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yo chillers


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hi y'all, lets get the add-ons off of rapidshare and on to some hosting

I just signed up here so that I can hopefully contribute to making small, useful, and legal windows installs. Specifically, I want to see if the boys in charge will let me mirror the Add-ons files so that the nLite community does not have to deal with Rapidshare. Gimmie a holler if you like that idea, we can hack together some scripts and cronjobs to get it working if enough people have hosting.


if you don't have hosting, but want to help and have 25 dollars for a year of it: (i'm not making $ off this)

My hosting Co., Dreamhost.com, lets me make a "coupon" that reduces the overall price of a new customer who uses my coupon. The catch for me is that it takes the same amount off of my referal cash -- but I'm not trying to make money off of this. I jacked up the discounts on the coupon to the maximums in every case. This results in you getting a year of hosting and a domain reg. for $25, and me getting nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling. It comes with the mentioned free domain registration and tons of storage and bandwidth (20GB, 1TB/mo,) all accessible over ssh. For the cheapest hosting:

  1. http://dreamhost.com/shared/comparison.html -- pick the cheapest (Level 1) plan for a year
  2. When it comes time to pay, put in this promo code: HEYLOOKITSAPROMO
  3. Have a domain and hosting for $25, hopefully help with hosting some Add-ons

Details on prices of all the plans w/ the coupon (use HEYLOOKITSAPROMO unless you're feeling philanthropic):


gotta plug my fav. freeshell :rolleyes: --

if you like win32 at home but want a (free =) remote shell for access to the wonderful world of UNIX, check out silenceisdefeat.org. i don't work for them, and they're not for-profit, just a helluva good service. 50mb (web) space, unlimited transfer, ssh proxying, bg procs, and mysql (if you get >3k in `tetris` :) requires $1 thru paypal or a SASE in the mail, which keeps the skiddies out.

totally the wrong subtopic line, but whatevs

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