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Posts posted by COKEDUDEUSF

  1. My crystal ball being again in the shop for tuning :(, I cannot see your computer, and cannot even determine whether it is a desktop or laptop, and not even see the bus it is using, IDE/ATA, SATA or SCSI.

    Different connectors may have different problems, as well as different cables (if any).

    Maybe if you give some details....


    Laptop and SATA :).

  2. Considering your symptoms are classic Conficker worm symptoms, I'd say it would be best to do these (at least 4, possibly 6) things:

    1. Remove the computer from any network connections - it's an active aggressor in trying to infect other machines, removable media, etc. Pull the network plug!
    2. From another non-infected PC, download Microsoft's latest Malicious Software Removal Tool release
    3. Optional - from another non-infected PC, download the latest version of Microsoft Security Essentials and the latest definition files
    4. Again, from another non-infected PC, copy the MSRT (and MSE, if you downloaded it from the link above) to a USB key or burn to a CD (if you copy these files to a USB key, mark it read-only before you plug it into the affected PC or the USB key will become infected as well)
    5. Install and run the MSRT on the infected machine (still unplugged from any network connections) to clean the infection of the Conficker worm
    6. Optional - if you downloaded MSE and the latest definitions, install both MSE and the latest definitions to scan the machine for the existence of any other malware or virus activity - clean anything found. If anything is found, scan again (and again, and again) until the machine is listed as "clean".

    Once the machine is clean, enable the Windows firewall or any installed 3rd party firewall software (if it isn't enabled) and visit the Windows Update site to make sure you have all the latest service packs and patches for your OS (considering this was first patched back in October 2008, and you're infected, it sounds like you may have fallen behind).

    This tool did the trick.

    Or, F-Secure also has a removal tool available, however the f-secure.com domain is in the blocked list of domain names above. Using an IP address instead of the hostname will bypass the worm's blocking routines, so that tool could be downloaded by infected systems at this URL:

    I reformat AT LEAST once a month.

  3. yeah its not a conclusive test or anything but if those images arent showing and you cant access microsoft, then id say there is about a 90% chance you have conficker living elsewhere on your network that infected this machine.

    If you havent gotten too attached to this install i would just unplug from the network, reinstall, load this patch (KB958644) and possibly an antivirus BEFORE connecting to the network.

    If youve become attached to this install of windows, there are several ways to deal with it which are discussed in depth here:


    Ideally, you want KB958644 installed on every machine on your network -not just the ones with symptoms

    moving this to the Malware forum...

    You gotta give me a direct link to the download. Remember I can't access their website?

    Again I can't see that link.

    No I'm not attached to this installation of windows. I reformat AT LEAST once a month.

  4. try (microsoft.com's IP) -if this works, then its a DNS issue. contact your ISP, or use alternate DNS (openDNS/GoogleDNS -which is BTW)

    if that doesnt work try this:


    yes I know its a clean install but it takes about 10 seconds to get infected if there is another infected machine on your network and one of the symptoms in most variants is microsoft.com being blocked.

    The direct link with the IP did not work.

    As for the second link I might have this if the website is accurate.

    = Possibly Infected by Conficker A/B variant

  5. Since you can't get to MS-dot-COM, here is a PDF version of MS KB314057 "How to Troubleshoot TCP/IP Connectivity in Windows XP". Are you behind a bad/misconfigured router ("ipconfig /all" from CMD prompt will reveal DNS Names)?

    I did everything the PDF file says. Everything works fine.

    I have tried about 10 different internet connections and ALL of them are working perfectly except on Microsofts website.

  6. I can ping every website i try but microsoft.

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping google.com

    Pinging google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from bytes=32 time=24ms TTL=53
    Reply from bytes=32 time=25ms TTL=53
    Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=53
    Reply from bytes=32 time=21ms TTL=53

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 21ms, Maximum = 25ms, Average = 22ms

    C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ping microsoft.com
    Ping request could not find host microsoft.com. Please check the name and try ag

  7. I'm having problems accessing Microsofts website. <snip> Then I thought Microsoft may be blocking my IP <snip>
    Could you please describe the symptoms? Examples -

    - Clicked on "Windows Update" and got message/screen "yadayada"

    - Tried to go to MS-dot-COM and got message/screen "yadayada"

    Please clarify ( never heard of MS "blocking" an IP )...


    Every microsoft website does that to me. There isn't much else to say.

  8. I'm having problems accessing Microsofts website. I have tried everything I can think of to fix this problem. At first I thought I just had a virus on my computer so I reformatted my computer. Then I thought Microsoft may be blocking my IP so I changed my IP. I'm out of ideas. What else could possibly be blocking Microsofts website? Any ideas and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  9. What is everyones favorite firewall? Zone Alarm used to be my favorite firewall until they added to much crap to it. Now it is just bloatware that slows down your computer.

    Here is a new poll to replace the old one:

  10. I want to set up Multiple Partitions on my external HD. 2 partitions to be exact. Its a 1 TB HD. I would like one partition to be 5 GB's and the other partition to be the rest of the HD. The 5 GB partition will be private stuff so I wanna use trucrypt to protect it and the other partition will be everything else. Since I use windows it needs to NTFS format. What is the best way to do this? I'm not sure what type of partitions I should make. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Please go step by step since I have never done this on an external HD before.

    Just convince yourself that your external hard disk is inside the PC, and treat it exactly as you would an internal one.

    The good ol' way is always having one primary and one Extended with 1 or more Logical volumes in it.

    But since you are going to encrypt a partition, I would create two primaries + the extended, this way you can easily make the second Primary bootable if needed.

    I would personally suggest to make a greater number of partitions/logical volumes in the extended, a 995 Gb partition is biggish and any operation you may later need to do on it (defragging/imaging/data recovery :ph34r:, etc.) will take AGES on an external (I presume USB) bus.


    Could you explain the difference between all the partition types. If I do two primaries and one extended which one would be best to use as my encrypted partition? I did discover that having a massive partition is a bad idea. Truecrypt crashed when I playing with it cause the HD is so big. It has USB and ESATA. I specifically got this one cause I know ESATA is way faster than USB.

    Please go step by step

    Best way to do this is to use disk management gui inside windows.

    Start > Run > diskmgmt.msc

    If your HDD already has a single large partition (i.e. store bought USB drive) you will need to first delete all partitions on the drive. (back up any data first)

    Right click the blank HDD, create a new 5 GB partition (NTFS should be default selection), then repeat the process to create your second partition.

    That's it. Pretty simple huh.

    What partition types do recommend I use? Yep it is :).

  11. I want to set up Multiple Partitions on my external HD. 2 partitions to be exact. Its a 1 TB HD. I would like one partition to be 5 GB's and the other partition to be the rest of the HD. The 5 GB partition will be private stuff so I wanna use trucrypt to protect it and the other partition will be everything else. Since I use windows it needs to NTFS format. What is the best way to do this? I'm not sure what type of partitions I should make. Any ideas or help would be greatly appreciated. Please go step by step since I have never done this on an external HD before.

  12. I used the VERY extreme method of DBAN and it did the trick.


    Is diskpart anything like DBAN. Usually anything you have to do in DOS or with command prompts is the most extreme method possible.

    Command line is kinda hard for some, but pictures say a thousand words. Can the OP open diskmgmt.msc and give us a screen shot of his partition's.

    Start > Run > diskmgmt.msc.

    Then we can safely give him a working diskpart script and not accidentally clean the wrong disk.

    Sorry I didn't do that earlier. I don't have the ability to show it anymore since I used DBAN.

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