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Everything posted by TheSweed

  1. dosnet.inf changes was optional, so I tried with and without to see if it was there the problem was. And I tried to delete 'aec6280.sys' references in txtsetup.sif and the there was another 'AECxxxxx.SYS' that was missig.
  2. I did test a windows xp installation cd, with only the xp+oem-folder with the drivers and then did it work. Maybe it's a path problem somewhere, on a regular installation-cd the i386-folder is in the root of the cd.
  3. I have 'aec6280.sy_' in folder SETUP\XPsp2\Professional\I386 and 'AEC6280.SYS' in folder SETUP\XPsp2\Professional\$OEM$\$1\DP\M\A\6280
  4. Downloded Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks and did the first method and got 'The file aec6280.sys can not be found'. Used the packs and base I downloaded today (jan. 10) Iv'e got a multiboot-dvd: boot -- cdshell-boot PROx --- bootdiskfiles -Setup\XPsp2\Professional\ -- i386, $OEM$, Testing in VMWare 4.5.2 Iv'e tested with and whitout dosnet.inf changes with no luck. Yes, I know there's another thread on this topic but nothing was was really explained, and I think it was for the second method. Please help. UpDate: I think I solved it by putting the compressed files from 'Bâshrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks'-massstorage files that was put in 'I386'-folder, in folder 'PROx'-folder, but can't be sure before I can test it in a real computer.
  5. Or you can use cmdlines.txt: [COMMANDS] "MUI-Setup.cmd" MUI-Setup.cmd: cmdow @ /HID @echo off FOR /F "TOKENS=3" %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v "SourcePath" ^| FINDSTR "SourcePath"') DO SET INSTALLCD=%%~dI %INSTALLCD%\_MUI-Setup\MUISETUP.EXE /i (language id ( + language id)) /d (default language id) /r /s exit And make a folder on the CD/DVD (root): _MUI-Setup where you put the xxx.mui folders and files: ***.MUI (the languages You want to use) MUI.INF MUIQFE.EXE MUIQFE.INF MUISETUP.EXE MUISETUP.HLP README.TXT RELNOTES.TXT It will install MUI from the CD/DVD. You can install more than one language, but you have to update hu1002_**_mui.exe (help update sp1, don´t know how it will do in sp2) for every language you install. Tried (in vmware) to install all languages and had to download 23 more updates (mentioned before). Hope this will help.
  6. You need to extract the .cab to a folder, and put that folder in OEMPnPDriversPath. OEMPnPDriversPath =".....;Drivers\xx_xxxx;......" Where 'xx_xxx' is the name of the folder. And where in the hiarky depends on what type of drivers, if it's mobo or net-card.
  7. I've got a sb0102 anf thought that kx-drivers are small and maybe easier to install than sblive's drivers + applications. I've got my instal-dvd to copy the files to where they are installed after an installation. But when I log into windows after the unattended installation of windows xp, no sign of the kx-drivers for the sblive. And I don't know if theres a silent switch to kx-setup/setup that can be used. And I tried to search the forum with no real luck.
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