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Posts posted by COKEDUDEUSF

  1. I am sure there are several people having this problem with pidgin not being able to connect to MSN.


    I have seen many solutions but I think this one is by far the easiest one to use.


    1. Download this omega.contacts.msn.com certificate


    2. In Pidgin, go to Tools > Certificates and remove the existing "omega.contacts.msn.com" certificate. Then select "Add" and add the certificate downloaded under step 1 and when prompted to enter the hostname, enter: "omega.contacts.msn.com":

    Now click OK and that's it!

    Here are some other solutions that I didn't think were as easy to use.



  2. Since it took me awhile to figure out how to show blue screen error I thought I would point this out to other people.


    Right click my computer, properties, Advanced tab, Startup and recovery settings, System failure and uncheck Automatically restart.


    Regedit, go to this key:


    Change the value data in the AutoReboot value to 0 (zero), instead of 1.

  3. If your hard disk is a SATA disk that's attached to a SATA controller not in IDE (or sometimes called legacy) mode, then you'll need to add the requisite SATA chipset drivers to your XP install before it'll see the hard disk.

    How do I check if its a SATA disk that's attached to a SATA controller? How do I add the SATA chipset drivers? I'm not familiar with that.

    It certainly does. The error messages means just that. Windows XP did not find a hard drive. Emphasis on "Windows XP". It does not mean that your hard drive doesn't exists, it just means that Windows XP couldn't find one. Now, the most common reason is that your hard drive is installed on a controller that is not compatible with the original Windows XP drivers or your controller is configured in a mode that Windows XP did not natively support (AHCI for example). The solution is to add the appropriate driver during Text-Mode Setup using the F6 key. If you can post additional information on your motherboard and perhaps your hard drive type (IDE, SATA, SCSI or SAS) then we may be able to help you further.

    The only bit of information I know off hand is it is a netbook. Its a friends computer. I'm trying to help him to get XP running on it.

  4. I use the following to disable any warning messages when executing software in Windows XP SP3 and IE8

    ;Disable security warnings
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download","CheckExeSignatures",0x0,"no"
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download","RunInvalidSignatures",0x10001,01,00,00,00
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\InformationBar","FirstTime",0x10001,00,00,00,00
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3","1601",0x10001,00,00,00,00
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3","2200",0x10001,00,00,00,00

    Can you convert this to a common registry file??? Or how do you import this to registry??

    Open up notepad. Copy and paste the code below into notepad. Then save the as whatever.reg and change the save as type to All Files.

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download]

    Thanks for Kelsenellenelvian

  5. Moved topic from Software Hangout and added poll. Unpinned the old thread.

    I use Windows ICF in combination with a hardware firewall.

    Thx for setting this up for me :). I voted Comodo. It seems to do a decent job, but it gives way to many warning messages sometimes.

  6. I use the following to disable any warning messages when executing software in Windows XP SP3 and IE8

    ;Disable security warnings
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download","CheckExeSignatures",0x0,"no"
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download","RunInvalidSignatures",0x10001,01,00,00,00
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\InformationBar","FirstTime",0x10001,00,00,00,00
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3","1601",0x10001,00,00,00,00
    HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\3","2200",0x10001,00,00,00,00

    Can you put that in a reg file? That is not the format I used to seeing. I'm used to one of these formats.

    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones\1" /v "Flags" /t REG_DWORD /d 219 /f

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDownload]

  7. You absolutely sure it's just that one machine? Seems odd that a reformat and patch without network connectivity would result in the same behavior (also assuming you only reinstalled XPSP3 and the patch from known-uninfected media, as well).

    I only have one machine. No one uses my computer but me. Also no virus scanners can find the bloody thing at all.

  8. Here is another way to take care of this problem.

    Registry Option:

    HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesAttachments Set SaveZoneInformation to 1.


    0 = Not Configured

    1 = Enabled

    2 = Disabled

    You can also set this via Group Policy at the User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Attachment Manager node. Enable the "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments" setting.


  9. I'm sure this has annoyed other people besides just me, so here is the way to fix this problem.

    By default, when you only have one tab left it doesn’t have a close button, because if you close it it would close the whole window which may be unexpected. You can still close it pressing Ctrl + W, or selecting Close Tab in the File menu. But if you just have to have your button, add the following code to userChrome.css (*).

    .tabbrowser-tabs[closebuttons=alltabs] > .tabbrowser-tab > .tab-close-button {

    display: -moz-box !important;


    .tabbrowser-tabs:not([closebuttons=noclose]):not([closebuttons=closeatend]) > .tabbrowser-tab[selected=true] > .tab-close-button {

    display: -moz-box !important;


    In Firefox 3.5, when you close the last tab, it also closes the window. While I can’t remember when was the last time I had only one tab open, there may be people annoyed by this. For those types, set browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab to false via about:config to keep Firefox open in those cases, just like in Firefox 3.



  10. Does anyone know how to disable this message from the registry? I'm aware of how to do it with gpedit.msc, but I prefer to do it from the registry.

    GPEDIT.MSC to bring up the Group Policy Object editor. Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Attachment Manager. Here you will find a couple of policies related to this feature, but to disable it you'll want to ENABLE the policy called " "Do not preserve zone information in file attachments"
  11. What is everyone's favorite program for Burning Bootable Iso's? Imgburn has been my favorite program for a long long time, but it is really p***ing me off that it completely ignores me when I give it a write speed. I tell it to burn at 4x but it burns at 24x for some unknown reason.

  12. What exactly is Video Data Rate? If you have a cheap video card can you see a difference between 450 kbps and 700 kbps? If you have a good video card what kind of differences can you see between 450 kbps and 700 kbps?

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