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WPI Scripting


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Can someone post a good guide to how to with WPI

1. How to make it work

2. How to integrate it in windows that after instalation it starts

3. How with the config file....

Many of us doesnd understant for waht it is and how to instal it in a windows compilation CD how to include it

And there are so many errors like

config.js can not save it


useroptions.js can notfind it and allot of more

but i have read very much of the text in forums it is a powerful tool

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WPI ChangeLog. Modifications by Mark Ritter (mritter)

* Quotes are now put around the command paths so spaces in the path will be
taken care of.

* Created a new "built-in" manual. Only 50% done.

* Options -> Miscellaneous tab eliminated. Log gadgets moved to Tools tab.
Use Multi Defaults checkbox moved to Installer tab. Show Extra Buttons
checkbox removed.

* WPI now can detect if it was started from a CD/DVD or a harddrive. If
started from hdd then the extra buttons (Options, Config,....) are shown. If
started from CD/DVD then they are automatically hidden. No more forgetting to
turn it off when burn a UACD.

* Added two new commands for Config wizard: RegKeyExists() and RegKeyValue() for
use in Cond and GCond statements.
RegKeyExists("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\WPI\Theme") returns true or false.

* Removed all code for Media Player in WPI main window. It is still available
in the install window.

* Added an icon in Config wizard to access Universal Silent Switch Finder to
easily find the switches. Arguments are not allowed, just the plain path.
Sadicq totally re-wrote USSF, gave it an interface, and incorporated it with
WPI so can send the switches directly to the command line.
PEiD is no longer needed. Four new images in the themes folders:
USSF_Out.jpg, USSF_Over.jpg, USSF_Down.jpg, USSF_Disabled.jpg

NOTE: WPI and your archives folder must on the same partition!!!

* WPI used to add the \ (backslash) to system variables, it now does not to
be more like native Windows environment.

* A list of the global variables is now saved in the log file.

* There are some extra sound files in Audio -> Beeps folder. Copy one to
your theme folder and rename to TimerSound.wav

* Added to Options -> Installer: 'Start beep at t-minus seconds'
To customize when to start count-down beep. Set to 0 to not play sound.

* Added a check box in Options -> Installer:
'If grayed condition is true, disable the check box'

* Fixed a bug dealing with grayed condition not setting the text color

* Added %sleep% to make WPI pause for x seconds. Put it on a command line:
%sleep% 10
For a 10 second delay. The command window can't be hidden at this time.

* Added %reboot% to force a reboot at anytime. Put it on a command line.
%reboot% Reboot immediately
%reboot% 10 Reboot after 10 seconds
%reboot% 15 -c "A message why" Reboot after 15 seconds and show a message

* Michael Mims (Zorphnog) updated the installer to allow for a reboot during
the installation process. This will allow for drivers to be installed or user
settings to be changed, reboot, install the rest of your software.

* Sadicq fixed a bug in the Config wizard dealing with adding a new category
it would duplicate what was already there.

* InstallProgBar.png and TimerProgBar.png are now two seperate entries in the
wpi.css and installer.css files. Can have two different images.

* Updated the Options tabs to a better version that is AJAX based. This
changed the theme files yet again.

* Fixed a bug dealing with forced items not being re-checked when hit Exit and
Force Install is checked. Caused by Zorphnoq's update below (not his fault).

* The tool tip style is now theme independant. A new file is saved in the
theme folder, wpi_style.js, for each theme's tips. Your current settings will
be saved the first time you go in to the Options wizard.

* David Di Certo wrote code to get the operating system's language TLA for use
in the installer as a variable %oslang%. It can be used like this in a
command line:


* Fixed a bug dealing with the audio player in the Classic theme.

* Eliminated generate.js by moving the code to core.js and installer.js. Also
cleaned up some of the function calls that were repetitive.

* The gcond[] statement in config.js is now only saved if changed from the
default: FileExists('%programfiles%\').

* Fixed another bug in the timer if set to 0 in command line args or in
user options.

* Fixed a bug in the count down timer.



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Notes and Extras

Suggested disk folder layout:


With the above folder layout all your config entries should read like:


I have seperated the tools out from the main archive. You can download the tools here:

Tools archive.

Contents of the tools archive:

WPI Config Lister


autorun.inf <-- Updated and fixed

wpi.ico New icon thanks to WolfX2

TaskKillS.exe from sadicq

Here is a quick start package that will set your windows disk up to use WPI with runonceex all you need is to place this %oem% folder at the root of your windows disk. You MUST have the line "OemPreinstall=Yes" in your winnt.sif file if you want to have the MCE theme if you dont feel the need the cmdlines.txt will still run WPI for you even without a winnt.sif file.

%OEM% Folder.

Contents of the %OEM% archive:

Media Center Style XP Theme (NO uxtheme.dll hack needed!)


regentry to set MCE theme for runonceex window.


1194 .png images for your pleasue to use in your tooltips or whatever!

PNG Collection.

How to make a winnt.sif file.

Here is a small tutorial on how to add an app to WPI!

Ok this is a sample (Very simple) configuration for Windows Defender Beta 2

This assumes you have all of the WPI files either in the WPI folder at the root of your Windows cd or all of the WPI folders (Common, Graphics, WPIScripts, Tools, Install and Themes) and the file WPI.hta at the root of your cd.

Remember this is just the most basic and required entries for a program!

#1 Place the desired app in the install folder. (In this case WindowsDefender.msi)

#2 Run WPI.hta and choose “Config”

#3 Choose at the very top above the config section “Add”

#4 Enter in the name section “Windows Defender” ßNo quotes! Then click on any other section of the config area to activate the rest of the wizard.

#5 You will notice the Unique ID section gets automatically configured for you.

#6 All apps are selected to be installed by default right from the start so if you don’t want it selected by default you must uncheck this box.

#7 Choose a category for your app to be displayed in. If you want the app to be displayed in a category you don’t see simply chose other and a box will appear that will allow the entry of you choice.

#8 In the Command 1 section browse to the installation package you want to have installed. You will get (%CDROM%\WPI\Install\WindowsDefender.msi) to make this work from either a stand-alone CD or form a windows CD You should change this to “%wpipath%\Install\WindowsDefender.msi” Once again NO quotes!

#9 Add the necessary switches for the program to run silently i.e. %wpipath%\Install\WindowsDefender.msi /qn

#10 Select the Save and then the Exit buttons and you have now configured your first app!

Taken from the first post of the release thread! RTFM!

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