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Everything posted by SSX4life

  1. Siginet you never cease to amaze
  2. Personally I think you are over thinking Look into BTS Driver packs unless you have specific drivers you are needing. www.driverpacks.net
  3. /bump Did we end up getting a central host for these files?
  4. Some form of GUI that will allow you to select which packages you want to install and have them auto modify the I386\svcpack\XXX folder along with the D:\oem\oemscan.ini file accordingly. I know that autopatcher has something similar to this. For example. Run a standalone executable / .msi / etc. Select which hardware you want supported in your windows install disk Software then downloads off of one of our repositories hosted by the community (I'd volunteer) Software then edits the oemscan.ini table + adds the corresponding folder to D:\I386\svcpack This could be easily done outside of RyanVM intergrator but if we wanted to go the manual approach and add in these links for .7z's we could do that as well (anyone care to point me in the right direction on how to script those addons for intergrator?). I think that it would be much quicker to do it as I listed previously (same model setup as you would see from bashrat's driver pack creation tool perhaps?) Just a few suggestions. As always I'm willing to host / seed files. --ssx--
  5. I have my server on a 50MB connection seeding all the availble torrents over at oembios.net. I would however suggest that we make a RyanVM intergration of all packages to make life easier for the end user. Anyone wanna take up the challenge with me? I know siginet started it but stopped after 3-4 of them. *edit* the reason some are crossed off is due to a more compatible revision found for the oembios files. I would also like to see a .7z utility with intergrator as well. As far as mirroring them I'm also seeding them, but having this project be on sourceforge might make it a bit easier overall.
  6. Wow I have gotten zero replies on these boards .... >_<
  7. I came up with this after talking to a colleage, any opinions on it before I make a disk and see how she runs? ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=yes [unattended] UnattendMode=ProvideDefault OemSkipEula=No OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot="No" DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [GuiUnattended] EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=20 [userData] ProductKey=MVF4D-W774K-MC4VM-QY6XY-R38TB FullName="" OrgName="" [Display] Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 [identification] JoinWorkgroup=MSHOME [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off zonegames=off [GUIRunOnce] command9="%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe"
  8. I have my old Winnt.sif that was modified for oemscan.... SLP activation... etc. I'm looking to take that .sif file and add some driverpack data into it. Any suggestions on how to best combine it w/out screwing something up? Here is my existing winnt.sif (the key listed here is a public key from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457078.aspx so I'm including the whole thing ) ;SetupMgrTag [Data] AutoPartition=1 MsDosInitiated="0" UnattendedInstall="Yes" AutomaticUpdates=yes [Unattended] UnattendMode=ProvideDefault OemSkipEula=No OemPreinstall=No TargetPath=\WINDOWS WaitForReboot="No" [GuiUnattended] EncryptedAdminPassword=NO OEMSkipRegional=1 TimeZone=20 [UserData] ProductKey=MVF4D-W774K-MC4VM-QY6XY-R38TB FullName="" OrgName="" [Display] Xresolution=1024 YResolution=768 [Identification] JoinWorkgroup=MSHOME [Networking] InstallDefaultComponents=Yes [Components] msmsgs=off msnexplr=off zonegames=off And I decided that I wanted to slipstream some driver packs into the install disk without using $OEM$ and using their prep method instead. After the integration I am left with the following [Data] MsDosInitiated=No [Unattended] DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore NonDriverSigningPolicy=Ignore [GUIRunOnce] ; ; Edited by DriverPacks BASE 8.05 ; [url="http://www.driverpacks.net/"]http://www.driverpacks.net/[/url] ; command9="%SystemDrive%\DPsFnshr.exe" If I wish to add the driver pack information into my winnt.sif is there any rules or changes that I need to do other than copy and paste?
  9. I noticed that we here at MSFN have not created a guide on how to create a Windows XP disk for Royalty OEM distributors. Has anyone thought about possibly throwing together a formal / informal guide on the step by step creation of the disk using winnt.sif or equivilant methods? Just curious if anyone else would like to partake in creating a step by step guide on this? --ssx--
  10. definatly not a standard disk. smells like a 640 copy to me as well.
  11. If you require any further assistance with installing xp pro on the 755's let me know. I can assist you with creating a recovery disk from an original source media and slipping in the corresponding files.... assuming you have windows vista business of course.
  12. If the recovery media is not a restore disk (image) and is simply the oem media than what he is wanting to do is legitmate IF he uses the correct key on the side of the computer (keeping apples with apples). Just like you can use a standard oem disk + key for any manufacturer. The license is stored and kept with the COA key not with the media (assuming again it's not a restore image disk). Just like the oemscan options that allow you to recreate SLP on any hardware that is coded with the correct bios. The important part is the key not the media (again assuming the media is not slipped or configured for that specific device or is used in correlation with some imaging software). Correct me if I'm wrong on this one.
  13. There really isn't a down side to keeping the xp install on CD is there? I guess I could finally navigate over to DVD-R and include the full listing of OEMBIOS files eh? I'm still gonna keep looking for the RTM release of xp pro oem. --ssx--
  14. I have a gold copy of Pro VLA, is there a way for me to edit that disk for pro oem usage? I'll look into removing the .cab files you mentioned, but I'd still rather perfer to not have media that has been tampered with or edited.
  15. /bump
  16. Before I begin I just wanted to thank everyone on the MSFN forums who have helped me in the past. Now that I have that out of the way lets get started shall we? I'm looking for one of two things here and both have eluded me so far. I'm looking for a way to downgrade my windows xp pro oem (SP2) disk to a gold release, or I'm looking for the original .iso from Microsoft that was shipped late in 2005 with the initial launch of the OEM licensing agreement. You may be scratching your head here and be like "dude why would you want to do that", well let me explain! Xehqter so kind to release oemscan for windows awhile back and since then I have been creating my own disks for Home / Pro / MCE / Tablet and speeding up the installation process for clients wanting XP reinstalled but not having their restore media, or having HDD failure with a D2D partition (and yes I am keeping apples to apples with their licensing). The downside is that I'm limited by a 700MB cap on all windows installation disks due to wanting to keep everything on CD-R and not migrating over to DVD. Being that I am an oem builder I personally own a copy of Home / Pro / Tablet / MCE so I have access to the media legally (I can't stress that enough). I also have full MSDN access though my college. Unfortunately the MSDN page does not include a gold copy or release of Windows XP Pro OEM, and the oldest release I have is with SP2 slip streamed. My issue is that my current set of disks are SP2 + oembios files slipped into a 700MB cd, and by adding SP3 to the mix I'm over the total size by about 80-90MB give or take. I'm wanting to downgrade my disk to a gold release (pre SP2 or SP1a) and then slip SP3 into the disk saving me precious space. Does anyone know where or how I can go about doing this? I'm trying to stay legitimate in everything I do, I'm just wanting to save precious time as well. Suggestions? -=ssx=-
  17. Thanks for all of your work on this xeqhter. I have been following this thread and I think I'm a bit confused as how to properly impliment this. #1. I understand I need to get the bios files repository over on rapidshare.de . My question is how do I properly go about configuring oemscan with these files? I guess what I'm asking is I currently have been able to do a single pre-activation very easily by replacing the oembios files + the other needed files in the I386 directory. With the multi-oem pre-activation how do I go about replacing them correctly in the setup? #2. I did notice that siginet was kind enough to include several RVM Intergrator .7z add-ons to allow for easiler intergration. What I'm asking is once these are intergrated into the CD I notice that there is an SVCPACK folder. How do I go about configuring the cd to auto accept the proper royalty key etc? I have done a slipstreamed update with SVCPACK in the past, but am I missing something as far as the setup goes? Do I need a special call function or script for this to work properly? Basically if someone could just type out a very rough set of steps (do this, then then, then this etc.) it would help me alot. Sorry for any confusion on my part of this. #3. I noticed that currently oemscan does not include an Acer folder for Acer hardware. What would be required to add this functionality? I don't need alot of help on this one but a few simple directions would be very benifcial. Once I get this working properly I'd love to write a guide for MSFN on the detailed steps to creating one of these disks correctly. Again thank you for your help inadvance. --ssx--
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