think so ... I have Win Patrol always on watching for some changes but this goes deeper, keeping an eye on anything that starts up anywhere to give a person a "heads up" that something is going on. ... I did try the newer version 585. ... terrible ... got the BSOD and my computer completely froze up ... the 583 version works just great for Windows 98SE. I guess this will be the "last version" for Win 98SE.


    ... from post 159:

    I'm using version of System Safety Monitor. Very stable on 98 thru XP. Haven't had the time to test their latest one, 585. The last time I tried 584, it had major problems (BSODs). Don't know if it's been fixed.

    With Proxomitron, version 45J is the last and the one most people use. The filter sets that come with it aren't bad. There's several other filter sets available, some still actively maintained. More on them here.



    thanks, duffy98

  9. Hi All ... I will let the moderator (s) decide if the last version of Foxit Reader 2.2.2129 for Windows is the last version for Win 98SE. It was listed to work with this OS but the new version (v2.3) no longer lists Win 98 or 98SE. This little paragraph is from the Foxit Reader website under Info/Overview :


    Foxit Reader is a free PDF document viewer and printer, with incredible small size (only 2.55 M download size), breezing-fast launch speed and rich feature set. Foxit Reader supports Windows Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista. Its core function is compatible with PDF Standard 1.7.


    ... as I said earlier, Win 98 was listed with the last version ... I wrote to FileHippo about this same question, since they are still saying (Windows - all versions). I never heard back from them. ... but at the FoxitReader website, Win 98SE is no longer included in the list.


  10. Hi ... I have used this update ( Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.2.50 (New!)) three times in the past 2 weeks and have noticed that once I run it on my Win 98SE machine the USA - Eastern Time Zone and other times have dissappeared from my machine. I helped update a friend's computer and my computer twice before I realized that it was possibility related to this newer update. I only have the Alaska time zone available and mostly the far East locations. The 3rd time it happened I ran your MDGx Daylight Saving Time update and my Eastern and all other time zones were back. I am posting this so this can be checked out and confirmed by others and if it has happened to others, the fix or repair seems to be the MDGx DST update. I have done a fresh install of Win 98SE and the Eastern USA time zone was there and then when I run the Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.2.50 (New!) the Eastern and other USA time zones are gone. I noticed this Sunday when my computer didn't change the time as it should of. Still a great update to have but I need to know if others have had this problem. thanks ...

  11. Hi All ...

    ... just wanted to ad that I am using Shockwave Full v10.2.023 and Flash Player (IE) from FileHippo and both are working just fine in my two Win 98SE notebooks. I also use Proxomitron and have tested both Shockwave and Flashplayer at the test sites mentioned a few posts back. I have downloaded Autopatcher (Oct 2007) but have never used it ... just Gape's older v2.1a and Maximus Decim Cumulative Update ver.2.50 for Windows 98SE. I do like the Auto-Patcher project by Soporific but I don't need everything that's in it ... so I update using the two I mentioned earlier. Maybe there are some conflicts with programs and Shockwave and Flashplayer ... but the latest versions seem to be working for me.

    A question for Sop and maybe just some information for some. I have stayed with the older WMP v6.4 but have installed the K-Lite Codec Package v3.4.5 (Full) with Media Player Classic ... this is the "last" version that will work with Win 98SE. Have you ever thought of adding this nice codec package to Auto-Patcher ... and I just mention it in case others have never heard of it. It is on FileHippo.


  12. .... from the last post about Process Explorer by Sysinternals. I also have that on my machine ... went to the site and downloaded a newer version. It's a good program. Now as to my earlier post #26 ... I have gone to the WinPatrol site and downloaded the latest version ... there is a "free" version and a "plus" version. I decided to try the newer version again, it has had a few updates since I last downloaded it. It is a good, simple program with little "Scotty" always on patrol.

    1st link ... http://www.winpatrol.com/upgrade.html ....

    2nd link ... http://www.winpatrol.com/ ....

    ... I just reposted to be more specific about the latest version and in case some readers out there had never heard of this neat little program. ... I still have Process Explorer by Sysinternals on my machine also ... Memload also works for Win 98 ... there are downloads still out there.


  13. I also like this program ... AnVir Task Manager Free ... and checked it out. I did notice through Memload that it does consume a lot of system resources ... it provides a lot of information but I decided to uninstall it and continue using an older version of Win Patrol (v7.0.1.0) that does a lot of what AnVir Task Manager Free does, but with a lot less resources.

    When I ran AnVir Task Manager Free my memory usage was 2.3 M compared to only 296 K with that version of WinPatrol. I'm not exactly sure of that 2.3 M figure for AnVir Task Manager Free ... it was over the 2.0 M mark according to Memload and I'm thinking it was near the 2.3 M or 2.4 M figure. Perhaps someone else can check this out to confirm. ... now I want to add ... this is not a complaint of any kind ... I like the program and will keep it handy to install if I need more info about something in particular ... but as an earlier post said ... it seems to be everywhere and you have to hunt some things down after uninstalling ... but it may be everywhere only because it does monitor and check so many things ... but for me the version of WinPatrol does almost the same thing in keeping an eye on everything with less resources. That version seems to work best with Windows 98SE ... for me anyway .... the newer version seems to work OK but the resources used go up a little ... and the newer version doesn't seem to offer anything much better ... just my 2 cents on AnVir Task Manager Free. .... but if you need to have extra information on something, it does seem to provide that ... definitely something nice to have around unless the resources used are of no concern.


  14. Posted MDCU 2.40 here:


    * Unofficial Windows 98 SE Cumulative Update (MDCU) 2.40:


    MDCU [11.7 MB, English, free]:



    ... just a thank you for putting this together and keeping it updated. I also liked Gape's version ... but I have read maybe he isn't well or something along that line. ... miss his project and his input ... but you have been a big help ... I find the Auto-Patcher is a nice program but is is more than I need ... I use your update and then add almost everything else that you mention in your "order of install" file. ... I still install Gape's last update first right after a fresh install of Win 98SE ... the reason is that I like the Windows 98SE startup and signoff logo that is in his update. Do you know if that was his "invention" or is that available from somewhere else to download ? ... that's the only way I know how to install it on my machine ... run his 98 SP 2.1a first just to get that 98 SE logo installed and then I go with your MDCU v2.40 update and everything else. ... can you add this logo to your update or site ... I searched on Google but couldn't find that particular logo anywhere for download... if it is Gape's invention then I can just get it from his last update. ... again, thanks for your project ... works for me.


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