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access to client share by DNS name


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we have 8 client and on each, i share a folder with aproprate permission.

on some client i can not access to share folder by DNS name.

when i try \\pc1.xxx.local system ask me USERNAME and PASSWORD, after typing user name and password this error appeare :

"\\pc1.xxx.local is not accessible. you might have permission to use this network resource.Cantact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission.

you were not connected becaouse a duplicate name exists on the network. Go to system in control panel to change the computer name and try again."

i change computer name but nothing happen.

i can access to share folder by IP address and no problem appeare.

any idea !

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The credentials need to fully qualified sometimes when you log on to a remote share. i.e: If you want to have acces to the share "share1" on the computer "computer1" with the user "user1", you can try from a dos box to type:

net use * \\computer1\share1 /u:computer1\user1

the password of user1 will be prompted.

Be also sure that the DNS Entry for computer is really the resolving to the right ip adress. Computers with several network cards can end up to have two DNS Entries if configured to auto-register.

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You should be able to use either the IP, FQDN or the NetBios name of the system when connecting. Since you are getting a message stating there is another system w/that name on the network you might want to review your DNS records (or WINS if you're running that) for inconsistencies. If you don't find anything there, maybe scan your network w/the target system shut down and see if there is a device reporting itself as the target system.

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