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Unattended solutions

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Hi ..i am totally new to unattended but it seems it will solve me a lot of my installation troubles. I was trying to find some programs on the net and found Windows Unattended CD Creator and nLite, that led me to this forum. But they seem to be a bit confusing and sometimes not as user friendly. Are there any other solutions like these, but more comprehensive or professional?


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I don't know of anything more comprehensive than nLite. While I don't use it in my day-to-day professsional environment (we use end-to-end scripted installs), there is certainly no reason that it would not meet "professional" standards. Now I agree that there is a slight learning curve to it (which includes a little trial and error) to acheive the desired results on your hardware platform, but it is worth it. There is nothing that compares or even comes close to what nLite can do...I believe this would be the reply you will get from most users in this forum.

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i agree with blkcrowe, i have used a few times and found it to be very good at what it does.

yes, trial and error are needed, but it is the same as most new things.

suggest you try it in vmware or the like to make sure your happy with build before testing on your pc

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Maybe you could take a look at some of the other utilities available here and there.

Here I compiled a list of them with links to downloads..maybe it will be helpful for other novice people to handle unattended installations and things that relate to it :)

Security patches related:



This software can slisptream your hotfixes right into the instalation CD.

Windows Updates Downloader


This utility will download the updates on windows update to your local folder.

Various utilities:



This allows you to view modified DLLs and system files.



This utility allows you to compress a file exactly the same way the installation files in XP CD are compressed.

Program installers:



This progie can installs programs and create users...it website however says that its development is stopped..but the download is available, so you can try.



Xplode is another installation shell available here intended mainly for programs...at least I used it that way a year ago. It has a nice GUI and is able tu run in t-13...only the syntax for xml that says waht to install was hard to maintain.

There was a third program that has a WEB UI but i really cannot remember..maybe someone could post it :)

(It was using a waird typ of http file)

Install Unattended Enteprise


This is able to create a separate package that can be roled out whereher you want. I like the record possibility..it can record as you install.That way, u dont have to write scripts like in auto IT.



A scripting program. Very helpfull for installation of programs that have some nonstandard installation or is not possible to install them silently in an easy way. It the de facto standard for this...and you can find many ready-to-use scrits all around.

More complex solutions:



A grand daddy of unattended...i honestly don't know if it is still used nowadays..but it could handle SATA drivers integration so it was a respected solution in earlier years.

Balder Multiboot


This is a program that can create a multiboot DVD that means you can have a DVD that contains more Operating systems on one DVD media which is handy for administrators..it can also integrate SATA drivers, hotfixes and programs but not much comfort is there. Its main strenght is in multiboot capability which is exceptional.

Setup Studio


This is my favourite..i switched to this from nlite since it has some nice features I lacked in nlite - comfortable programs support, switches database, automatic windows update integrated, cool instalation GUI that runs after basic XP setup, driverpacks, data backup etc...this could maybe satisfy you the most.


There are even more complex systems such as RIS etc..but these are intended for the enteprise so I believe for novices it would be a waste of time..


If somebody has an addition to this list...I will add it immediatelly.

Edited by TAiN
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