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Posts posted by Bastian_W

  1. I have set up a new workstation via unattended XP Setup...

    I copied the wuau.adm for the SUS-Server via a batch file... now I have added this policy and I have now some new options... But all my preconfigured things in my wuau.adm where missing.

    Because a new wuau.adm was kopied over my one

    Old wuau.adm -> 25KB

    New wuau.adm -> 41 KB

    I don´t use Windows XP SP2 on this machine...

    What a patch can have overwritten my preconfigured file? Anybody an idea?


    See also here: http://www.adminlife.com/247reference/msgs/34/170419.aspx

    I´m not the only person...

    And I added the Old und the new Version from the wuau.adm


  2. Does anyone know if my small company must buy a license für the MUI Pack for Windows XP Pro? We have the "Volumen License"... and we got automatically all the CD with updated/Servicepacks and MUIs via post... :)

    Please help :rolleyes:

  3. Hi,

    I search for a soulution where I can eject my CD-ROM Drive when the unattended CD is finished...

    I searched the web, but I don´t found anything. I Tryed a Dos-Tool called:

    "fxeject" but it needed MSCDEX.EXE be loaded.

    Have anyone a soulution for this?


    found this code (its ActiveVB) but I don´t can compile it :) :

    'Dieser Source stammt von http://www.activevb.de
    'und kann frei verwendet werden. Für eventuelle Schäden
    'wird nicht gehaftet.

    'Um Fehler oder Fragen zu klären, nutzen Sie bitte unser Forum.
    'Ansonsten viel Spaß und Erfolg mit diesem Source!

    '------------- Anfang Projektdatei Project1.vbp -------------
    '--------- Anfang Formular "Form1" alias FORM1.FRM  ---------
    ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "Command2"
    ' Steuerelement: Schaltfläche "Command1"

    Option Explicit

    'Deklaration: Globale Form API-Funktionen
    Private Declare Function mciExecute Lib "winmm.dll" (ByVal  _
    lpstrCommand As String) As Long

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
       'Laufwerkstür öffnen
       Call mciExecute("Set CDaudio door open")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Command2_Click()
       'Laufwerkstür schließen
       Call mciExecute("Set CDaudio door closed")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()
       'Control-Eigenschaften initialisieren
       Command1.Caption = "Auf"
       Command2.Caption = "Zu"
    End Sub
    '---------- Ende Formular "Form1" alias FORM1.FRM  ----------
    '-------------- Ende Projektdatei Project1.vbp --------------

  4. @Krissam

    Try this... Go in the park and put a sign "do not tuch freshly painted" on a parkbench and count the persons who will touch the bench. It would surprise me if NO person will touch this bench.


    I have tryed the block.Exe (BlockInput.zip) but without the DLL and the exe won´t work. Then I tryed the AutoIt Scripts... but it seamed that the Autoit command will ONLY run in an autoit script... so THE whole unattended batch MUST be in an autoit Script so perhaps this will work. I will not give the block.exe(BlockInput.zip) a new try... and will copy the DLL in the windows Root-Direktory.


    The Block.exe don´t work... the batch will stop when I start the Programm in the Script via: %systemdrive%\install\block.exe there is no difference if the dll is on the CD or not.

    Is there anybody wo have a soulution? Or is there an error I made???

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