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  1. I didnt have time to read all 3 pages, but this happened to me yesterday and it was caused by installing the 2k extra tools (the ones that include the reg.exe that makes nlite's runonce work) into the system32 directory, dont know if any other directory is ok, but that one didnt let setup finish, i simply did not install it and voila.
  2. Aside from others problems i have encountered while using nlite (like drivers that hang the installation in the "network config" part, and the mysterious case of the dissapearing My Computer icon/folder that i haven't been able to decipher yet) i found that the unnatended part of the setup which should run commands after the first log on, fails to do so: the first line of nlite.cmd which resides on WINNT\system32\ is: for /f "tokens=3" %%i IN ('reg query HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Setup /v "SourcePath" ^| findstr "REG_SZ"') do set SOURCE=%%i if i run that line on cmd, i get: reg is not recognized as an intern or extern command, program or batch file (rough translation from my spanish setup feedback). so, what is the problem? i can manually change it to the drive letter, but i'd like the automation... is it limited to windows xp? i found that w2k has no reg command by default it has to be installed... edit3: since i have setup.exe from support/tools on the w2k cd, that installs the reg command, i will see if i can get HFslip to install it before nlite.cmd executes... edit4: i made an add on for nlite/hfslip, and put it in the hfaao folder of hfslip, gonna see if that fixes it, yet i don't know which executes first, the add on setup or the nlite.cmd also don't know what to do to restore the My Computer folder/icon
  3. I really need some help with this, i have a updated w2k but i'd like to make all the improvements that nlite allows me to... this is the .ini i used just now: if i switch nlite to english can i nlite my spanish w2k the same? Edit: I switched to nLite 1.3 RC and got the same results, it's obvious i'm doing something wrong here but i don't see where. if switching to english would help you i will switch it and post another.ini edit2: the english version gives you an idea of what my build is, i have not selected all the options i used on the spanish one, like disabling services, just to see if it changes anything. it seems i'll have to go back and test all 14 versions of the install dvd to see how it was that it worked. The only thing i changed from the time i made my working dvd is the hfslip version, but i highly doubt it has anything to do... ULTIMA_SESI_N.INI Last_Session.ini
  4. Well, i have a completly up to date and ultra slipstreamed w2k source (via HFslip) that installs without problems on one of my machines. after the machine name and workgroup comes the date & timezone setting. and then should come the network config. but when i press next (or siguiente in my case) i get nothing, it hangs there. A previous source just like this one had been nLited with about the same settings and drivers and installed on the machine i'm writting this, but since i didn't label the dvds i was using i found myself with 10 dvds with the same nlite installation, so i decided to improve the build and re burn it. i had removed a lot of services and other things but they are back in and the installation still hangs. EDIT: i'm making a nlite installation which only has a driver added and the serial added. i'll see if that hangs too. ULTIMA_SESI_N.INI
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