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Why doesn't it install PaintshopPro 8?

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maybe anyone here can help me out, because for some reason PaintshopPro 8 won't install. Nor does it give an error. Here is the code i use :

echo installing PaintShop Pro 8.

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\PaintShopPro8\setup.exe /S /v/qn

it's supposed to work with these switches, because it says so when you type setup /?

Does anybody know what's wrong ? :rolleyes::)


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Nor does it give an error. Here is the code i use :

echo installing PaintShop Pro 8.

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Applications\PaintShopPro8\setup.exe /S /v/qn

it's supposed to work with these switches, because it says so when you type setup /?

I've just tried that out and it works fine. What version did you use this switch on? (Trial, ERD, CD)

For your information, my test was done on the PSP8 CD version.

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