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Posts posted by Dblake1
You probably actually have to have 3 monitors to do the above. I haven't tried simulating it.
Ah, I could fake multiple monitors in Win8.x just by setting the number in virtual machine settings. This does not work in Win10. According to your debug.log, it seems that only first 2560px is detected and thus smaller glass safety zones used. It results in glitches on anything beyond 2560px.
Also, I'm afraid that making FrameMargin won't be possible. It is much more difficult to implement on 32-bit so I thought I could add it as x64-only feature, but it seems that setting any margin completely breaks AeroSnap feature.
Looks like there are 3 glass safety zones allocated, each the width of my 3 monitors (2560 x 1600 is the center one, the ones on the sides are 1200 x 1600 as they are turned up sideways). Since it's a desktop that spans 3 monitors, are you saying it should be allocating a glass safety zone of 4960 pixels width (i.e., 1200 + 2560 + 1200)? Seems like all you'll have to do is add up the dimensions, then.
Regarding FrameMargin, that's a shame, though I understand completely. I've been looking over generated code lately in the process of optimizing my own products. And it changes. I've seen differences in VS 2015, for example, as compared to VS 2013. I wonder what version of Visual Studio Microsoft compiles Windows with.
As one who never, ever uses any snap feature I'd still love to have "experimental" FrameMargin support, but I'll understand if you feel it's unsupportable. Sooner or later a full theme implementation will come along that's well-polished, and probably that will restore borders more thoroughly.
You can restore theme borders without FrameMargin. In this new version of Aero Glass, bigmuscle implemented a layout file (you'd have your atlas.png and this new atlas.png.layout) that supports adding an actual border back. An example of this is in the win8cp atlas provided by BM.
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I made an interesting discovery in the latest build (10074). Due to the way that uDWM.dll checks the theme to disable colorization on titlebars (only checks the filename), by copying the folder Aero to Aero2, deleting original aerolite.msstyles, and renaming the aero.msstyles/.mui to aerolite.msstyles/.mui, I have re-enabled colorization in the default theme (ie NO UXTHEME PATCH):
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Hi Tihiy,
Thank you for updating SIB+.
Um... you really intend to make it work on W10?
I hope so. The "new" start menu is a bigger step BACKWARD than even the old Start screen was.
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= Custom Atlas Changer Tool For Windows 10 and AeroGlass =
- Easily add custom atlas theme files on the fly without having to manually go into the registry or hacking system files.
- Quickly restores back to Windows default theme buttons if needed.
- Tested and fully working with "Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.3.1" and "Windows 10 Technical Preview".
- Install Aero Glass ==>: first if not already installed.
- Then download Atlas Changer Tool ==>: and follow the easy readme instructions. .
Cool tool. I know that BigMuscle's AeroGlassGUI already allows you change the atlas easily; this is cool since it's basically a theme manager.
EDIT: I got inspired by your cmd-line Atlas Manager and I whipped up a (rough) GUI version with atlas installer (atlases should be dragged onto the installer EXE to install):
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This requires a patch to uDWM.dll, or a DLL similar to BigMuscle's AG for Win8. I'm working on the first one, whereas the second is out of my development experience.
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I know this may seem a bit farfetched, but since there is the "Address" taskbar toolbar, I was wondering if there was a way to get that to show as a toolbar in File Explorer itself. If you don't know about the toolbar I'm talking about, here:
As I said, since it is a taskbar toolbar, I think it should be as simple as a registry edit; but since it's Windows 8, I doubt it would be that simple.
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The app is under lazy-development. I would be glad to implement more features, but the main bug is inability to properly inject into all explorer / save as windows.
Until this is solved, it will remain "test version".
Not sure if it all related but I have a few issues with this...
- Every time I launch "OldNewExplorerCfg.exe", all the 4 checkboxes for "use command bar instead of ribbon" are checked. But I always check just one, the "hide up". If I close the window and re-launch it, all 4 checkboxes will be checked again.
- Even with "hide up" checked, every time I sign off and sign back in (or reboot the computer) the up button will still be visible. It seems to only work once after launching the configuration dialog, and revert back after sign off/in.
Anyone else having these issues or it's just me?
Has been happening for me since the first version.
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I don't really have much to contribute to this thread, but I just thought I'd tell you guys about a program I dug up from my archives about 8 months ago. It's a program called "DisplaySet", and is basically a replacement for Windows 7's "advanced appearance options" dialog. Funny thing is, it's from ~2000-2001.
Download it from HERE. Guaranteed virus and malware free.0 -
The app is under lazy-development. I would be glad to implement more features, but the main bug is inability to properly inject into all explorer / save as windows.
Until this is solved, it will remain "test version".
I hate to ask, since I know it'd (probably) be more work than it's worth, but could you backport this to 7 (or at least just the ShellStyle.dll UIFILE loading)? ONE on 8/8.1 is amazing, but I'm stuck using 7 since 8/8.1 performs poorly with games on my early-2011 laptop.
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Hello, I'm trying to do something similar to ThemeResourceChanger/ResourceSpy/OldNewExplorer, but am having trouble figuring out how to go about doing it. In theory, the DLL/program will check for UIFILEs/Bitmaps/other resources loaded by the system (for example, from shell32.dll) and load it's own in place of them (basically redirect the system to load those resources from my own files). I have no idea how to go about doing this sort of thing. I was wondering if anyone could show me some resources to look at so I can get started.
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EDIT: I got ResourceSpy to work without even running the EXE. I put AveResourceReplacer.dll in Appinit_DLLs and it works! Now, if only this tool was actually free and you didn't have a WSB license to download it normally.
That's not really safe.
Well it works for the moment. I know it's not necessarily the best method of doing things, but it works. I want to make my own program/library to load UIFILEs from shellstyle.dll on 7, but I have no knowledge to do so.
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It would be awesome if you could backport the loading of UIFILE resources in shellstyle.dll to Windows 7.
Fully agree, it would be awesome to have this for 7, I would much prefer users never needing to modify system files for the sake of modifying a UI file.
Well, ResourceSpy does this on 7, but it takes up a lot of memory since it tracks every resource in every DLL and EXE, not just ones with UIFILE resources loaded. This makes it more powerful, since you can replace bitmaps in some files, but the memory usage is not worth it.
EDIT: I got ResourceSpy to work without even running the EXE. I put AveResourceReplacer.dll in Appinit_DLLs and it works! Now, if only this tool was actually free and you didn't have a WSB license to download it normally.
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It would be awesome if you could backport the loading of UIFILE resources in shellstyle.dll to Windows 7.
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What theme are you trying to use? Link it here, and I'll add the required entries for the Start screen.
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I wish I had Style Builder so I could port my Win7 themes to 8.1. I really don't want to hex everything all over again...
Export, all the images in WSB. Open a 8.1 theme in a new WSB window. Then import all of your images and fix all the content/sizing margins, colors and fonts. You don't have to hex edit. Just make sure you are running the latest test build of WSB from the vista style builder forums.
I don't have Style Builder purchased. I don't have $30 for it.
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I wish I had Style Builder so I could port my Win7 themes to 8.1. I really don't want to hex everything all over again...
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I don't know what you did, but the result looks nice.
My Win7 desktop looks fresher without the taskbar blur now I care about wallpaper again. (Bing I'm afraid.. they do have interesting stuff daily....)
Is there a simple reg hack or something that does the same job?
No, this requires an external program to edit the way DWM draws blur on the taskbar. It's simply not possible with a registry edit.
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Get it while I still host it.
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I'd imagine it would take more work in order to not use the DWM API to change things. Has this been tested in Windows 8 at all? The documentation on MSDN says that DWM was changed in Windows 8 so that these types of things would no longer work.
The Windows 8 taskbar still uses DWM to render the background. If one uses DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow() on the taskbar in Windows 8. it turns opaque. In fact, that is how StartIsBack and other utilities turn the taskbar opaque.
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but it does require .NET 4.0 or higher.
tbh this sucks
why don't you make normal win32 app ?
Jeez, I thought I was being nice by releasing this at all. Silly me.
If it sucks so much, then why bother commenting? Use the app or don't, I honestly don't care either way. That being said, if you want to make a pure C++ GUI application that toggles the taskbar blur with the ability to run at startup and has support for taskbar position changes, be my guest. I happened to already have scraps from an old project laying around. I honestly don't see the point of wasting time re-creating this from scratch in C++ when the existing app works perfectly fine. The methods I use are complex by C# standards, which means they would be about 10x more complex and take about 10x longer to debug and write in C++.
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Alright, 0.0.2 is uploaded:
Apparently, since I was using a Windows icon, avast has a problem with it. I just did a quick edit on the icon and it no longer detects it as a virus.
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Here you guys go:
The readme.txt has all the information you need to know about how to use this.
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So, are you going to share the secret?
Cheers and Regards
Yes, I will release my program after I am done programming the way to re-enable the blur. It's only a ~9KB application, but it does require .NET 4.0 or higher.
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in Aero Glass For Windows 8+
I've just been thinking of a (probably) doable idea: a "lite" version of Glass8 without the glass part. Hear me out here. In addition to Aero Glass, Glass8 provides enhancements like:
- Custom theme aliases without a custom theme
- Restoration of caption glow like in 7/8.0
- Fixes for Win10-specific bugs (inactive frames deflated by 1px, etc.)
- Resizing of caption buttons independent of title height
- More that I missed (probably)
It'd be nice for people who just want these features without the glass part (some themes look better without glass, but need the fixed Glass8 provides to work) to have a stripped-down version of Glass8 without the Glass. It'd also be nice if this version was the "free" version (ie. no "please donate" nags) since there's no glass, but provides the fixes that Glass8 does. It'd be a great resource for themers like myself.I know you're busy with getting the Win10 bugs taken care of, but it's just a simple concept I thought I'd throw out there so you could maybe mull it around in your head a bit. I'm no developer, and I'm well aware how long software like this takes to perfect.