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runceonceex from cd/dvd help

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Ok I have looked ALL over...Found many different varations of how to run the runonceex from a cd/dvd. Now i have a few questions

1) Is the runonceex.cmd still located in the same place in the $OEM$ folder?

2) Do I need to make any changes to the cmdlines.txt?

3) When running the runonceex from the cd does it execute the cmd from the cd or has it always done that?

4) Can I test it in anyway like I was when it was set to %systemroot%? I know that if I did do this I wouldnt be able to test it using the command that sets the drive letter where the scripts is located at. would i be able to use the IF statment one?

5) For the option that uses the IF statment what if i have hard drive letters up to j: and 4 cdrom drives? Does it matter what drive it is in or no?

I know to some people these may seem like simple questions. But this is my first runonceex from a cd. I think windows would just install faster since it doesnt half to copy all of office to the hard drive and stuff.

So any help and answer would be greatly appreaceated!!!

Thank you

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....I typed a nice message out and the stupid posting timed out on me....argg....

1) Yes in $OEM$

2) cmdlines.txt just needs to list the RunOnceEx.cmd

3) Not sure what you mean, your registry entries will refer to the files on the cd.

4) Yes you can test it, just manually set the drive variable to whatever alternate path you want, assuming you want the install to actually occur. If you just want to preview the registry settings then you can run the cmd file and open up the registry HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx and see the registry keys there.

5) The IF statement looks for the windows install folder, so assuming that the cd is the ONLY drive with an I386\WINNT.SIF on it, then yea it does not matter which drive.

My file goes a bit further and checks to make sure the DVD is still in the drive before creating the registry entries. Since this runs at t13 or so it should still be there but ya never know. It is sort of pointless to check I guess but I was bored when I wrote this.

@echo off


FOR %%d IN (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) DO IF EXIST %%d\I386\WINNT.SIF SET DVDROM=%%d


SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D ".NET Framework 2.0" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%DVDROM%\EXTRAS\dot_net_two\dotnetfx_silent_eng_only.exe" /f


echo ERROR.
echo You removed the setup DVD from the drive.
echo Can not install software without DVD!

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