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Posts posted by croc

  1. yep it is 256mb, so im not alone here...

    Installed 3dmark05, and it reports cards correctly, so I have to conclude that it's a bug that needs to get fixed... along with SLI, XFire, etc.

    (3dmark ~5500 ish this release... Looking up!)

  2. Installed 32 bit rc1 just fine. (well, had a cat fight with Nvidia drivers, but read the fine print on nvidias's site... Disabled my AV, and all OK. Funny, didn't seem to be a problem in pre-rc1....)

    But X64 rc1 is a different kettle of fish. 1st install just went to a black screen and died. No HD, nothing. So I re-installed. This time I got to a start-up screen, which just hung with the little circle going around, and around... No HD, no nothing. Third install went a bit further, actually got to a final screen, so downloaded the reporting tools, and got a report off. Hope it helps, because that was the last thing that install did. The mouse driver halted (well I think it did) and the keyboard went down with it. The mouse is USB and the kbd is PS2, so not sure how the mouse could affect the keyboard...

    Any ideas, anyone? Anyone else had issues with x64 rc1?

    x64 beta 2 rocked... What happened?

    needless to say, this isn't posted from my x64 bit install... Frustrated, I am!

    Edit... After a few more installs / restarts, I can say that the system is just halting. No BSOD, no error, nada dam ting. Mouse quits, kbd is unusable, clock stops. No disk re-writes, and after a re-start no error report to be filed. Nothing in any log that I can find, so don't know what exactly to report now.

    Again, with some further info, any ideas?

    Edit 2... I have now installed / re-installed over 10 times... Same issues. So finally just went into re-start mode. Same issues, but now after a minute or two sometimes I get a bsod. Sometimes it actually completes! So I have now managed to get a few bsod error reports back to MS.

    I also persisted in trying to install the error reporting tools, and after countless attempts got both modules loaded. After several (many) more reboots, I finally got off a short error report. Then it locked up again...

    Anyone know where the busted bsod's are kept? (Fizban?)

  3. beta 2 keys will still work as long as you have not used your 10 activations up.

    I wonder about that '10 key' thing. I know I've installed and re-installed way over 10 times...

    Still lets me activate.

    Go figger

  4. well dont you actually have 512mb of physical ram tho? or does it say you hafe 256mb physical and the rest is virtual?

    I actually SHOULD have 512 x 2 actual memory on my GPU's.

    I'm not quite sure how to interpret what's actually being reported. But the adapter is definitely the wrong model, and I seem to get the same report as all of the above... Go figure.

  5. i noticed something very strange, look at the memory for my vid card...

    I have two 6800 ul's and get the exact mem report. So I think its a bug...

    And its reporting my ul's as gt's... No sli yet, either, even using the latest 96.33 Nvidia driver.

    I hope they don't go to rtm without fixing these 'minor' glitches.

  6. im only able to do an install over XP home edition. what files should i add or get to make it so that i can do a clean install nothing else?

    also, if i were to upgrade from 5384 to 5536, would i loose anything?

    upgrading 5384 to 5536 everything you have will be intact, i am not sure i understand your first question

    I was one of the lucky 100k that got the 'public' release. Tried to upgrade my 5384 build, install didn't like that option, so I did a clean install. (it DID like my 5384 key, however)

    30 min.s later, Voila'! A functioning 32bit Vista OS! changed the power options, (why is it that Vista seems to think everyone must be using a laptop?) changed the UAC options, got TMAV installed, and went to look at device manager for 'yellow exclamations'. Only 2, both where the sound card should be. Installed the Aug 10 creative drivers... No fuss, no muss, one reboot and no 'yellow exclamations' left. Even the creative app works... changed my speakers to 5.1.

    imported my favourites and cookies, and so far so good. AND my perf. is now 4.1!

    Much closer to a releasable version. (now if it could only do SLI...)

    Now off to 3dmark testing....

  7. Doom 3 runs just fine, (a bit slow) but it is not particularily relevant as it is not dependent on the direct x code...

    Silent Hunter 3 will install, but will not run because (even in compatibility mode for XP) it doesn't see an OS to run on.

    Next few days I'll try Hitman 2, two versions of Combat flt Sim, and two versions of F1...

    I'd appreciate anyone's input / fixes / workarounds for these or any other games that they have found enjoyable over the years.

    (I was not happy when XP wouldn't run Terminal Velocity... Never could get the sound codec to work!)

    Edit: Combat flt sim runs, but I sure wouldn't want to play it... I could get maybe .5 FPS. (and this is a MS game?)

    I'll try to get the time tomorrow to load hitman2 or one of the ea F1 titles.....


  8. :) waiting for kentsfield. i figure if i need a new mobo, ram, and video card, i can wait for the quad core chips

    (sigh) Good thing my profession isn't as a fisherman...

    But what about the AMD quads coming out? And the long-rumoured k8l? And the quad opty's that might be available soon?

    So many things to wait for.

  9. For the 3dmark 2005, Is it the same program used for xp? What other testing tools can you use with vista to test graphics. Thanks in advance

    Yes, same 3dmark05... Had to run it in 'compatability mode for XP' for the two Vista tests, that might explain some of the difference.

    I'd like to see someone run the same set of tests in a good intel processor and see if the results are comparable

  10. Can you provide individual details on the three platforms you tested on? (or if its a single platform with drives swapping out, just give us the details on the rest). Here are the parts that would be pertinent:

    Processor (make, model, current front side bus and processing speeds)

    Ram (current operating speed and the timings that are being used)

    Video card (make, model, current speeds, drivers you're using)

    System board (make, model, BIOS revisions)

    Processor, athlon 3700+

    Memory is OCZ ddr 3200 running at a CAS of 2, RASD 2. Stock bios settings, really.

    GPU's, 6800 ultra x 2

    MB, DFI LP UT NF4 Expert.

    Only difference between the three tests were the HD's. I just thought that the results were a bit interesting.

    Another interesting bit, my x64 performance is a '3', but my x32 performance is only a '1'.

  11. Spent a wee bit of time testing Vista today under 3d mark 2005... Interesting results. Same platform, some slight differences in HD's... My XP HD is an old slow PATA ST312006a. My 64 bit vista is on a ST3320622AS sata ii with 16 mb cache, ncq, etc. My 32 bit is on a slightly older drive, a ST3320620AS.

    So much for the minor variances. On to the results!

    XP, 4977

    Vista beta 2 x64, 3594

    Vista beta 2 x32, 2999

    No hardrives or MB's were harmed in the making or this post....

  12. I finally got around to loading 64 bit. I have a few questions / issues.

    1. Where does the Nvidia control panel get hidden?

    2. Why does my creative Audigy seem to load but I still have no sound?

    I am sure that these are all simple questions and I apologise for asking them.

  13. Nortel contivity 501d....

    Comes up in install with an error message 'there's an IP conflict' or some sort. If I proceed, after the next reboot I get no connectivity whatsoever.

    :no: you are most likely going to have to wait for Nortel to release a new version of the client that will work with the new TCP/IP stack, you acn try contacting them and see if they have a beta of the software that they are testing and you could possibly test

    Rats. Nortel no longer considers clients to be 'free' they are now included only as part of a system. I'll have to ask our router guys to try to get me one...

  14. I'm trying to get my corporate VPN working. My ADSL is connected to my ethernet connector, and I chose 'private' when I set it up. All sorts of issues when I try to install my VPN. No connectivity at all, so basically I had to do a rollback.

    Any suggestions?

    Nortel contivity 501d....

    Comes up in install with an error message 'there's an IP conflict' or some sort. If I proceed, after the next reboot I get no connectivity whatsoever.

  15. no problem :)

    just glad it worked, vista is hard to trouble shoot since most drivers are still written for XP and very few drivers act the same in vista in XP, it is just a matter of messing with it till it works (possibly with a sharp instrument) SLI may not working under Vista yet, if you getting it working please post, i haven't heard of anyone getting it working yet. i only have one vid card so i cannot try that yet

    Read the 88.61 release notes in the section 'not NVIDIA's problem...

    according to Nvidia, this is a MS vidio codec issue. I suppose I'll get an update some day, and I'll be able to enable it.

  16. optional update through windows update? anyway to find what files it loaded?

    Possibly... If I can get back in in safe mode.

    What do I look for and where?


    I did a before / after search on today's date. The setupapi.app.log is interesting. It suggested that this app actually installed sucessfully. So I re-booted again, and voila! System came up, I managed to get out of the pale blue screen by doing an escape, and on the second re-boot everything seems normal. Plus I now have 4 nforce4 PCI-Express Root Port devices same as XP. So all is now good. So if I could only enable SLI...

    Thanks for the suggestion. I would've just done a rollback if you hadn't.

  17. when you refer to crap, can you give some example? i know everyone says there is to much crap but i still don't see examples of it, POW has some good examples (by the way the green bar across the top is the indexing agent checking the folder and reindexing it :)) that is why it takes for ever one those folders with huge AVis or movie files.

    Not really in the area of 'crap', but there are a few things that don't quite work yet. Nortel VPN client, Nvidia SLI, and winpcap are a few... I expect that the size will be a bit smaller in final distro, but also suspect that some of the current controls may be pared down.

    I'm a bit concerned about some of the DRM rumours that have surfaced. I haven't really tried (yet) to burn a CD or DVD, so don't really know if the rumours are justified. Maybe I should just to give it a lash.

    Basically, if the Nortel issue could be resolved I could use this as my primary OS now. Also, all proviso's aside, I basically like it.

  18. NVIDIA - system - nForce4 PCI-Express Root Port

    This is an optional update. I've been trying to get rid of some NVIDIA gpu issues, (only seeing 256 MB ram on a 6800 Ultra, no SLI, etc.) so I installed it. It caused system to black screen and then.... Nada. Patiently waited for quite a while (an hour or so) because there was still some drive activity. Rebooted system. blue-grey screen, mouse active, but nada. Waited quite a while, then rebooted into safe mode and did a system restore.

    Two days later, I repeated the process as it was now a recommended optional install. Deja' Vu all over again. I then looked into installed updates, and there are now two of these optional updates happily installed. I can't remove them.

    KB article is non-existant, help is not ready for prime time yet...

    Any clues?

  19. Has anyone had any luck getting SLI mode to work from a clean install? The 88.61 driver notes seem to indicate that hardware acceleration is not currently enabled.

    I have a dfi sli MB, running in sli mode in bios, with a pair of 6800 ultras. No sli in vista 5384. Nvidia control panel doesn't even have a selection for this mode. Aero runs slow... Perf. rating is a '2'.

    Device manager shows two graphics cards, both have driver from Nvidia installed.

    I cannot find another system config. area to enable sli. And no help files at present, on MS or Nvidia.


    Thanks for any advice.


    I tried the 87.45 drivers, don't go there.

    As a curiosity, my 6800 ultras show up as 6800 gt's... After reporting this 'minor' issue (losing half of my GPU RAM is minor?) Nvidia invited me to subscribe to their newsletter. They one they never send, it seems.

  20. Using a clean install, I had similar issues. My solution was to wait until there was no drive activity for a few minutes then power down and power up the system. Start windows in safe mode with networking, it comes up... Do a polite shutdown and another restart, all's well.

    Hope that helps.

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