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Delete *.manifest files?


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If have Windows XP themes disabled and I never intend to use them, is it safe to delete *.manifest files for various applications? Or they are compiled to depend on this file and will break if it's not present? I know that they can also have it embedded.

I'm asking not from the aspect of programming, but as an ordinary user (although I think reducing the number of dlls called can reduce memory usage/bloat and benefit stability).

Also, can I kill WindowsLogon.manifest, logonui.exe.manifest and WindowsShell.Manifest? I'm afraid it won't boot.


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Update: I've delleted all *.manifest files I could find on my disk. Nothing broke up, except firefox, so I returned them there. I don't know if it's just me, but everything seems faster. The UI looks a little more like Win2000, which is what I wanted. :)

Now, if anyone has any suggestions as to disable more parts of the themes component? I'm looking into editing the *.theme files, but not as usual - to apply unsigned themes, but to kill'em all. :)


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