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Problem with install.wim from network location

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Hello all

I've got a problem, when i want to set the location from the install.wim file on a Network-Share with autounattend.xml (InstallFrom). When i use my complete autounattend.xml with alot settings, then i get the following message:

"Windows cannot access one or more of the installation images using the provided credentials"

I shortened the autounattend.xml file to only the "InstallFrom" part (see below), then i get the following error in the Install GUI (GUI because it's nothing other set in the autounattend.xml):

"Windows is unable to install to the selected location. Error: 0x80300001"

When i copy the install.wim File to an external disk, i've got no problems.

The following things i've tried, but everything ends with the same error:

- Everyone got FullControl on the Share and the User i've used in the autounattend.xml got Read right on the Folder and File

- Deleted the "Domain" part under Credentials and added the Domain to the user "ad\..."

- Tested in Domain "ad" and "ad.company.de" (without the "")

- Mapped the Folder to V: and added V:0\install.wim in the autounattend.xml

- created a share on a Client Everyone Full on Share, Everyone Read on File and Folder

- The Client is in the same Network as the other "ToInstallClient"

- Set Null Session on the Client

- Created a local User on the Client insered the User/Passwort and Workgroup into the autounattend.xml

- Checked in the Local Policy on the Fileserver also on the File-Share-Client that the Deny (only Guest) and Allow (everyone, and more) access to the Server from the Network is set (nothing spezial)

NOTE: i've got every time connection to the Server and Client in the CommandLine with "net use v: \\server\vista /user:domain\user password"

- Checked a few hundred times if the share, user and password is right written in the autounattend.xml

Can anyone help me with this Problem?

Thanks and Greetings


PS: Sorry my bad english :)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend">
<settings pass="windowsPE">
<component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<DataImage wcm:action="add">
<MetaData wcm:action="add">
<cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:d:/winvista/install.wim#Windows Vista BUSINESS" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" />

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Problem fixed, we use insteed of the Windows Vista Setup PE, the Windows AIK PE. It looks like there are some Network Problems with the Windows Vista Setup PE.

We've got also a few problems with the AIK PE, that we recive, after the PE is booted, that he cannot find the Server (net use Error 53). We wait after the WPEINIT about 1 minute befor we try to connect a Network share. We've got about every 5 try's one fail. When we've got the Error 53, we need to restart, because every time we try after that, the same error occure on "net use".

Strange but... are we the only one or are there other, who get the same error on "net use" command in Windows PE 2.0?

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