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Everything posted by fuligin

  1. Hey everyone, Well after a search, i wasnt able to find if anyone has been able to Install a minimal version of Office 2003 My biggest concern for this is that I want to install Outlook 2003, however im wondering if i can strip it of the calander and any other extras that I never use apart from the Adress Book and the Email client, wouldnt this make it a more resource effective email client? Which components are absolutly important when installing? Surely Speech is not that important a component to install in Excell and Word? And why would I want word to integrate with my address book? I would be greatfull if someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you in advance.
  2. I had the same problem earlier, search for an earlier response i put for this issue. here is the link http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=83743&hl= If that doesnt work use this which i copied and pasted from it, please tell me if it works for u because I want to know if it worked for others!! Original text: Well for all of you guys that have been having trouble with their battery drivers, here is a solution that I have tried and worked for me. First do a search for the dll files so u know ur placing everyting where it needs to be. Find BATT.DL_ from ur I386 folder or ur installation disk. Copy it and paste it into ur C:\WINDOWS\system32. Rename batt.dl_ to Batt.dll It will give u sometihng that that the installation is bad, just undo rename and then cancel the popup Then try to search for the drivers again and make it search in your C:\WINDOWS\inf, do it for both your missing drivers and you should be set. As this was done by chance I might have missed something in my instruction, so if it doesnt work for you I will be attempting it on a fresh install and will post my step by step instructions again. If anyone can add to this it would be apprichative as i cant see my powercord icon charging yet. *BTW now i can see it charging but it doesnt give me time left to charge* Please tell me of any findings u find along the way Enjoy
  3. Hey everyone, I have been having several problems with setting up a proper installation of XP on a thinkpad laptop. After various attempts i was finally able to get my battery driver to work on an old installation, however my i386 has compressed cabs, and i havent been able to undo that option. Now im im trying to make an updated version and i cant get the battery driver to show up at all on virtual pc and i still have the compression probelm even when i choose not to have it set by nlite. I also have to install my xp cd every time i try to install somthing new,which can be a problem when im on the road. I have been thinking of installing normal installation of bare xp full, then adding the service pack via normal installation and finally using xplite pro to clean all the undesired options, then manually disable several options that i can. Would this give me the same type of system that is set up by nlite customization. If anyone has any helpful options and ideas i would love to hear them. I really like nlite and the options it gives me, but is it that im not doing the right thing when instaling or what? Thank you in advance for ur help and support.
  4. Well for all of you guys that have been having trouble with their battery drivers, here is a solution that I have tried and worked for me. First do a search for the dll files so u know ur placing everyting where it needs to be. Find BATT.DL_ from ur I386 folder or ur installation disk. Copy it and paste it into ur C:\WINDOWS\system32. Rename batt.dl_ to Batt.dll It will give u sometihng that that the installation is bad, just undo rename and then cancel the popup Then try to search for the drivers again and make it search in your C:\WINDOWS\inf, do it for both your missing drivers and you should be set. As this was done by chance I might have missed something in my instruction, so if it doesnt work for you I will be attempting it on a fresh install and will post my step by step instructions again. If anyone can add to this it would be apprichative as i cant see my powercord icon charging yet. Please tell me of any findings u find along the way Enjoy
  5. Thank you for your fast help guys. so i understand that assuming i only use the integrate drivers section for adding additional drivers. All typical drivers that are avaible with the xp cd will be installed with the os by defualt, unless i choose to delete them prior to creating my bootable OS CD
  6. Hi everyone, I am trying to make a new nlite, so far i have slipstreamed the service pack, and added the hotfixes from RyanVm. Now im at the stage of integrating the drivers. How do i integrate the orginal drivers that come with normal XP installation. The main purpose of this task is to integrate the battery drivers which were not working earlier. I have tried to locate everything from the i386 folder, am i on the right track or is there something else that i need to do inorder to integrate normal drivers?
  7. I really dont know wut to say, ive attempted every way that i know of to force the battery driver with no luck, right now im going to attempt to start from scracth and hope it all works out as it is a newer version of nlite and the hotfixes are new. I will post and ask for more direct instructions on how to integrate only the core drivers of xp, maybe that ill solve it
  8. Normally yes that would be picked up directly from the installation through the cab files,i think, but for some reason on my installation it wont, when i look for the driver it says that it cant find it from the original installation disk, the customised disk or my cabs. BTW XP is slip streamed with SP2 and fixes.
  9. Hi everyone, I recently created a new customized installation disk which seems to be working fine with the exception of my battery drivers not working or being recognized. After some searching i found out that this problem is becuase my cabs file is compressed, and that i should recreate the disk. Is there any way to do this from the customized CD that i made as i dont want to go through the whole process again and download the sp and hotfixes etc. Alternatively if anyone knows how i can get my battery drivers to install that would be great too. Thank you all in advance
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