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Popup during hotfix-installation

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I'm installing hotfixes with SVCPACK.inf, but I get a popup during the installation. If I just click "Ok", the install continues without problem. But I get another popup after that saying "Extraction Complete" and I have to click "Ok" again.

This is how it looks like.


And this is my SVCPACK.inf


Signature="$WINDOWS NT$"
KB873339.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB885626.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB885835.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB885836.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB886185.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB887742.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB888113.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB888302.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB890046.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB890830.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB890859.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB891781.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB893756.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB893803.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB894391.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB896358.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB896422.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB896423.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB896424.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB896428.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB898461.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB899587.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB899589.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB899591.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB900485.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB900725.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB901017.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB901214.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB902400.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB904706.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB905414.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB905749.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB908519.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB908531.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB910437.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB911280.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB911562.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB911564.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB911567.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB911927.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB912919.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB913433.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB913580.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB914389.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB916281.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB917344.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB917734.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB917953.exe /Q /O /N /Z
KB918439.exe /Q /O /N /Z


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Please rename this thread to:

"Popup "choose directory for extracted files' during 13m of unattended install"

in order to make it easier for other people to find this. I was searching for a thread about this problem myself and the search button was useless because all the info was in the screenshot.

Edited by plouj
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Why would IIS be installed on Windows XP? Get the same issue, and I as far as I know, I'm not installing IIS.

I also checked my personal Windows XP Pro station and all it has in C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv



By the way, I get exactly the same error, and my SVCPACK.inf only differs because I don't have "/O /N /Z" switches for KB890830.exe. Otherwise, I got the same hotfixes and in the same order. Oh, and my headers are ordered a little different, but I don't think that matters.

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I tried to see if any of the hotfixes cause this problem, and I had time to narrow down to these, but I still get the popup:

KB873339.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB885626.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB885835.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB885836.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB886185.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB887742.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB888113.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB888302.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB890046.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB890830.exe /Q

KB890859.exe /Q /O /N /Z

KB891781.exe /Q /O /N /Z

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I got my svcpack.inf down to this, and I still get that popup:

;Windows XP


Signature="$Windows NT$"








KB873339.exe /Q /O /N /Z


(I was testing this only by editing svcpack.inf, I did not delete the actual files from i386\SVCPACK folder)

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I don't know. The switches are fine but are you 100% sure the pop-up is related to installing KB hotfixes and not something else? It's worth just checking this.

And again, qchain is no longer needed for post-SP2 hotfixes.

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No, I'm not sure that the hotfixes are causing it. Like I said, I just tried to see if they did, and apparently they don't.

And again, qchain is no longer needed for post-SP2 hotfixes.

I didn't read the forums, but I read the Unattended guide on this site, and it didn't mention that, or maybe I missed it. Maybe the guide should be updated to make this clear. I'll try without qchain next time.

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I don't know what's in your UACD so you need to do a bit more detective work and eliminate the cause.

As to qchain, last year I did try to get the UA Guide updated with the info but the request was ignored. What else can I say?

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I don't know what's in your UACD so you need to do a bit more detective work and eliminate the cause.

My next chance to play with my UACD will be on Tuesday, so it will be a while before then. However, since I just started working with this, I really don't know what problems to look for.

The good thing is I am working on my UACD in a Subversion repository so I know exactly what changed at each step of my progress. I have a revision that only has the SP2 integrated into the UACD, and that one installed without interruptions. When Tuesday comes, I'll use the svn tool to check exactly what has been changed to that revision to get the Hotfixes to install.

As to qchain, last year I did try to get the UA Guide updated with the info but the request was ignored. What else can I say?

If the request to update the guide was simply ingored, without any reason, then you should keep bugging them. It is unnaceptable keep outdated information in the guide, which so many people read.

I thought the guide was a wiki, so people with access to it could edit it...

If in my investigation, I find out that qchain is causing that popup it will be even more reason to update the guide.

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Are you saying this particular KB caused it or any KB in svcpack also caused it?

As to qchain, including it wasn't without reason to be fair. To me it wasn't a good reason, or at least it should say "not needed for XP post-SP2". This was the thread:


Maybe they'll listen to you this time. :)

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If it is because of the QCHAIN.EXE file, be sure you extract the files before including them in your install. The QCHAIN.EXE file you get from microsoft is an extractable file. Inside, you will find another QCHAIN.EXE. This is the one you want to use in your SVCPACK folder.

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Are you saying this particular KB caused it or any KB in svcpack also caused it?

I'm saying that the presence of qchain.exe in svcpack.inf caused it. See the end of this post for the reason why.

As to qchain, including it wasn't without reason to be fair. To me it wasn't a good reason, or at least it should say "not needed for XP post-SP2". This was the thread:


Maybe they'll listen to you this time. :)

It looks like there is no reason to argue with those guys anymore. My problem was that I failed to follow the instructions carefully.

If it is because of the QCHAIN.EXE file, be sure you extract the files before including them in your install. The QCHAIN.EXE file you get from microsoft is an extractable file. Inside, you will find another QCHAIN.EXE. This is the one you want to use in your SVCPACK folder.

Indeed. I thought I followed that step from the guide, but I didn't. That was the problem the whole time!

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