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Security Patch 908531 - April 11, 2006


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I got big problems after this patch.

Explorer hangs using 99% of CPU whenever I try to use it, especially when expanding folders.

I can't un-install 'cos I did a stupid thing. I cleared out all backups made by the patches.

Yes I know, very silly.

The work around did not help. So i'm stuffed until the MS patch-to-fix-a-patch arrives.

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Kill the verclsid.exe process via task manager, download and install the .reg fix posted earlier in this particular thread, and restart your machine. If that doesn't solve it, it's not the patch :).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Any updates yet as when hp will fix this problem ? My keyboard buttons tab is showing and i have 908531 installed and the patch still shows up when you go to windows update even though it's installed.Does anybody else also have the same problem im having with the patch still showing up on windows update ?

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try this it should prevent AU and such from asking for it.

i don't use this patch at all, since i don't have IE, so i won't need to worry about activex control problems.*


*yes, i do realize that this one bug is a little more complicated than just installing without ie, but i don't want to have to type for 15 minutes to explain why i am not vulnerable.

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It doesnt seem to work as 908531 still appears on my windows updates even with au off...I checked windows update and i have 908531 instaledd but it keeps showing on windows update..I did get my keyboard button back after changing verclid to versclid_old..How would i install the fake patch by the way and where to ?

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Click the link, copy the text, paste into Notepad, save it as an INF file.

Then right click on the INF file you've created, click "Install."


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