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Okay guys, I need your help with my AIM Triton install...


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Okay, I really need this **** install to be silent. I've already gone in and cut all the crap out of the install. No Viewpoint, no toolbars, no gay, no nothing. However, there is a dialog box that pops up at the end to say the install is done. If I could just get rid of that, it would be close enough to a silent install to me.

Can anyone shed some light on how to do that?

BTW, cutting out all the crap changed it from 14MB install to an 8MB install. o.O


This is my own server, please be gentle with the downloads...

Edited by fly
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I edited the install a little. aolsoftware.exe shouldn't start now.

I was really hoping for a silent installer wo/ Autoit, but it will have to work. :P

EDIT: Okay, oddly aolsoftware.exe still starts, but I got AIM to not launch when hitting close. So you don't ahve to kill the setup.exe now.

Edited by fly
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Very nice, fly. Here's a script that works well with your second version:

AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 1)
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)

Run( @ScriptDir &"\setup.exe")
WinWait("AIM", "You have completed the installation of AIM")
ControlClick("AIM", "You have completed the installation of AIM", "Button2")


FileDelete( @DesktopCommonDir & "\AIM Triton.lnk")
DirRemove( @ProgramsCommonDir & "\AIM", 1)
FileCopy( @ScriptDir & "\AIM Triton.lnk", @ProgramsCommonDir )


RegDelete("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "HostManager")


It goes a few steps further and rearranges Start menu/Desktop entries and removes items from Startup. Do a test install, then copy the "AIM Triton" shortcut to the installation directory. Then run the script from there.

[EDIT]Tested working on a clean install.[/EDIT]

Edited by blinkdt
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