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Posts posted by Bastian_W

  1. Hello together,

    I´m trying to install Symantec Antivirus and a MSP File at the same time at the moment. But it seamed it isn´t possible.

    I wish to install a with a SAVCE_10.1.6_MP1_AllWin_EN.msp file.

    I found this here (https://sharepoint.uvm.edu/sites/ad/distribution/appconfig/Symantec%20AntiVirus.aspx):

    Use the "PATCH" public variable under "msiexec" to install the patch at the same time as initial deployment (i.e. setup.exe /s /qn /V"PATCH=SAVPATCH.msp")

    * Pro: Allows the patch to be integrated at install time, thus avoiding bugs and vulnerabilities. Reduces the need for reboots. Maintains self-healing capabilities of MSI.

    * Con: Not overly compatible with Symantec's "Setup.exe" routine... unreliable

    but the patch Variable isn´t working for me. Every time I got the error message that it couldn´t found my MSP file.


    A installation point isn´t what I would like to have... I know it is working but I have bad experince with it. It often break MSI application healing and re-install features.

  2. Hello together,

    is it possible to define a tempfolder for all users (like c:\temp)?

    The reason is, that I wish to have a C:\Temp folder for all users and not x Tempfolders in the profile from the users.

    I´m sure there was a reg. entry. But I´m unable to find the posting...

    Edit (found my old posting):


  3. Sorry my late response... I was ill :-)

    Yes, I know WUS (see my sign *g*), but this isn´t what I need... :-)

    What I like is a small batch/programm which I can start via taskmanager. This programm should stop some tasks, patch the windows 2003 OS and restart the complete server.

    Perhaps there is a Windows comand which I can use to force these "Autoupdate" to scan and reinstall the patches?!?!

  4. Hello,

    I have copyed my unattended CD to a netdrive and now install the OS from this point.

    It works... BUT... I can see that the setup copyes e.g. the drivers.cab 2 times....

    1. Boot from netbootdisk

    2. Mapdrive

    3. start installation, this one with the blue background where you can "creat the partions and so on" and now some files e.g. the drivers.cab will be copyed from netdrive to hd

    4. remove floppy

    5. reboot

    6. NOW... the setup started again (this one with the blue background where you can "creat the partions and so on"), and it copies again the drivers.cab and the other stuff. But it DOESN´t have a connection to the network...

    7. Reboot

    8. Convert from FAT32 to NTFS

    9. Start the Installation where you can coose the workstation name and so on...

    10 ...

    I don´t have an idea how to fix this... :wacko: I hope somebody can help...

  5. Hello,

    I have a problem with a netinstall version from XP...

    I have build a bootdisk who is able to scan automaticaly for my networkcard and loaded the needed drivers (the disk know more then 100 drivers, all the files are expanded to a ramdrive so the check is very quick). After the check this disk mapped a drive from a server where my software is stored and started the XP installation. BUT... I only got the message "Error Message: Windows XP Requires a Hard Drive Volume with at Least 6xx Megabytes of Free Space"

    I found this:


    on the MS Website... but this doesn´t help... I can´t make a 20MB RAMDrive... :no:

    does anybody have a solution? :(

  6. d3dim.dll is a part of w2k+sp4 and to me (in italian version) result that is not modified from the script

    in your SOURCE folder there is a file called d3dim.dl_?

    and in your SOURCESS folder?

    If the first answer is yes and the second is no try to do the Total Slipstream in a  volume with more free disk space.

    The file "d3dim.dl_" is in the source folder and in the sourcess Folder. I thing I have enought space for building it... I thing 30GB free space sould be enough...

    I will try a complete new SP4 slipstream CD today. So perhaps there is something wrong with some files... I hope :huh:. An Windows2000 with a slipstreamed IE6 would be very nice...

  7. I tryed to slipstream IE6 only to my unattended Setup (no hotfixes, no other things). But I think this failed. When I try to install the OS the setup sayed there are missing files like:






    My Source is a copy from the Orginal german MS 2000 CD, I only slipstreamed SP4. Have I missed some steps???

  8. Does anybody know how to install flashGot via the script?

    I downloaded

    but I´m not shure it this section here I made is correct:

    [Component FLASHGOT]
    Description Short=FlashGot
    ;*** LOCALIZE ME BABY ***
    Description Long=FlashGot plugin
    Install Size=622
    Install Size System=1
    Install Size Archive=162
  9. This Rollup Fixpack 1 is working like s***... When I test it via VMware this pack is installed via my unattended CD, but the MS Hotfix Site will Download it again. It this a problem with the script or a problem with the fix?

  10. Hm,

    seamed there is no solution for this... I found only this here:



    And the Norton Support doesn´t answer my emails...

    This stupid guys... way does I bought this product when I don´t have support????


    I thing I found a solution... try the Symantec Administrator Liveupdater from here:


    but I´m not shure how to integrate this downloaded files now... I thing I will start reading the manual :unsure:

  11. I have the same problem... it seamed this isn´t possible.

    And it also not possible to Download the 130MB patches direktly to HD for a later install :-(... I mean, I use the Firewall on a notbook and often I have only a bad ISDN connection. I CAN´T Download 130MB via ISDN...

    I think, I never will by any Norton products...

  12. Sorry I was away for a while... :-)

    download.exe is a finde DOS Tool to Download something via comandline... very nice and usefull, I found it here @ MSFN, its included in the RAR File a posting above...

    When you run this batch it will

    1. Download the V& Update

    2. Extract IT

    3. And Packed some files

    All what you mus do it now got to the "Add_To_I386" Folder and copy all the files there to your unattended CD into the i386 Folder...

  13. MS Update Vers 6 is released.


    which files do we need now?


    I hope I found them all, here is the modifized Batch vor MS-Update Ver. 6:

    feel free to test it :-)


    REM mkdir tmpdir
    mkdir wucabs

    Echo downloading cdm.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/cdm.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\cdm.cab
    Echo downloading iuengine.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/iuengine.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\iuengine.cab
    Echo downloading wuapi.cabb
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wuapi.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuapi.cab
    Echo downloading wuauclt.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wuauclt.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuauclt.cab
    Echo downloading wuauclt1.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wuauclt1.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuauclt1.cab
    Echo downloading wuaucpl.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wuaucpl.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuaucpl.cab
    Echo downloading wuaueng.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wuaueng.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuaueng.cab
    Echo downloading wuaueng1.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wuaueng1.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuaueng1.cab
    Echo downloading wucltui.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wucltui.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wucltui.cab
    Echo downloading wups.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wups.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wups.cab
    Echo downloading ups2.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wups2.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wups2.cab
    Echo downloading wusetup.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/b/selfupdate/AU/x86/XP/en/wusetup.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wusetup.cab
    Echo downloading wuweb_site.cab
    download.exe http://update.microsoft.com/windowsupdate/v6/V5Controls/en/x86/client/wuweb_site.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuweb_site.cab
    Echo downloading wuredir.cab
    download.exe http://download.windowsupdate.com/v6/windowsupdate/redir/wuredir.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuredir.cab
    Echo downloading wuident.cab
    download.exe http://update.microsoft.com/v6/windowsupdate/selfupdate/wuident.cab E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\wucabs\wuident.cab

    cd wucabs
    mkdir tmpdir
    for %%i in (*.cab) do E:\Windows_XP_Superdisk\Stuff\Wu_updater_ver6\extract.exe /Y /E /L tmpdir %%i

    cd tmpdir
    for %%j in (*.*) do makecab %%j

    mkdir ..\Add_To_I386
    move *.**_ ..\Add_To_I386

    cd ..

    REM rmdir /q /s tmpdir



    Fixes some small problems

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