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Posts posted by Mateus

  1. Yes I've done thats...

    But I put the regtweaks to the oobeSystem, so it's good now.

    But I've a new interesting error. My post installer software install a lot of programs. Thats installer filtes are msi or install shield exes, but when the installing is done, I can't start the msi or install shiled installers... Very interesting that my xp, do this error. I've the most new NOD32.. so I think it can't be virus.

  2. Well, I could correct one of my errors.

    In the cmdlines the reg add HKCU...

    I have correct it to HKLM and now the WPI is starting after the login.

    But the other problem that the tweaks.reg why cant be integrated to the registry, i dont know.

    So I'm waiting for the help.

    The problem with the tweaks.reg can be that it's include some key form HKCU?

    If that's the problem where can I import the HKCU keys?

  3. Well, I have 4 runsynchronous command in audituser.

    The first start the cmdlines.cmd in the dvd but here is my problem the sc config is working but the reg add do not. And I do not know why.

    My cmdlines.cmd:

    rem Felesleges szolgáltatások :D

    sc config BFE start= disabled

    sc config DFSR start= disabled

    sc config fdPHost start= disabled

    sc config FDResPub start= disabled

    sc config gpsvc start= disabled

    sc config hidserv start= disabled

    sc config IKEEXT start= disabled

    sc config iphlpsvc start= disabled

    sc config PolicyAgent start= disabled

    sc config KtmRm start= disabled

    sc config netprofm start= disabled

    sc config NlaSvc start= disabled

    sc config CscService start= disabled

    sc config IPBusEnum start= disabled

    sc config WPDBusEnum start= disabled

    sc config RemoteRegistry start= disabled

    sc config seclogon start= disabled

    sc config wscsvc start= disabled

    sc config LanmanServer start= disabled

    sc config SSDPSRV start= disabled

    sc config TabletInputService start= disabled

    sc config lmhosts start= disabled

    sc config TermService start= disabled

    sc config WebClient start= disabled

    sc config WinDefend start= disabled

    sc config WerSvc start= disabled

    sc config W32Time start= disabled

    sc config EventLog start= disabled

    sc config SDRSVC start= disabled

    reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v "WPI" /d "\"%EEDVD%\setup\wpi.exe\"" /f

    And the second RunSynchronous command does not work too.

    cmd /c REGEDIT /S %eedvd%\setup\tweaks.reg

    But the third and the fourth are working.

    3. cmd /C %eedvd%\setup\tools\run.cmd

    4. %WINDIR%\system32\sysprep\sysprep.exe /quiet /oobe /reboot

    I realy do not know what can be the proble. I hope somebody can help me.

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