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Can you Change Windows Server 2003 Max Filename Length?

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Hi there.

Would like to know if whats in the title is possible? What i'd like to do is change the maximum filename length from 256 characters down to something like 235 or so.

The reason for this is because our backup program (Second Copy) fails when it hits a filename that it reads as longer then 256 characters. People on the network are saving longer then 256 (as BS1 would see it) because they'll save to S:\Folder\folder\folder\etc.. say but the Backup server will read that as \\FS1\d$\Shared Folder\Folder\folder\folder\etc... so it can not backup certain files.

If we were to limit the filename length then we wouldn't get a situation where its more then 256 characters for the backup server.

Not a clue if its possible or anything. Did a quick google search and found nothing so thought i'd ask here.

Any help appreciated.

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