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HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask

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HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\UserPreferencesMask

anyone have a *complete* guide to that registry key? i haven't had any luck finding detailed information

  • 4 months later...

Posted (edited)

Here are my current UserPreferencesMask findings (but I don't say the list is complete B) ):

Unofficial UserPreferencesMask reference.

If anyone find out more info, please share. ;)


Edit: Just a note - I believe the list is presently almost complete, maybe there could be new bits used in the Windows Vista, but I haven't tested it yet...

Edit2: I removed the codebox and the old txt file, to download new one, just check out the post below.

Edited by r3incarnat0r
  • 1 month later...

To those who are interested I updated my unofficial UserPreferencesMask reference. B)


- added 0x00004000 (show pointer location)

- added 0x00008000 (ClickLock)

- added 0x00010000 (hide pointer while typing)

- fixed 0x00000020 (keyboard cues) wrong value info

- more detailed descriptions

Download (attached txt file):


  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there,

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to change the menu like this:

(grey on the left, and white background, blue highlighting)


Posted (edited)

Regarding UserPreferencesMask, in the picture there are Flat menus and Shadow under menus tweaks enabled. The rest (i.e. graphics) would depend on an applied Visual style. (I suppose that the screenshot is taken from an application like OfficeXP.)

; a file with INF extension:
Signature="$Windows NT$"


HKCU,"Control Panel\Desktop","UserPreferencesMask",1,0x02,2
HKCU,"Control Panel\Desktop","UserPreferencesMask",1,0x04,2

Edited by r3incarnat0r
  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

1) Save the text to VisualTweaks.INF (Please note that it has the .INF extension and not the .REG extension). I use a .INF file because it allows for bit-wise operations and a .REG does not allow bit-wise operations.

2) Edit the VisualTweaks.ING and at the end of the file you will find lines that contain stringname=value. You only need to modify each value to the desired setting.

3) Run the following command to apply the VisualTweaks.INF:


; [DefaultInstall] section
; AddReg directive indicates the names of sections that contain settings you want to add to the registry.
; DelReg directive indicates the names of sections that contain settings to delete.
; BitReg directive indicates the names of sections that contain bits you want to set and clear.
; CopyFiles
; [add-registry-sections] must be uniquely named and can contain multiple entries
; rootkey, [subkey], [value], [flags], [data]
; rootkey = Rootkey containing the key or value. HKCR (Classes Root), HKCU (Current User), HKLM (Local Machine), HKU (All Users)
; subkey = Subkey to create or the subkey in which to add or change a value. This is optional.
; value = Name of the value to create or modify if it exists. This value is optional. If value is ommitted and the flags
; and data parameters are given, operations are on the key's default value.
; If value, flags, and data are omitted, you are adding a subkey.
; flags = 0x00000000 Value is REG_SZ
; 0x00000001 Value is REG_BINARY
; 0x00010000 Value is REG_MULTI_SZ
; 0x00020000 Value is REG_EXPAND_SZ
; 0x00010001 Value is REG_DWORD
; 0x00020001 Value is REG_NONE
; 0x00000002 Don't overwrite existing keys and values. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00000004 Delete subkey or delete value from subkey. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00000008 Append data to REG_MULTI_SZ value. Appended if does not already exists. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00000010 Create subkey, but ignore value and data if specified. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00000020 Set value only if it already exists. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00001000 Make change to 64-bit registry. If not specified, change is made to native reg. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00004000 Make change to 32-bit registry. If not specified, change is made to native reg. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; data = The data to write to value. Use quotes around a string.
; [del-registry-sections] must be uniquely named and can contain multiple entries.
; rootkey, [subkey], [value], [flags], [data]
; rootkey = Rootkey containing the key or value. HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, HKU
; subkey = Subkey to delete or the subkey in which to delete a value. This is optional. If missing, all operations performed on rootkey.
; value = Name of the value to delete. This value is optional. If missing, you are deleting subkey
; flags = 0x00002000 Delete the entire subkey
; 0x00004000 Make the specified change in the 32-bit registry. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; 0x00018002 If value is REG_MULTI_SZ, remove all strings matching the string indicated by data
; data = The is only used when flags is 0x00018002. Specifies string to remove from REG_MULTI_SZ
; [bit-registry-sections] must be uniquely named and can contain multiple entries.
; rootkey, [subkey], value, [flags], mask, byte
; rootkey = Rootkey containing the key or value. HKCR, HKCU, HKLM, HKU
; subkey = Subkey in which to modify a value. This is optional. If missing, all operations performed on rootkey.
; value = Name of the value to modify. This value is NOT optional and should be REG_DWORD or REG_BINARY
; flags = 0x00000000 Clear the bits specified by mask.
; 0x00000001 Set the bits specified by mask.
; 0x00040000 Make the specified change in the 32-bit registry. Combine this flag with others by ORing.
; mask = Byte-sized mask specifying the bits to set or clear in the specified byte of value. Specify this mask in hex.
; Bits that are 1 will be set or cleared, depending on flags. Bits that are 0 will be ignored.
; byte = Specifies the byte position in value to which you want to apply mask. The left-most byte is 0. The next is 1, 2, 3...
; NOTE: Windows XP stores REG_DWORD values in reverse byte order when specifying which byte on which to apply mask. Thus,
; REG_DWORD values have the right-most byte stored first in memory.
; [DefaultInstall]
; BitReg=Bit.Settings
; AddReg=Reg.Settings
; AddReg=Reg.Uninstall
; CopyFiles=Inf.Copy
; [DefaultUninstall]
; BitReg=Bit.Clear
; DelReg=Reg.Settings
; DelReg=Reg.Uninstall
; DelFiles=Inf.Copy
; [Reg.Settings]
; [Bit.Setting]
; [Bit.Clear]
; [Reg.Uninstall]
; [Inf.Copy]
; [DestinationDirs]
; Inf.Copy=53,Application Data\Custom
; 10 = %SystemRoot%
; 11 = %SystemRoot%\System32
; 17 = %SystemRoot%\Inf
; 53 = %UserProfile%
; 54 = %SystemDrive%
; -1 = Absolute path
; [SourceDiskNames]
; [SourceDiskFiles]
; [Strings]
; NAME = "Jerry's Name"
; DISKNAME = "Setup Files"


; rootkey, [subkey], [value], [flags], [data]

;----- Enable ClearType for ALL Users
;----- "FontSmoothing" is a REG_SZ
;----- "FontSmoothingType" is a REG_DWORD
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,FontSmoothing,0x00000000,%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SmoothEdgesOfScreenFontsString%
HKU,.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop,FontSmoothing,0x00000000,%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SmoothEdgesOfScreenFontsString%
;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,FontSmoothing,0x00000000,%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SmoothEdgesOfScreenFontsString%

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,FontSmoothingType,0x00010001,0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FontSmoothingType%
HKU,.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop,FontSmoothingType,0x00010001,0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FontSmoothingType%
;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,FontSmoothingType,0x00010001,0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FontSmoothingType%

;----- Tweaks Visual Effects
;----- VisualFXSetting is REG_DWORD
;----- (0=Let Windows choose what's best for my computer)
;----- (1=Adjust for best appearance)
;----- (2=Adjust for best performance)
;----- (3=Custom)

;----- Visual Effects - Animate Windows when Minimizing and Maximizing (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\AnimateMinMax, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\AnimateMinMax, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\AnimateMinMax, \

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics,\
HKU,.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics,\
;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics,\

;----- Visual Effects - Fade or slide menus into view (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\MenuAnimation, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\MenuAnimation, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\MenuAnimation, \

;----- Visual Effects - Fade or slide tooltips into view (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\TooltipAnimation, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\TooltipAnimation, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\TooltipAnimation, \

;----- Visual Effects - Fade out menu items after clicking (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\SelectionFade, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\SelectionFade, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\SelectionFade, \

;----- Visual Effects - Show shadows under menus (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DropShadow, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DropShadow, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DropShadow, \

;----- Visual Effects - Show shadows under mouse pointer (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\CursorShadow, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\CursorShadow, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\CursorShadow, \

;----- Visual Effects - Show translucent selection rectangle (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewAlphaSelect, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewAlphaSelect, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewAlphaSelect, \

HKCU,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \

;----- Visual Effects - Show windows contents while dragging (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DragFullWindows, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DragFullWindows, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DragFullWindows, \

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop, \

;----- Visual Effects - Slide open combo boxes (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ComboBoxAnimation, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ComboBoxAnimation, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ComboBoxAnimation, \

;----- Visual Effects - Slide taskbar buttons (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\TaskbarAnimations, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\TaskbarAnimations, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\TaskbarAnimations, \

HKCU,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \

;----- Visual Effects - Smooth edges of screen fonts (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\FontSmoothing, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\FontSmoothing, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\FontSmoothing, \

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop, \

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop, \

;----- Visual Effects - Smooth scroll list boxes (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListBoxSmoothScrolling, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListBoxSmoothScrolling, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListBoxSmoothScrolling, \

;----- Visual Effects - Use a background image for each folder type (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewWatermark, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewWatermark, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewWatermark, \

HKCU,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \

;----- Visual Effects - Use common tasks in folders (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\WebView, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\WebView, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\WebView, \

;----- Windows Exlorer -> 0x0=Classic Folders or 0x1=Show common tasks in folder(default)
;----- "WebView" is a REG_DWORD

;----- Visual Effects - Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewShadow, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewShadow, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\ListviewShadow, \

HKCU,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
HKU,.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \
;HKU,CUSTOM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced, \

;----- Visual Effects - Use visual styles on windows and buttons (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DropShadow, \

;HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DropShadow, \

HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VisualEffects\DropShadow, \

; rootkey, [subkey], value, [flags], mask, byte

;----- Windows Exlorer -> 0x0=Classic Folders or 0x1=Show common tasks in folder(default)
;----- ShellState registry value is a REG_BINARY.
;----- The setting is at the bit at byte position 5 (positioning starts from 0) and binary bit mask 00100000 (hex value 0x20)

;----- Visual Effects - Fade or slide menus into view (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoView%, \
%Bit_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoView%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoView%, \
;%Bit_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoView%, \

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoViewEffect%, \
%Bit_MenuFadeOrSlideMenusIntoViewEffect%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Fade or slide tooltips into view (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOrSlideTooltipsIntoView%, \
%Bit_ToolTipAnimation%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOrSlideTooltipsIntoView%, \
;%Bit_ToolTipAnimation%, \

HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOrSlideTooltipsIntoViewEffect%, \
%Bit_ToolTipAnimationEffect%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Fade out menu items after clicking (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOutMenuItemsAfterClicking%, \
%Bit_FadeOutMenuItemsAfterClicking%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_FadeOutMenuItemsAfterClicking%, \
;%Bit_FadeOutMenuItemsAfterClicking%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Hide underlined letters for keyboard navigation until I press the Alt key : 1=unchecked/disabled(default), 0=checked/enabled
;----- Keyboard cues
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_HideUnderlinedLettersForKeyboardNavigation%, \
%Bit_KeyboardCues%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_HideUnderlinedLettersForKeyboardNavigation%, \
;%Bit_KeyboardCues%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Show shadows under menus (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_ShowShadowsUnderMenus%, \
%Bit_ShowShadowsUnderMenus%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_ShowShadowsUnderMenus%, \
;%Bit_ShowShadowsUnderMenus%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Show shadows under mouse pointer (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_ShowShadowsUnderMousePointer%, \
%Bit_ShowShadowsUnderMousePointer%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_ShowShadowsUnderMousePointer%, \
;%Bit_ShowShadowsUnderMousePointer%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Slide open combo boxes (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SlideOpenComboBoxes%, \
%Bit_SlideOpenComboBoxes%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SlideOpenComboBoxes%, \
;%Bit_SlideOpenComboBoxes%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Smooth scroll list boxes (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SmoothScrollListBoxes%, \
%Bit_SmoothScrollListBoxes%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_SmoothScrollListBoxes%, \
;%Bit_SmoothScrollListBoxes%, \

;----- Visual Effects - Use visual styles on windows and buttons (0=Disable/Unchecked,1=Enable/Checked)
HKCU,Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_UseVisualStylesOnWindowsAndButtons%, \
%Bit_UseVisualStylesOnWindowsAndButtons%, \

;HKU,CUSTOM\Control Panel\Desktop,UserPreferencesMask, \
;0x%TWEAKS_VisualEffects_UseVisualStylesOnWindowsAndButtons%, \
;%Bit_UseVisualStylesOnWindowsAndButtons%, \

;---- bit 0 : Active window tracking : 0=disable(default), 1 for enabled
Byte_ActiveWindowsTracking ="0x00"
Bit_ActiveWindowTracking ="0x01"

;---- bit 1 : Menu animation : Fade or slide menu items into view : 0=disable,1=enable(default), menu effects depend on bit 9
Byte_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoView ="0x00"
Bit_FadeOrSlideMenusIntoView ="0x02"

;---- bit 2 : Combo box animation : Slide open effect for combo boxes : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
Byte_SlideOpenComboBoxes ="0x00"
Bit_SlideOpenComboBoxes ="0x04"

;---- bit 3 : List box smooth scrolling : Smooth-scroll list boxes : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
Byte_SmoothScrollListBoxes ="0x00"
Bit_SmoothScrollListBoxes ="0x08"

;---- bit 4 : Gradient captions : Gradient effect for window title bars : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
Byte_GradientCaptions ="0x00"
Bit_GradientCaptions ="0x10"

;---- bit 5 : Keyboard cues : Menu access key letters underlined when u press ALT : 0=enable/checked(default), 1=disable/unchecked
Byte_KeyboardCues ="0x00"
Bit_KeyboardCues ="0x20"

;---- bit 6 : Active window tracking Z order : Windows activated through active window tracking are not brought to the top : 0=enable(default),1=disable
Byte_ActiveWindowTrackingZorder ="0x00"
Bit_ActiveWindowTrackingZorder ="0x40"

;---- bit 7 : Hot tracking : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
Byte_HotTracking ="0x00"
Bit_HotTracking ="0x80"

;---- bit 8 : Reserved for future use
;---- bit 9 : Menu fade : Menu animation effect : 0=disable/scroll effect,1=enable/fade effect(default)
;---- If menu fade animation is disabled, menus use slide animation. This bit is ignored if menu animation bit 1 is disabled
Byte_MenuFadeOrSlideMenusIntoViewEffect ="0x01"
Bit_MenuFadeOrSlideMenusIntoViewEffect ="0x02"

;---- bit 10 : Selection fade : Menu animation effect : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
;---- The selected menu will remain on the screen briefly and then fade out after the makes a selection
Byte_FadeOutMenuItemsAfterClicking ="0x01"
Bit_FadeOutMenuItemsAfterClicking ="0x04"

;---- bit 11 : Tool tip animation : Fade or slide ToolTips into view : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
;---- The tool tip effect depends on Tool tip fade bit 12
Byte_ToolTipAnimation ="0x01"
Bit_ToolTipAnimation ="0x08"

;---- bit 12 : Tool tip fade effect : Tool tip animation effect : 0=disable/scroll effect,1=enable/fade effect(default), but ignore if bit 11 is 0
;---- If Tool tip animation bit 11 is disabled, this bit is ignored
;---- If Tool tip animation bit 11 is enabled and tool tip fade is enabled, tool tips use slide animation
Byte_ToolTipAnimationEffect ="0x01"
Bit_ToolTipAnimationEffect ="0x10"

;---- bit 13 : Cursor shadow : Show shadows under mouse pointer : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
;---- This effect only appears if the system has a color depth of more than 256 colors.
Byte_ShowShadowsUnderMousePointer ="0x01"
Bit_ShowShadowsUnderMousePointer ="0x20"

;---- bit 17 : Use visual styles on windows and buttons : 1 for yes, 0 for no
Byte_UseVisualStylesOnWindowsAndButtons ="0x02"
Bit_UseVisualStylesOnWindowsAndButtons ="0x02"

;---- bit 18 : Show shadows under menus : 1 for yes, 0 for no
Byte_ShowShadowsUnderMenus ="0x02"
Bit_ShowShadowsUnderMenus ="0x04"

;---- bit 31 : All UI effects : 0=disable,1=enable(default)
;---- All UI effects (combo box animation, cursor shadow, gradient captions, hot tracking, list box scrolling,
;---- menu animination, menu underlines, selection fade, tool tip animation) are enabled.
Byte_AllUIEffects ="0x03"
Bit_AllUIEffects ="0x80"

;---- and bit 14,15,16,19 - 30 ? those bits are reserved for future use. and some of them are in use on WindowsXP
;---- bit 14,15,16 control mouse behaviour

;---- The following strings are only used for set the visual effects

  • 3 years later...

I tried to install, but is showed to me a box, fail to install. How I resolve this? Will be more interesting to me have a menu or other way to change the sattings, but I can't get to install.



I tried to install, but is showed to me a box, fail to install. How I resolve this? Will be more interesting to me have a menu or other way to change the sattings, but I can't get to install.

Well, no works. Always gives fail.


  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

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