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Everything posted by tcarman

  1. Great tool though since using it I am unable to install the Windows Recovery Console. I keep receive the following error Setup was unable to build the list of files to be copied. The data is invalid. I've tested the install without using the RAID Slipstreamer and no problems.
  2. gcond[pn]=['RegKeyExists("HKLM\\SOFTWARE\\Adobe\\Acrobat Reader\\8.0\\Installer\\VersionMax")'];
  3. I have some selections in WPI which should disable the checkbox if it either is excluded by another selection or greyed out due to a condition (specifically the Citrix Server template selections and Sun Java). In some of my code, I find that not all the checkboxes are disabled even though the GCOND condition is true. I have attached my config.js Any help would be appreciated. Cheers. config.js
  4. WPI is a GUI frontend to allow easy install of applications or execution of scripts. If you want to create local users on Windows machines then you will need to find a VBScript or similar to do this and use WPI to launch the script.
  5. You will need to investigate the unattended install instructions for each application you wish to use. The vast majority of applications will allow you to install and input license keys/files with little hassle.
  6. You will find it in \Themes\<Theme Name>\wpi.css
  7. No way now, but possible for a future release maybe??
  8. Is there a way to deselect forced applications if the GCOND is true? Basically, when I first run WPI I have some apps/options I want to force on initial install. Once they are installed, if I launch WPI again, WPI still selects the apps/options even when they are greyed out. Any chance of changing this? Cheers.
  9. I cannot seem to download the new file, it appears it does not exist.
  10. I now want to add the ability to search for a particular file on the CD to ensure the correct CD is inserted, since the CD I am using does not have a label. The code I am using does not appear to be working for me. If I use a CD where the file does not exist it does not eject the disc. cdswitch.exe "" /l:"IBM Director 5.20" /g:"X:\director\agent\windows\i386\FILES\dir5.20_agent_windows.exe" or cdswitch.exe "" X: /l:"IBM Director 5.20" /g:"X:\director\agent\windows\i386\FILES\dir5.20_agent_windows.exe" Any ideas?
  11. It detects the CD now but I can't seem to get it to do a custom label for the disc cdswitch.exe "" X: /l:"IBM Director"
  12. Hi All, I'm trying to use the new extract feature in WPI and am having some issues. I have the following in my config command line though during the WPI install it shows a Windows Scripting error stating it cannot find the source file. The weird thing is that when I wait for the install to finish and then launch WPI again (once Windows is fully loaded) I can launch the install again for Notepad++ and it seems to work. MAKEDIR "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\" %extract% "C:\Build\Notepad++\Notepad++.zip" "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\" Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  13. Is there anyway of using this if the CD happens to have no label??
  14. These really need 2 new functions written for WPI, those being System() and Model(). WPI would also need some new functionality for a Install/Check on Condition. Can anyone help out with this? I'm no good with Jscript.
  15. Is there a way I can check an item based on the result of a WMI query? I want my VMware Tools selection checked if the machine manufacturer is VMware. Any ideas? Cheers.
  16. Hey Guys, I have one last issue with my WPI config which I can't seem to figure out. The issue is with detecting drives in order to (or not to) create a D: partition. As part of the standard Windows install I create the C: partition and let it go through until WPI kicks in. At this point WPI loads and the first two steps are to move CD-ROM to X: and an option to create a D: partition. Here is where my issue lies, I need a way to GCOND the option to create the D: partition if there is no partition to create on or if D: already exists as a fixed drive. As default, Windows sets the CD-ROM to D: during install and using DriveExists finds the CD-ROM at D: before it gets moved and I can't think of any other way to do this ? Does anybody have an idea of how to get this to work? pn=1; prog[pn]=['Set CD-ROM to X:']; ordr[pn]=[1]; uid[pn]=['CDROM']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; gcond[pn]=['DriveExists("X:")']; cmd1[pn]=['hidecmd /w cscript c:\\Build\\Scripts\\cdrom.vbs //B']; pn++; prog[pn]=['Create D: Partition']; ordr[pn]=[2]; uid[pn]=['CREATEDPARTITION']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['CDROM']; gcond[pn]=['DriveType("D:")=="FIXED"']; cmd1[pn]=['hidecmd /w cscript c:\\build\\scripts\\partition.vbs //B']; pn++;
  17. Also a small typo in the Config page of the manual
  18. The tools page for the manual appears to be missing.
  19. I like the grid. I looks clean and more practical to me. Good work mritter.
  20. function DriveExists(dr) { position="core.js"; whatfunc="DriveExists()"; var en, ite; en = new Enumerator(fso.Drives); // This is the line that I need further clarification on ?!? for(; !en.atEnd(); en.moveNext()) { ite = en.item(); if (ite.DriveLetter == dr.toUpperCase()) return true; } return false; }
  21. This works great. Thanks. I want to learn to write my own functions based on WMI queries. I am a total noob in JScript but can understand VBScript. Someone had mentioned WPI has some WMI built in ?? How do I go about writing my own functions in Jscript for WPI? Thanks for the help.
  22. The only issue I have encountered is with the reboot function. The problem is more of a Windows issue than a WPI issue, but I find if I reboot before the initial logon profile has been completed then the quicklaunch bar fails to be created properly. I have my WPI reboot 60 seconds after it finishes to allow the profile to be created, but obviously this will not work if you require a reboot in the middle of your installations.
  23. Excellent. Thanks very much zorphnog. I will test it out. Cheers.
  24. I have nearly perfected my server build but am having issues with one last thing. I have created a script to create a D: partition and want WPI to disable the checkbox if D: is not present. At the moment I have the following, which for some reason does not disable the checkbox if D: is a CD-ROM. The CDROM Dependancy currently maps the CD-Rom to X: prog[pn]=['Create D: Partition']; ordr[pn]=[2]; uid[pn]=['CREATEDPARTITION']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['CDROM']; gcond[pn]=['DriveExists("D:") && FileExists("D:\\pagefile.sys")']; cmd1[pn]=['hidecmd /w cscript c:\\build\\scripts\\partition.vbs //B']; pn++; Ideally I would like a DriveType() function to determine what type of drive D: is, like this prog[pn]=['Create D: Partition']; ordr[pn]=[2]; uid[pn]=['CREATEDPARTITION']; dflt[pn]=['yes']; cat[pn]=['System']; forc[pn]=['no']; deps[pn]=['CDROM']; gcond[pn]=['DriveExists("D:") && DriveType("Fixed")']; cmd1[pn]=['hidecmd /w cscript c:\\build\\scripts\\partition.vbs //B']; pn++; Am I missing something, why is my config not disabling the option when D: is a CD-ROM? Cheers.
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