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  1. The Syntax is "winnt32.exe /s:[%xpcd%\I386] /unattend[time in seconds for reboot]:winnt.sif /tempdrive:[windowsdrive] /syspart:[windowsdrive]" /s:[path to the I386 folder of your CD] /tempdrive and /syspart should point to the same drive For the exactly explanation of the syntax write "winnt32.exe /?" in the command line.
  2. Try this one: winnt32.exe /s:D:\XPCD\I386 /unattend0:winnt.sif /tempdrive:C: /syspart:C: You only have to customize the path to your I386 folder of your XPCD.
  3. The AlienGUIse Theme Manager uses a Wise Installer, the silent switch for that installer ist "setup.exe /S".
  4. Try this: start /wait "%programfiles%\Source Installation Files\Office11\setup.exe" TRANSFORMS="Office11.MST" /qb First, you didn't give him a silent parameter (e.g. /qb or /qn) and second, if your *.mst is in the same folder as the setup.exe, you can leave out the path. hf
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