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Environment variables don't work in XML unattended file

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I have this section in my Autounattend.xml unattended answer file:

<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>REGEDIT /S C:\WINDOWS\system32\tweak.reg</CommandLine>

So this is only any use if you install on a C:\ drive, so I change it to this:

<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>REGEDIT /S %WINDIR%\system32\tweak.reg</CommandLine>

And it does not work!

These XML methods suck, this was never a problem in XP with WINNT.SIF, you just

used %SYSTEMDRIVE% or %WINDIR% and it worked, not in Vista though. I thought

things were supposed to get better and easier, not worse and harder?

Edited by LeveL
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Hello LeveL!

use cmd /c in front of your command and it will work again:

<SynchronousCommand wcm:action="add">
<CommandLine>cmd /c REGEDIT /S %WINDIR%\system32\tweak.reg</CommandLine>



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