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Everything posted by joebells

  1. yeah I'd like to know as well
  2. you know whats wierd about winrar is that it will recreate the shortcut everytime you start the program back up. At least it was for me. You have to go into the winrar options and untick create a program group or everytime you open it winrar will recreate the program menu. This of course doens't help with the initial deleting of the shortcut but can help with some confusion later on.
  3. if you use a cd to install then oem should be beside i386. If you install from a network share then it should be inside the i386 folder.
  4. edg21 isn't using a cd for the files he's using a winpe cd as a boot disk. his installation files are still on a network share. In the first line net use u: \\bender\unattend you can see he is mapping a folder named unattend on a server named bender to the u: drive
  5. I finished up yesterday and ran it and it worked flawlessly. Thanks for the main part of this edg21 pretty much all of it is your work I just modified it a bit. I'm going to post the contents of all the files I used if anyone has any questions post and when I see them I'll answer. cmdlines.txt [COMMANDS] "setup.cmd" "ftpscript.cmd" "regscript.cmd" "useraccounts.cmd" setup.cmd @ECHO OFF set FTP_ADDY= set FTP_USER=**** set FTP_PASS=**** set PAK_DIR=unattend set TOP_DIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install set FTP_SCR=%TOP_DIR%\ftp_scr.txt md %TOP_DIR% ECHO Building FTP Script ... > %FTP_SCR% ECHO open %FTP_ADDY% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO user %FTP_USER% %FTP_PASS% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO bin >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO prom >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd %PAK_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO lcd %TOP_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO get ftp.cmd >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO bye ECHO. ECHO Downloading per FTP_CMD.TXT .... %WINDIR%\system32\ftp.exe -n -s:%FTP_SCR% del %FTP_SCR% :END ftpscript.cmd call %systemdrive%\install\ftp.cmd ftp.cmd @ECHO OFF ECHO. ECHO Setting variables ... set FTP_ADDY= set FTP_USER=**** set FTP_PASS=**** set FTP_CANC=undefined set PAK_DIR=unattend set TOP_DIR=%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install set FTP_SCR=%TOP_DIR%\ftp_scr.txt set FTP_TSCR=%TOP_DIR%\ftp_tscr.txt set FTP_OUT=%TOP_DIR%\ftp_out.txt set INSTALL_SCR=%TOP_DIR%\install.cmd set PACK_SCR=commands.txt set TOOL_SCR=%TOP_DIR%\tool_scr.txt set TOOL_DIR=%WINDIR%\system32 set APP_DIR=%TOP_DIR%\apps set UPD_DIR=%TOP_DIR%\updates set TWK_DIR=%TOP_DIR%\tweaks set MOD_DIR=%TOP_DIR%\mods set DRV_DIR=%TOP_DIR%\drivers :: SETTING VARIABLES FOR VIDEO DRIVERS set VID_DRV=undefined set ATI_DRV=ati.rar set NVI_DRV=nvidia.rar :: CREATING DIRECTORIES FOR PACKAGES ECHO. ECHO Creating directories ... md %APP_DIR% md %UPD_DIR% md %TWK_DIR% md %DRV_DIR% md %MOD_DIR% ECHO Building FTP Script ... > %FTP_SCR% ECHO open %FTP_ADDY% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO user %FTP_USER% %FTP_PASS% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO bin >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO prom >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd %PAK_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO lcd %APP_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd apps >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO mget *.rar >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO lcd %UPD_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd ../updates >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO mget *.rar >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO lcd %TWK_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd ../tweaks >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO mget *.reg >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO lcd %MOD_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd ../mods >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO mget *.rar >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO lcd %DRV_DIR% >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO cd ../drivers >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO mget *.rar >>%FTP_SCR% ECHO bye ::END BUILDING FTP SCRIPT ECHO. ECHO Downloading per FTP_CMD.TXT .... %WINDIR%\system32\ftp.exe -n -s:%FTP_SCR% del %FTP_SCR% ECHO. ECHO Extracting Packages ... for %%i in (%APP_DIR%\*.rar) do UNRAR x %%i %APP_DIR% for %%i in (%UPD_DIR%\*.rar) do UNRAR x %%i %UPD_DIR% for %%i in (%DRV_DIR%\*.rar) do UNRAR x %%i %DRV_DIR% for %%i in (%MOD_DIR%\*.rar) do UNRAR x %%i %MOD_DIR% for %%i in (%APP_DIR%\*.rar %UPD_DIR%\*.rar %DRV_DIR%\*.rar %MOD_DIR%\*.rar) do DEL %%i ECHO. ECHO Building installation script ... > %INSTALL_SCR% ECHO @Echo Off >> %INSTALL_SCR% ECHO SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx >> %INSTALL_SCR% ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx /V TITLE /D "Installing Programs" /f for /d %%i in (%APP_DIR%\*.*) do type "%%i\%PACK_SCR%" >> %INSTALL_SCR% for /d %%i in (%UPD_DIR%\*.*) do type "%%i\%PACK_SCR%" >> %INSTALL_SCR% for /d %%i in (%DRV_DIR%\*.*) do type "%%i\%PACK_SCR%" >> %INSTALL_SCR% for /d %%i in (%MOD_DIR%\*.*) do type "%%i\%PACK_SCR%" >> %INSTALL_SCR% >> %INSTALL_SCR% ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\120 /VE /D "Registry Tweaks" /f >> %INSTALL_SCR% ECHO REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\120 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\tweaks\regtweaks.reg" /f call %INSTALL_SCR% :END ftpscript.cmd call %systemdrive%\install\ftp.cmd regscript.cmd call REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\tweaks\regtweaks.reg cmdlines.txt first calls setup.cmd which downloads the ftp.cmd. I do that incase I want to change something in ftp.cmd and/or a mistake was made in ftp.cmd it lets me not have to burn a new cd. cmdlines.txt then calls the ftp script when then calls ftp.cmd which downloads all the packages, and reg files, extracts them and builds my runonceex commands script. Pretty much what edg21 had. Then cmdlines.txt runs the regscript which just does the reg tweaks. I kind of messed up at this part. I thought about it when I was at work but when I got home to work on it I forgot that edg21's ftp.cmd already ran the regtweaks so I wrote in here to run the regtweaks. The first time I ran it the regtweaks got applied twice. I now have the applying registry files ommitted from the ftp.cmd. If I ever need to reburn the cd for any reason I'll probably take out the regscript part of cmdlines.txt and put it back in the ftp.cmd. It worked pretty nicely though. It lets me apply regtweaks to the default user so that all created users get the tweaks and it lets me install applications in the order that I want since RunOnceEx is numbered. Heres a sample of a commands.txt from my .net folder REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D ".NET Framework v1.1" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\apps\NetFramework\netfx.msi /qb" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 2 /D "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\apps\NetFramework\NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /Q" /f REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 3 /D "net user aspnet /delete" /f
  6. Is cmdlines.txt copied to the harddrive during install or is it run from cd? I searched and couldn't find any info on it. I'm wondering because I'm gonna try to download some stuff during cmdlines.txt and then run those from cmdlines.txt. I just finished setting up my cd but haven't burnt it yet. I have cmdlines.txt call another cmd file for each of the scripts I want to run so I can use %systemdrive% but it would be easier if I could just download the scripts right to where cmdlines.txt resides if it is copied to the hard drive. Thanks.
  7. I searched the forums and I've been using the guide for reference for quite a while now I must have read it a long time ago and forgotten or somehow just skipped over it. thanks for the fast reply.
  8. Hi I was wondering if cmdlines runs everything all at once or if it waits for command 1 to finish before going on to command 2 and so on.
  9. I like doing those(IE, start menu, disabling services, etc.) from cmdlines.txt so that they apply to all users created from that point on.
  10. so to get rid of the desktop shortcut it seems we could use DSKSHORTCUT = 0 ?
  11. well upon further reading the oem documentation only covers assigning the my favorites keys. But this page I found Here says something about assigning 3 of the other keys. If we could find a reference guide for oemkeys then we could assign every key through there probably.
  12. for keyboards the abbreviations are Microsoft Office Keyboard (OFFICE), the Microsoft Internet Keyboard (IK), the Microsoft Internet Keyboard Pro (IKP), the Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro (NKP), the Microsoft MultiMedia Keyboard (MM), the Microsoft Natural MultiMedia Keyboard (NMM), the Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop (WOD), the Microsoft Wireless Natural MultiMedia Keyboard (WNMM), or the Microsoft Wireless Optical Desktop Elite (WODE). Using the oemkeys.exe and oemkeys.ini you can set the defaults for the keys too. So theres no more need for importing registry files to set your keys. I didn't even think to look on the systembuilder site. I didn't find the information anywhere on the oem site but I downloaded ITP5_0OEMEng.exe and IP5_0OEMEng.exe from the oem site and inside was a pdf talking about what to do. I imagine that the 5.0 instructions will work for 5.2. Now I just need to find out how RunOnceEx will handle it? In another post it says the OEMsetup.exe creates another process and so start /wait doesn't work. Does RunOnceEx work the same way? does it wait for just the main process to stop or will it wait for any processes it spawns to stop?
  13. you might have to call a batch file with RunOnceEx.cmd >> C:\Errors.log 2>&1 in it I don't think cmdlines.txt can do commands itself.
  14. I see in another post that it launches a seperate process though so the oemsetup way probably isn't what we want. I would imagine runonceex handles situations the same way as start /wait does?
  15. where is the documentation on the oemsetup for the intelli software microsofts site doens't produce any info.
  16. the real ones and the quicktime ones were dll, good thought though The real program files folder is layed out with a browser folder that has a plugin folder and a components folder I don't really know what to do with the components folder contents?
  17. yeah I just actually looked in the real and quicktime program folders and noticed a plugins directory I copied the quicktime ones over and when I restarted firefox they worked but they real ones didn't. I dont' ever really run across real stuff so I'll just copy over the quick time ones using xcopy and call it a day. thanks for all the replies.
  18. well as I think about it I guess I could install everything as normal except for the two alternative programs. I could then have a batch open firefox.exe so that it opens and registers it self and all that good stuff then I could set run once keys for the alternative programs and then reboot. Wouldn't be the prettiest but it would work.
  19. Hi I install firefox by xcopying the firefox program files folder. I then install real alternative and quicktime alternative. But since firefox isn't really installed yet just copied to the program files folder the alternative programs don't install the plugins. I was wondering if there was a way to get around this?
  20. thanks for all the replies so far.
  21. I tried changing the 5th octet in the folder view setting to 04 to give me detailed view by default but it doesn't work it just gives me list view. What else must I do?
  22. I know that xcopy command works from a regular batch script but in runonceex do I have to specify cmd.exe or do I just call xcopy?
  23. so to use xcopy from runonceex you have to call cmd.exe first? Something like this? cmd.exe /c xcopy /E "%systemdrive%\install\apps\Mozilla Firefox" "%programfiles%\Mozilla Firefox"
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