@My2GirlsDad As Tomasz said, I repack UUR11. @Tomasz The w2k I used is with usp5.1 slipstreamed before the use of HFSLIP. Following instructions of www.vorck.com, I added a driver manually, and edited TXTSETUP.SIF to disable LAYOUT.INF check: "TXTSETUP.SIF and LAYOUT.INF file "protection." This one is easy. I keep telling people that the reason Windows chokes on some modified INF files like LAYOUT is because it checks file sizes against the list in the LAYOUT.INF file of any file that has an _X in its line. In other words, if we open LAYOUT.INF and TXTSETUP.SIF, and find the line of that file, it reads: layout.inf = 2,,244801,,,,_x,20,0,0 If you want to modify this file, delete the _X! layout.inf = 2,,244801,,,,,20,0,0 ZOMG the _X is gone Additionally, I hexedit SFC.dll like Gas_Hed suggested: () To disable WFP, change the following in sfc.dll (version 5.0.2195.6921, file size 94,456 bytes, located in system32 subdirectory to Windows directory): at x6276, change 8B C6 to 90 90 Regards