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Is there a way to add domain groups to a local group when logged in as a local admin. (not on the domain)?

I want to add Domian1\Group1 and Domain1\Group2 to Power Users....


Domain groups and local groups are kept seperate. Any changes you make locally aren't propegated at the domain level, and vice versa. You can add a computer to a domain but not the actual users unless you are logged on to the server.



Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Network")

strComputer ="WshNetwork.ComputerName"

Set objGroup = GetObject("WinNT://" & WshNetwork.ComputerName & "/Power Users")

Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://domain1/group1")


Posted (edited)

I understand they are separate.

We want to give a domain user who is part of a domain group access to the power users group.

So, under power users, we'd add:


We'd of course have to authenticate. (because we're logged in as a local admin, not a domain user).

like this:

net localgroup "Power Users" "DOMAIN1\GROUP1" /add

but somehow, authenticate against the AD

Edited by dkreifus

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