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Everything posted by *John*

  1. Hi all! I have a Virtual Private Server hosted by GoDaddy. It's pretty cheap, and it's not that bad at all really. It runs Red Hat Fedora Core 7, and has: 10GB space 500GB Bandwidth 256mb ram (1GB Bursted) Assume for a second that i'll be looking to run a blog from it, so nothing too heavy, although there will be a database obviously. Will it survive getting dugg? Or will it die painfully and quickly? How much can I expect from this Virtual Server before it dies? 100 views at any one time? 500? 1,000? 10,000 a week? I have no idea at what point servers can no longer handle the strain before the page stops loading for visitors, so i'd be grateful for your opinions on this. Ideally, i'm looking to start a blog that i'm hoping will get a fair amount of traffic in time, and i'm wondering whether my Virtual Server will suit that, or whether it will only survive say, 10,000 hits a day before it either crawls or dies etc.. Any opinions on this would be most welcome
  2. Thanks
  3. Thanks, but I cannot find the thread
  4. Hi all! Quick question! I am looking to use nlite to integrate SP3 into XP Pro SP2 from a Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit computer. Is nlite now 100% working from Windows Vista? Or do I need to right click, and select the XP SP2 compatibility settings for nlite? Thanks!
  5. You can't go from XP RTM (no service pack) ---->SP3 You need to first integrate SP1 or SP2 first, and then integrate SP3 after.
  6. Did you run nlite from vista?
  7. Really? That's very helpful if it's true? Is it definate that nlite uses microsoft's /integrate method to slipstream service packs?
  8. Thanks for the reply! Although i've read somewhere that nlite won't delete duplicate files, but microsofts method will? Is there any truth to this? Or does nlite actually use the /integrate command, and thus do exactly the same thing as microsoft's manual method?
  9. Do you have the latest graphics drivers? That is mostly cause bsod i think???
  10. Hey! I'm looking to update my Windows XP Professional SP2 CD to include SP3. Now, the two methods i'm aware of are nlite, and the manual method such as the one Paul Thurrott is advocating here: http://www.winsupersite.com/showcase/xpsp3_slipstream.asp Apologies if this is a stupid question, but what's the difference? Is there a difference? using nlite seems the most simplest solution, but i'm worried that there will be an increased chance of creating a "bad CD", where everything appears to work, yet windows is a little bit more unstable as a result, with more bsod's etc... So, which is best? Is nlite safe to use to slipstream sp3, or should I do it manually to avoid all problems? Thanks for the help!
  11. I have a Windows XP Pro SP2 install that runs excellently. No problems whatsoever, and it's quick. I haven't updated beyond SP2 at all though. I usually go from service pack to service pack for both maximum stability and compatability. The good thing is that I have totally avoided WGA and OGA in my Office 2003 too. I value my privacy and stability, and given the trouble with that i'm glad to give it a massive miss. My question is whether I need SP3? Have all of you installed it, or have some of you held back? The fact that it contains WGA is a massive minus for me, because I don't trust it, particularly not to lock me out of my own PC the next time there is a problem at MS. I am also worried about compatibility. Is newer software going to require SP3, and this leave me out in the cold with SP2? I'm just generally interested in your opinions Thanks
  12. Any other opinions?
  13. Can nlite run from Vista without problems? Are any of you nliting XP cd's from Vista without problems? I'm planning on nliting a windows xp pro sp2 CD to include some drivers and sp3, but I don't have a windows xp install to do it from, just a Vista install. Will all that work fine, or can I expect some known quirks/bugs in the resulting cd, or for it not to work at all? Thanks!
  14. Any more thoughts?
  15. Just checking, but I have an XP SP2 CD, and i'd like to slipstream XP SP3 into it from my Vista PC. Will the latest version of nLite (1.4.5) do this without problems now, or does everything appear to work, but there are stability problems or something? I was wondering what your experiences are, because i'm going to use the nLited CD I make for a mission critical system, so i'd very much appreciate the heads up if using nLite to slipstream XP SP3 on a Vista PC causes any "niggles" that I should be aware of. Thankyou
  16. *John*

    After using vLite

    Ah ha! Thank you very much guys!
  17. *John*

    After using vLite

    Hi all! I played around with vlite to start with, and integrated a service pack and drivers Then I deleted that, and burned a fresh vlite'd vista with just SP1 integrated. The problem is, my fresh vlited vista has all the same drivers that I integrated with the first project? How is that possible? After the first vlite project I deleted the Vista folder I created with the vista files inside, and my second project was with a freshly copied vista folder. Or am I just being stupid, and Vista SP1 contains a shed load of new drivers? Help!
  18. When I first installed vLite, I tried to have a good play around. I slipstreamed SP1 and added an abundance of drivers etc... In the end, I decided that I just wanted the default RTM image slipstreamed with SP1, with no tweaks or drivers. So I deleted the .iso file that I made originally, and the vista folder containing the vista files that I made on my desktop. I then made a new folder on my desktop, copied the RTM files from the DVD again, and essentially started from scratch and slipstreamed SP1 and burnt a new DVD. The problem is, my new slipstreamed ISO appears to have a few of the drivers that I slipstreamed from my first project? Given that I deleted the first project's iso and vista folder that I made to copy the files accross, how is this possible? Did SP1 contain a few more drivers and i'm just being stupid, or did vLite use some things from my first project for my latest DVD? Thanks for any and all help!
  19. I was wondering whether I could get everyone's opinions on this? For Christmas I has a Red Dell XPS M1330: 13" LED Widescreen Dual Core 2.2 Ghz 2GB Ram 250GB HD 128 Nvidia Graphics Card 9 Cell battery It came pre-installed with Vista Home Premium, but we all know how terrible default installs are, so i'm looking to reformat. The question is, should I install XP Pro, or Vista Ultimate? I currently have Vista Ultimate on my desktop, and have had since february, and it's run well, with ZERO problems. I am concerned about how Vista will run on a laptop though, and whether i'd be better off with XP for both longer battery life, and faster more productive computing? What are your thoughts on this? Does Vista run excellently on Laptops, or should I stick with XP? Thanks
  20. Once you've done that, you'll probably get a NO_ACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error. I don't even think you'll be able to install the Intel SATA driver and application with SATA disabled in the BIOS... It will probably say it can't find a SATA controller and abort. Ah ok. I tell you what, i'll give it a go, and post the results here. John I was thinking about this, but AFAIK, the Windows XP installer wont detect USB devices
  21. I did, and they dont! If you read my post, I said i'm NOT looking to integrate drivers or anything.
  22. Sorry to bump this, but i'm having the exact same problem I have recently bought a HP laptop, and I refuse to live with the default OEM Windows XP Home edition install....yuck So I put in my Windows XP Pro SP2 CD and..... Hard Drive not detected I really cant be fussed with making a fresh Windows XP Pro SP2 CD with integrated SATA drivers, so I was wondering if I could do something like this: 1) Turn off SATA in the BIOS (There's a clear option for it - "For legacy systems" its says) 2) Install Windows XP Pro SP2 3) Install *THIS* 4) Turn SATA back on in the BIOS Would this work? Or once i've turned SATA off in the BIOS, does it really have to stay off? Any/all help very much appreciated! John
  23. Just thought i'd say hi, and test out this board and see how it all works John
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