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  • Birthday 10/02/1973

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  1. Yeah I know.If I bother to run a search for that exe file it dosen't show up anywhere in my computer. It's like the makers of Flash made this software to run on only windows 2000 or something.I don't get it. I can't believe there aren't more people with this error.If there are they sure aren't documenting it. Microsoft dosen't provide a way to change from one OS to another do they?(Well I mean besides buying the new software package).Nevermind probally a stupid question. Thanks everyone that tried to help out.I guess this is just one mystery that the Scooby Gang can't solve.
  2. That can't be the only answer.There has to be something less drastic than changing my whole browser. ZileXa No offense dude I appreciate you sticking your neck out to help.I'll keep it under advisement.Maybe use it as a last resort.Maybe I'll use the Beta of IE7 or something would that do it?
  3. I'm having trouble downloading Flash 8.0. Whenever I try I get about halfway through the process and then you et this error Windows Installer KB884016-V2-X86.exe file is link to missing export NTDLL.DLL NtOpenProcessToken Here's what I've done so far 1.I ran a search for the NTDLL.DLL and found it in my computer so it's not missing 2.Went to Microsoft.com to look for a higher version of the webinstaller.Both the 3.1 and the 3.0 version of the installer gave me the very same error message as when I tried to install flash. 3.I went to Adobe's website and tried to find anything on this error but found nothing 4.I looked over the internet specifically yahoo found one message from a guy from this forum that had what sounds like the same problem, tried to contect him to see if he had found a solution but still no response. I have Windows ME (So I doubt it's a incompatiability problem) So now I'm appealing to you guys.If anyone has had this problem before and figured out a solution or if you're pretty knowledgable and think you know what the solution is please let me know.
  4. I would agree with most of what Michael Moore had said.This man has left a terrible Legacy and a terrible mess for some unlucky stiff to have to clean up.You got a whole bunch of rich spoiled fat cats up there in Washington that could care less about the average citizen.Give tax breaks in a time of war where every dollar counts and where at last estimate we've been spending more than 200 billion dollars a year.But yet their suppose to be the fiscally responsible ones. I disagree however about Brownie.If we waited for the perfect candidate we would never have anyone step up to the plate.Besides that it has been recently revealed that Brownie had warned the President of the possibility of the Levees breaking in a meeting shortly before Katrina struck.He even gave the President a possible course of action but all you heard from the President was silence.I heard this on the Jerry Doyle show.So I don't get on Brownie. The fault in my eyes lies on The president for not acting and taking much needed funds away from the strengthening of the Levees project, that dam mayor Ray Neggan (did I spell that right) for not coming up with a better plan to protect the citizens of his city and that Governor Ms. Blanco for pretty much being incompotent and shoeing away aid that was offered.All 3 of them have alot to answer for in my opinion.I still can't believe that they reelected Ray Neggan!!I'm registered Democrat if I was a citizen of New Orleans I wouldn't have voted him back in!
  5. Well it's nice to meet everyone.I hope sooner or later to become compotent enough to start giving answers instead of just asking for them.
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