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Are these right?

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REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Daemon Tools" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\DaemonTools\daemon.msi /qb-" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\053 /VE /D ".NET Framework 1.1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\053 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\NetFramework\netfx.msi /qb" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\054 /VE /D "Norton Internet Security Professional 2004" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\054 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\NortonSecurity\SYMSETUP.EXE /qn /Reboot=Suppress" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /VE /D "Spybot Search & Destroy 1.3" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\Spybot\spybotsd13.exe /silent" /f

I changed daemon tools to the one above, is that right? For the other two, ive read different things in tons of forums. .NET asks me for a disk and norton restarts but atleast works. Sybot just didnt install period... Im really at a loss here guys, any ideas would really help.

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No such a switch for a MSI: /Reboot=Suppress. Use it without a slash.

So, this is the correct line: /qn Reboot=Suppress

For Daemon, this works for me: /qn Reboot=ReallySuppress

This works, too: /qb REBOOT=Suppress

If you have problems with 3.44, you'd better download 3.46!

For .NET Framework 1.1, copy it from your CD to HD first, then install it from there.


I can't understand why people are using those /fs!

Is there something in the registry to be overwritten?!

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The "/QB" switch for .NET Framework is correct. If it asks for some disk (as you say), then there's something wrong with the installer (maybe you deleted some file in it?).

As for the necessity of using "/f" (to force write) in all those "REG ADD" commands, it is necessary to ensure that whatever is being written will *NECESSARILY* be written (it should not become a case of "this reg key might or might not be written") regardless of whether your registry is clean at that time or not. Also, the "/f" argument ensures silent operation, otherwise the batch file might stop during operation, asking for user input if it encounters any errors.

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I've allway's wondered also but do it out of habit. You'd think the reg be clean at that point and if not you wouldn't want to overwrite whatever it's doing now would you.

ONLY in case of overwriting, /f is necessary. Can I really insert a string twice in the same script I'm writing? Yes?! Then, I'm drunk. :)

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The "/QB" switch for .NET Framework is correct. If it asks for some disk (as you say), then there's something wrong with the installer (maybe you deleted some file in it?).

1- netfx.msi

2- netfx1.cab

He can proceed with those two files only. What else?

He can run the MSI manually to test if it's corrupted.

He can open the CAB in an archiving utility. If it's opened, then it's not corrupted.

If both are not corrupted and he's still asked to insert a disk, then he should do as I said. If so, then it's a MSI issue!

If you don't like my solution, then insert the disk. :):rolleyes::D

BTW: Is netfx1.cab in the same directory? HUH!

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