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Posts posted by ravashaak

  1. If you're starting with little to no command-line knowledge, searching for this kind of stuff can be a bit frustrating. Besides, getting some confirmation as to what certain commands will do is part of the learning process. Give Saraband a break and save the ammo for someone who's just plain lazy :P

    - Ravashaak

  2. I also run my software installs at system startup. Hell, I even automate my system scanning and patching via startup script. Startup scripts are very nice for performing tasks that need system-level access, when you don't want to grant your users anything above user-level access. I agree, it's too bad MS hasn't seen fit to provide an efficient and secure way to run logon scripts under alternate credentials.

    One other tip: you can often use psexec from sysinternals.com to push the same scripts you use at startup, across the network without restarting your clients. However, test thoroughly as some things don't work properly when executed remotely via psexec. Still, all in all, a very good tool. But be aware, psexec performs authentication in clear text, so if you're worried about someone sniffing your passwords, or corporate policies forbid clear text authentication, then psexec is not for you.

    - Ravashaak

  3. Ya know. One time, I went over to work on a friend's home network and he told me that if I helped him, he'd give me an extra ATX case he had laying around. Seeing that I needed another case, this seemed like a fair trade. So, I went over to his place and helped him with several issues over the course of a few hours. Anyway, so when I'm done, he hands me an extra ME CD he had, saying that he'd thought it over and still needed the case. He then reminded me that a Win ME CD costs a fair amount more than an ATX case anyways. I just smiled, nodded, took the CD, and never helped him with another problem ever again.

    I littered on the way home, flicking the CD out my car window frisbee-style :D

    - Ravashaak

  4. What I've found is that on certain hardware setups (usually with minimal extra software installed) ME can run stable. However, that doesn't cut the mustard. In my opinion, to be a good OS, it must be able to handle almost all the hardware I can throw at it as well as handle the installation of numerous programs.

    And blaming ME instability on adware/spyware is (no offence) laughable. ME was likely the worst OS product Microsoft has produced since the pre-3.11 days.

    - Ravashaak

  5. Hmm. Ya know...I once had a somewhat similar issue and it wound up being the permissions on the network share. My script ran under SYSTEM context since it was defined as a startup script through a GPO. However, since the share didn't have proper permissions for that computer (in my case, the "domain computers" group), the resource was unavailable and the script would bomb. My user account had proper permissions and could invoke the script manually and it would run successfully.

    I'm not sure if the above applies to your situation. I guess it would depend on how your script is invoked at startup

    - Ravashaak

  6. If I am understanding you correctly, then perhaps this will work.

    When you bring up the remote desktop connection dialog box, click "options", then highlight the "local resources" tab, then select "printers". After that, connect normally. This will work in *some* circumstances. It really depends upon your exact setup.

    - Ravashaak

  7. Smoked for over 13 years myself. I quit about 4.5 years ago. I've seen the game from both sides of the field and I have to say that I hate people smoking around me. It's just nasty. It smells bad and can sometimes make it difficult to breathe. I don't mind people smoking outside. To each his/her own as far as that goes.

    - Ravashaak

  8. A very brief how-to as far as making security templates can be found HERE.

    A great deal of information concerning security template creation and administration can be found HERE.

    The second link contains a great deal of information. However, if you can make it through it all and give it just a little practice, you'll gain some very valuable knowledge.

    Let me know if you need more help!

    - Ravashaak

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