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.NET 2.0 or .NET 3.0 on 2003 x64


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I am creating a Server 2003 Ent. x64 server build and want to know if I should install .NET2.0 or .NET3.0 or both?

Are both needed to be at the latest and greatest, or does 3.0 give me all I need, which is nothing

more than being current with my build for a customer.

Thanks in advance.

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I really like that last answer...both take forever to install silently.

Is that the case though?

You only need .NET 3.0?

It would make sense, but need a definite answer as I need to finish off the build.

Thanks again.

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So Ryan, is it such that only .Net v1.1 & v3.0 would be needed? Please tell me. I'm kinda confused.

[P.S. Ryan you forgot to update your signature. You're update pack's latest version is 2.1.9 not 2.1.8; Just trying to help.]

Edited by siddharth.c
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I built a new server, only installed .NET3.0 via runonce, and after server came up, I went to Windows Update,

and .NET1.1 or 2.0 were NOT required.

Since the Windows Update gods didn't say 2.0 was required, I would agree with Ryan that only 3.0

is needed.

BTW, a silent install of .NET3.0 takes FOREVER, and still has the issue where it gets installed on the D drive

of my server. Which does have more space than the C drive. Any solution to that issue?

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Has anyone seen this...

I am currently installing ONLY NET3.0 silently in a runonce.bat file.

It takes FOREVER as we discussed, and is very small, about 3MB.

Once my server is built, NET2.0 and NET3.0 show up in Add/Remove Programs.

Windows Update shows that I do not need any updates.

Is there a chance that NET3.0 (3MB) is doing a Dynamic Update to the Internet?

It would explain the lengthly install, plus I can't have this happen as we will be building tons of servers at once,

and the only way to the Internet is a T1 line.

Can someone confirm that this is occuring?

Something is very strange here....

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You only need .NET 3.0?

It would make sense, but need a definite answer as I need to finish off the build.

What was unclear about what I said? I specifically said you don't need 2.0 - only 3.0. I don't know how I could have given you any more definite of an answer...

BTW, the full .NET 3.0 download is 90MB.

Oh, and Server 2003 doesn't require .NET 1.1 because 1.1 already comes with 2003 (seriously, look at your install source).

Edited by RyanVM
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