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svchost.exe Error AutoUpdate at fault?

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My girl friend got a new PC for Christmas loaded with Windows Media Center 2005, it was fine until you try and install all the Windows Updates it stops installing and the PC stops working properly the only way to sort it is to switch it off and load it up again but then an error message started appearing and after clicking OK it would render the PC virtually useless.

Faulting application svchost.exe, version 5.1.2600.2180, faulting module msi.dll, version 3.1.4000.2435, fault address 0x00012780.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

I googled it and found that disabling Windows Auto Update fixes this problem and yep it shour does, but what I could like to know is are there many of you that have suffer the same problem?

Does it only affect WMC2005?

I've never seen it on Windows XP or 2003

is your affected? if so what Windows Version do you use? is it retail or OEM (Inc which OEM Provider)?

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I never tried Windows Update on my MCE PC. I used Autopatcher XP, Update Rollup 2 and the October 2006 update. Everything seems fine. I will be re-installing MCE soon, and i'll try Windows Update then.

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If you feel like you want to install a hotfix that has not been regression tested as well as public hotfixes, call Microsoft with this issue, and ask for 927891 (they may ask you for an adplus dump of the process while using high CPU, and you can do that ahead of time by following the application "hanging" instructions here).

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