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matrox millenium g200 dual head + nvidia vista trouble


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I have a system with an nvidia card (pcie 7600gt) for my main display, and a pci matrox millenium g200 dual to power 2 psone lcds on my case.

in windwos xp they work fine with default windwos xp drivers for the card, or the ones form matrox (but i use the XP ones, because with those, i can chose 640x480 30hz interlaced mode needed for my psone LCDs, and with the matrox drivers, that option is not displayed, and i would need powerstrip).

now, on vista, there are NO default drivers, so i have no other choice but to download matrox drivers + utility form windows update.

that works more or less fine (no 30hz option, so powerstrip wold be the only way to go), but as soon as i install ANY nvidia drivers (microsoft ones, microsoft updated ones, older betas from nvidia or the latest 100.65 from nvidia), and reboot, my matrox card stops working, the matrox utility wont load, and in the device manager i get a msg saying that matrox cards arent working cause there was a problem (driver not compatible with vga mode) and had to be stoped/disabled.

help ?

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