Hi there, I'm new to those Windows 2000 unofficial updates and need a bit of help. I'm running Windows 2000 Professionnal with most (if not all) official updates, except maybe some packages which didn't involve security issues. I made a full backup of my partitions so can afford a serious crash. My question is the following: I installed UURollup successfully without having installed Unofficial SP 5.1 before. I then realized that I should have installed the USP5.1 before installing UURollup. Does a successfull UURollup installation means that I did not have to install USP5.1 before ? Or could have I have missed a minor update which doesn't prevent the machine to work fine, but may cause some errors or crashes in the future ? Having installed most (if not all) Windows 2000 official updates, should I consider that my machine contains the equivalent of the USP5.1 ? Or should I roll back to my backup, install USP5.1 over Windows 2000 and then run UURollup ? How compatible is all that with my french Windows 2000 ? Thanks, David PS: I'm a former software developper by degree and can tweak if required, althgough I haven't written a C/C++ line for a decade.