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Different Visual style depending on username ?

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:hello: all Im alomst finished my Ua DVD but would like to add one last feature. As this is a universal DVD for diferent people here I wish to have windows detect my username and set a different Visual sytle. Different to the defaultl which i have specified in winnt.sif.

I have Royale set in winnt.sif but I would like to set a longhorn alternative for my account.Any help is appreciated :thumbup

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This is what I did, but it might not suit your needs.

I created a multi-boot for my DVD. I created 3 seperate boot options for XP SP2.

1) Install Windows XP SP2

2) Install XP with TJHart85 WINNF.SIF

3) Install XP with other WINNT.SIF

(obviously this isn't exactly what it says, but its good enough)

Did you create a multi-boot DVD, or do you just use a DVD because you have so much stuff?

If you created a multi-boot using FLYAKITE'S guide, you can copy the directory with the boot information in it (I think he called it PRO1) and and paste it as PRO2 and change all the information dependent on PRO1 to PRO2.

In these directories is a WINNT.SIF

In WINNT.SIF you can tell it what visual style you want for each installation.

This might help you, it might not. If you wanted something like


then I have absolutely no idea how to do this. Is it possible to change the visual style via DOS, if it is, then my example above is actually pretty close to what you would do.

Good luck, and be sure to keep us informed on how this turns out!

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The problem is that the users aren't created yet at T-12, so I believe you can only do it after first logon. If you logon with your own account the first time, you can import the registry settings to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, so they will be applied after you reboot. If that isn't the case, you could look for a program that returns the SID of a username, and then write the registry settings to HKEY_USERS\SID.

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