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Posts posted by COKEDUDEUSF
Does anyone know what the trick is to autoplay videos in youtube in chrome? It just all of a sudden stopped working. It autoplays fine in firefox so do not understand why its not working in chrome.
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I currently have a modem, router switch setup. Is there a reason I can't go Modem, switch, router? Hotwire is unwilling to do that. I would like my wifi to reach a different part of the house. That is why I would like to move the router and change to Modem, switch, router.
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2 hours ago, Tripredacus said:
Most manufacturers stick to the old way of determining compatibility and may just list Windows 10 as a blanket statement. What is more likely is that either their software or the hardware with the software was tested with a version of Windows 10. Obviously we know all the different builds of Win10 act differently and likely it does work on at least one of them. And also it may be that they tested it on one build and do not continually retest when new builds come out.
I suspect the printer compatibility list may be only speaking of using the printer itself and without the software for it. Using generic drivers, etc.
That definitely sounds correct. Can't even download a driver off their website. This is the message when you try.
QuoteBuilt-in driver
The built-in driver is already included with Windows® Operating System or is available through Windows® update. The built-in driver supports the basic functions of your Brother machine. Click here to see how to install the built-in drivers.
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Is there a way to brother mfc-240c windows 10 compatibility? Google said it was released July 7, 2004.
Windows 10 was released July 29, 2015.
The brother website is confusing.
This page says: Windows® 98(SE)/ Me/ 2000/ XP/ XP Pro x64 Edition
This page says: Windows 10 (64-bit) is supported.
Which is it?
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Can I please get some recommendations on recording desktop and audio software?
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I am doing a windows 10 install. I get this message:
there was an issue looking up your account. tap next to try again.
How do I resolve this? It also does not make since to ask this question because it has not given me a chance to connect to the internet.
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Are there any laptops that have at least 1080p, a big hard drive, and at least 4 USB TYPE a ports (this seems to be the hard part to find). Every laptop I have seen has at most two USB TYPE a ports.
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I am trying to install windows 10. I do not have internet at the location of the computer I am trying to install windows 10. Unfortunately the i do not have internet option is missing. How do I get it to come back?
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I have a hard drive that is about to die. It is the hard drive for my OS. It has given me 7 good years so I think I got my moneys worth. I obviously want to get my data off of it. So what is the best way to do this with hopefully as little strain as possible on it? Do I want to just load the OS then straight copy and paste to an external HD or a big flash drive? I have a couple of massive flash drives. I usually use my external HD's just trying to think of all my options. Do I want to load up a live cd and copy and paste that way so there is less OS strain on the HD? Use another computer to create an image? Is there some better option I am not thinking of?
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When you have multiple monitors their is a way to move your metro to another monitor/screen. How do you do this? I sometimes do this by accident but can never figure out how I do this. Is there both a keyboard and mouse way to do this? Guessing I am pressing some keyboard combination.
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I am having trouble getting my Windows 8 computer to connect to WiFi. Can I please get some suggestions on how to fix this?
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I apologize if this is something easy. I have never used a patch panel before. No matter what I try I am not able to get an internet connection through the patch panel. This is a panduit dp5e patch panel. I have tried running a cable from the router to patch panel. I have tried running a cable from the switch to the patch panel. Neither method work. I have noticed that the lights do not turn on either way. Is this patch panel supposed to have some kind of power supply for the lights? I do not see a way to plug it in. Am I missing some part I need? The router and switch both work fine.
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I am not able to use the Windows find. I followed this tutorial to rebuild my index. This did not help.
After that I followed this tutorial. This made it worse. I was able to find some files previously. Now I am not able to find any files.
What do I want to do next?
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What are the steps you need to take when you put an old HD in a new computer? I just did this. Every time it makes it to the windows boot screen then restarts. I have a bunch of old engineering software that is not compatible with the newer versions of windows. I figured this out after I bought a new computer and tried to add the software to a newer version of windows. So I figured I could just swap the HD's. This does not seem to be working either. Is there some way to set the new HD as a master and the old drive as a slave and boot that way maybe?
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On 8/18/2018 at 4:41 AM, jaclaz said:
Check the temperature of the CPU/that the heatsink is properly connected, first thing.
Then, if that is OK, disconnect EVERYTHING from it (and from the motherboard).
Leave ONLY video and keyboard connected.
Boot (actually fail to boot) and enter the BIOS.
If it stays on on the BIOS page, switch it off and re-add (one at the time or in small groups) all the other peripherals, add-on cards, hard disk(s), CD/DVD, etc. and repeat the above boot test (without starting the OS).
How do I check the temperature? The only way I know to do that is to use a program like Everest or check in the bios. It cuts off to fast for me to do that.
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My desktop computer is only turning on for a few seconds after that it turns off. I assumed it was the power supply so I bought another one. Last night I installed the power supply. It took awhile with me reseating everything and taking out the cmos battery to get the computer running. After that I used it for about an hour. I went home and came back to the office the next day. Unfortunately it reverted back to the behavior of only turning on for a few seconds after that it turns off. Can I please get some suggestions on what to do?
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On 8/3/2018 at 6:12 AM, jaclaz said:
As a matter of fact, by copying files sequentially you reduce (or more exactly avoid creating) fragmentation on the target.
Just for the record once upon a time NT 3.51 and NT 4.00 did not have any fragmentation utility, so it was common to copy the whole volume contents to a temporary storage, then format the original volume and copy back the whole stuff in order to have a defragmented filesystem.
The only "issue" (if it is an issue) of doing copy and paste is that if/when you want to update the backup (and/or make "incremental" backups) you will have difficulties with overwriting existing files and/or replacing with newer ones the old ones, etc.
If you adopt an "integral" backup strategy, that is not an issue at all of course.
Otherwise I would suggest you the use of Robocopy (the actual command line tool has a little bit daunting sintax, but there are free GUI's for it that are very handy), examples:
If you are OK with command line tools, besides Robocopy you may want to try the excellent STRARC:
No prob
, it is just that imaging takes more time (and usually more space on target media) because it stores much more information, and sometimes this is not needed as in this case.
How do you copy files sequentially?
Does Robocopy copy files sequentially?
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19 hours ago, jaclaz said:
Backing up is not imaging and copying is neither backing up nor imaging (or cloning).
This very theme has been discussed to death n times on MSFN.
Check this thread first:
Particularly this post:
What (EXACTLY) do you want to do/need?
I want to backup my data. I do not care about the windows file. I just want my work, movies, and music. I have about 600 GB of work, movies, and music so a bit worried about fragmentation if I just copy and paste.
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Are there any recommended methods for Backing up an entire HD? Will just copying and pasting the entire HD lead to fragmentation?
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On 7/19/2018 at 9:24 AM, Tripredacus said:
There seems to be some information missing from the report... BUT it also notes the service is not available. You need to revert any changes you made in regards to the Software Licensing Protection Service, and then run the report again.
Based just on this, it would appear that the active product key cannot unlock the OS. It will not try to activate if LocalGenuineState says anything besides Genuine. Does this computer have a Windows COA on it or does it just have the Windows 8 sticker?
examples: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/howtotell/Hardware.aspx?tab=PCPurchase
Whats a COA? I bought this Toshiba laptop at best buy so I do not understand what the problem is.
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On 6/28/2018 at 10:00 AM, Tripredacus said:
Yes, it says exactly what you should run (using SLUI) to see the actual error... because some dumb reason, Slmgr can't tell you what the error is. So when you run slmgr -ato, and it says something like "On a computer running Microsoft Windows non-core edition, run slui.exe 0x00 0x00000000 to display the error text"
If you run the exact command it says in that message, it will show you the error text which will give the answer to whatever hex code it shows you in the message. Running that command only shows you the translation of the hex code in the error and does nothing else.
If you want to troubleshoot your activation issue, run this in an elevated command prompt and past the report.txt into here and I can take a look see.
Licensingdiag.exe -report %userprofile%\desktop\report.txt -log %userprofile%\desktop\repfiles.cab
Here it is.
<DiagReport> <LicensingData> <ToolVersion>6.2.9200.16384</ToolVersion> <LicensingStatus>SL_LICENSING_STATUS_UNLICENSED</LicensingStatus> <LicensingStatusReason>0xC004F014</LicensingStatusReason> <LocalGenuineState>SL_GEN_STATE_INVALID_LICENSE</LocalGenuineState> <LocalGenuineResultP>0</LocalGenuineResultP> <LastOnlineGenuineResult></LastOnlineGenuineResult> <GraceTimeMinutes>0</GraceTimeMinutes> <TotalGraceDays>0</TotalGraceDays> <ValidityExpiration></ValidityExpiration> <ActivePartialProductKey>MY2MG</ActivePartialProductKey> <ActiveProductKeyPid2>00179-60919-86364-AAOEM</ActiveProductKeyPid2> <OSVersion>6.2.9200.2.00010300.0.0.101</OSVersion> <ProductName>Windows 8</ProductName> <ProcessorArchitecture>x64</ProcessorArchitecture> <EditionId>Core</EditionId> <BuildLab>9200.win8_gdr.130502-1503</BuildLab> <TimeZone>Eastern Standard Time(GMT-04:00)</TimeZone> <ActiveSkuId></ActiveSkuId> <ActiveSkuDescription></ActiveSkuDescription> <ProductUniquenessGroups></ProductUniquenessGroups> <ActiveProductKeyPKeyId></ActiveProductKeyPKeyId> <ActiveProductKeyPidEx>05426-01796-091-986364-02-1033-9200.0000-0152014</ActiveProductKeyPidEx> <ActiveProductKeyChannel>OEM:DM</ActiveProductKeyChannel> <ActiveVolumeCustomerPid></ActiveVolumeCustomerPid> <OfflineInstallationId></OfflineInstallationId> <DomainJoined>false</DomainJoined> <ComputerSid>S-1-5-21-4066163444-779131421-1703684211</ComputerSid> <ProductLCID>1033</ProductLCID> <UserLCID>1033</UserLCID> <SystemLCID>1033</SystemLCID> <CodeSigning>SIGNED_INFO_PRS_SIGNED</CodeSigning> <ServiceAvailable>false</ServiceAvailable> <OemMarkerVersion>0x00020001</OemMarkerVersion> <OemId>TOSQCI</OemId> <OemTableId>TOSQCI00</OemTableId> <Manufacturer>TOSHIBA</Manufacturer> <Model>Satellite P75-A</Model> <InstallDate>20171003050148.000000-240</InstallDate> </LicensingData> <HealthCheck> <Result>PASS</Result> <TamperedItems></TamperedItems> </HealthCheck> <GenuineAuthz> <ServerProps>0x80070422</ServerProps> </GenuineAuthz> </DiagReport>
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Does Windows 8 no longer give you the option to format your hard drive to fat32? I only see exfat and ntfs.
I tried computer, right click drive, format, only saw exfat and ntfs.
I tried windows + r, diskmgmt.msc, right click drive, format, only saw exfat and ntfs.
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1 hour ago, BYTE-ME said:
Not sure if it makes a difference but I use the slmgr.vbs -ipk with a dash not a slash. Are you connected to the Internet when you try to activate? Also, I usually follow up the -ipk switch with slmgr.vbs -ato to force the PC to to connect and verify the product ID. Afterwards you have to reboot or logoff for the activation message to change on the Windows System property page. Hope that helps.
It still tells me to use slui.exe.
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I keep getting harassed to activate my Windows 8. So I do as it says. I try to activate Windows and it never works. I have a legal version of Windows that I bought from Toshiba so I don't understand what the problem is.
When I do the change pc settings, activate It says can not activate right now.
When I do this method from an elevated command prompt I get the message use slui.exe.
When I use slui.exe It says can not be activated right now.
The two options I have found to disable this message are below. Its ridiculous that I have to do this when I have a legal version of Windows.
Open Regedit
then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sppsvc and right side select Start the right click and Modify change value to 4.
Open Regedit.
Then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion \SoftwareProtectionPlatform\Activation
In the right pane of the registry editor, you will find REG_DWORD value ‘Manual’. Right-click on it and select Modify. In the Value Data window which appears, change the DWORD value to 1.
The default is 0 which means auto-activation is enabled. Changing the value to 1 will disable auto-activation.
Close the Registry Editor and restart your system.
site refuses to load properly in firefox
in Web Browsers
I have found a site that refuses to load properly in firefox. Right now searching for a Toyota Avalon. The same thing happens with Toyota Camry. The vehicles are not loading properly. I thought this was an Extensions issue so I disabled all my Extensions. Same thing happened. Then I tried a completely new profile. Same thing happened. Is this happening to anyone else?