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Newbie says hello


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Hey everyone,

Thought I'd drop a line and say hello. I am mainly using this forum for info on Microsoft's OEM Preinstallation Kit (OPK). I work in an IT environment and I am required to study and pass exam 74-134 - Pre-installing Microsoft products and Technologies. Currently we are in the process of testing RIS with Server 2003. Prior to this technology we were using simple ghost images which were becoming out of date quickly, becoming a burden on pushing new systems to users. We're looking for a more efficient way to manage and update images when needed and most importantly cut down on the amount of time it takes configuring and installing Windows XP SP2 OS loads.

I am hoping to gain some insight in integrating MS's Preinstallation Kit and Windows PE with RIS, basically using RIS to push out images created with Setup Manager.

This forum seems like a good place to be, though, I haven't been very successful finding any posts related to OPK. If anyone has and resources on studying for exam 74-134 I'd be very appreciative! I haven't been able to find any books solely on OPK, and, I think most of my studying will revolve around memorization and recalling. This doesn't appear to be a very difficult exam, though, I only have 5 weeks to prepare.

Thanks! :hello:

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