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How to disable prompt "Click to run an ActiveX control on this Pa


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How do you disable the prompt :

"Click to run an ActiveX control on this Page"

I started getting this all of a sudden when looking at Quicktime VR Movies.

I am using Internet Explorer 6.0


Edited by veed23
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You don't, for the most part - that's part of the new ActiveX update that was installed on your machine with the rest of the April Windows updates. It's a behavior modification in the way Internet Explorer handles ActiveX controls due to the Eolas patent lawsuit.

There are ways to disable it until June, but after that this is expected behavior from now on.

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I got it all of a sudden when I went to a certain website. It was never an issue the past 1 year.

I did not have an update for Windows.

Is there a way to prevent ActiveX control to be used for looking at Quicktime Movies in the future?

Edited by veed23
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  • 4 months later...

This "Click to run an Active X on this webpage" must be defeated. Bleeder's suggestion of a patch

yielded an error message that I had the "wrong version of Explorer" -- incompatible with the patch.

As soon as the "Click to run" box pops up, any action on my part bumps me OFF the internet.

Could someone please advise me? I have a three-year old HP computer with Windows XP and the updates. This difficulty began several months ago when I tried to access a newspaper web-site, The Desert Sun, in Palm Springs, CA. It now shows up on many other websites, but not all. Thanks for any help you might offer.

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