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About toxi

  • Birthday 10/06/1988

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  1. Hello! What for, for uploading an image to establish any another Download Manager? The download this program, it was impossible to adjust speed of uploading, the program has taken off and has written, that an image it is necessary re-download anew. What for such to do? Earlier was, has received the reference and you load favourite Download Manager.
  2. At me build 7000
  3. IE8 It is not installed in Windows 7. Has loaded IE8 for Windows Vista and at start of installation there is a message, that the given system is not supported. What to do?
  4. Hello! The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. Why there is this mistake and for it follows BSOD. Already незнаю what to do. For 30 minutes already 5 times appeared BSOD because of it. Help, advise something. I think here already on Linux to pass, as constant problems on notebook with Windows. As in Linux though there will be a critical mistake, but it will not be reloaded with loss of all data. Thanks for attention. Kernel_Power.zip
  5. Help to decide a problem with rights on files...
  6. Vs disappears from a desktop, but explorer.exe is started. It is herein possible to make sure, looking screenshoot below. In chm problem and as e to decide, because for 1 hour it can happen to 5-8 times. Sometimes in general works it is 3-4 hours normal. Does anybody know in chm business?
  7. What say at rights for access to the files? Because for time of work of the system, I can not delete / update the not alone set program. It is possible already to delete after the restart of the system / update necessary program. It is again impossible to delete after a few minutes of work of the system / update no program. The restart of the system helps only. On Windows Vista such was not observed and there was vs well. If it can not it will be be corrected, I need it will be to return on Windows Vista or esch better on Windows XP, because this problem very interferes with me during work, because I test much other SOFTWARE and after every setting SOFTWARE it is needed restart system in order that it is possible it was to update or delete the necessary program.
  8. toxi

    windows 7 reboots

    In my ravines such report: 1. Critical: The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. 2. Error: Session "" has failed to start with the following error(s) 0xC000000D I can not see BSOD, because in a notebook a monitor becomes disconnected during this BSOD. The restart of the system is possible only. Not evidently BSOD only on the system of Windows 7. Windows Vista and XP was visible this BSOD.
  9. Hello! Practically constantly there is a crash of explorer.exe and rights for access to the files, mainly for exe. Restarted explorer.exe does not want, but in a register a value Autorestart is set explorer, but there is a process of explorer in Task Manager. UPD: 31.01.2009 Rights for access to the files, mainly for exe. 1. Screen > 2. Screen > 3. Screen
  10. www.xpize.net >>> Bandwidth Limit Exceeded The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
  11. All greetings! How the resource of dialogue windows should name that it has been added? 1 variant: 1020.DIALOG.res 2 variant: DIALOG.res 3 variant: 1020.res Thanks!
  12. Question: How to add in installjator new dialogue windows? For example in shell32.dll > Dialog 1014 and 1020? Files with expansion .res are, but installjator does not add the information in shell32.dll.txt at compilation. In advance thanks
  13. Question: How to add in installjator new dialogue windows? For example in shell32.dll > Dialog 1014 and 1020? Files with expansion .res are, but installjator does not add the information in shell32.dll.txt at compilation. In advance thanks
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